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NATIVE HAWAIIAN & PACIFIC ISLANDER HEALTH. Greetings . Yatahey . Camaii . Aloha Talofa lava . Hafa Adai . Malo e lelei Yokwe . Alii Bula vinaka Kia Orana Fakaalofa atu Malo ni Noa’ia . Kia Ora Kaoha Mauri . Kia Orana . Ran annim
Greetings . Yatahey . Camaii . Aloha Talofa lava . HafaAdai . Malo e lelei Yokwe . AliiBulavinaka Kia OranaFakaalofaatuMaloniNoa’ia . Kia OraKaohaMauri . Kia Orana . Ran annim Lotuwo . Mogethin . Mo yoran . Halo Halo olaketa . Kwe’ Elena Ong, PHN, MS . Nancy Bill, MPH, CHES Natalie Ah Soon . Chari Cohen . Sherry Chen . Angela Sy Asian Pacific Islander Caucus American Indian, Alaska Native & Native Hawaiian Caucus
Dr. J. Nadine Gracia is the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health and the Director of the Office of Minority Health at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). A pediatrician with epidemiology training, Dr. Gracia previously served as Chief Medical Officer for the HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health. There, she provided policy and programmatic leadership for a portfolio that included child and adolescent health, climate change, disaster preparedness, environmental health, global health, Haiti recovery, and the White House Council on Women and Girls. She led the development of the HHS 2012 Environmental Justice Strategy. Dr. Gracia is a former White House Fellow, serving at HHS in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Office of the Secretary. She also served as a policy advisor in the Office of the First Lady, assisting in the development of the Let's Move! initiative to solve childhood obesity. J. Nadine Gracia, MD, MSCE Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health Director of the Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health & Human Services
Alek Sripipatana, PhD, MPH is Chief of the Data Branch at the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Bureau of Primary Health Care in the Office of Quality and Data. As Data Branch Chief, Alek oversees data collection and evaluation on all HRSA-supported community health centers across the country, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands. These data represented nearly 1,200 HRSA grantees, about 9,000 care delivery sites, and over 21 million patients served in 2012. In addition to his role at HRSA, Dr. Sripipatana serves as the Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) Health Advisor and Liaison for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Prior to joining HRSA, Dr. Sripipatana was the Project Director for the UCLA Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network and the Assistant Director of the UCLA-Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Equity. Before his appointment at UCLA, Alek was the Policy Coordinator for a National Cancer Institute-funded collaborative of 5 universities & 8 Pacific Islander community-based organizations directed at reducing cancer health disparities among Pacific Islanders living in California. During his tenure with WINCART, Dr. Sripipatana received a junior investigator award from the NCI (3U01 CA114591-03S2) to study cancer-related risk factors among Pacific Islanders in California. AlekSripipatana, PhD, MPH Chief, Data Branch, US Department of Health & Human Services HRSA, Bureau of Primary Care, Office of Quality & Data
PACIFIC ISLANDERS: A COMMUNITY OF CONTRASTS Sefa is Associate Dean and Director of the Asian American Resource Center at Pomona College. He has served as an academic and student-organizational advisor, as well as an instructor for Asian American Studies programs at UCLA and California State University, Fullerton. Sefa has taught courses in contemporary Pacific Islander issues and community engagement. Sefa has helped to establish leadership pipelines that allow for Pacific Islander college students to build their own résumés through internship and fellowship opportunities in Washington DC, California and Hawaii. He has utilized his expansive network to help build the capacity of the larger Asian American and Pacific Islander community. In the community, Sefa has been active on the advisory boards of the PIHCP (Pacific Islander Health Careers PIPELINE) Project, NHPI (Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander) Alliance for Health, Pacific Islander Cancer Control Network (PICCN) Samoan Community Advisory Board, and The AIGA (All Islands Getting Along) Foundation. Sefa is also a founding member of NPIEN (National Pacific Islander Educators Network) and UCLA PIER (Pacific Islander Education + Retention) Project which does outreach, tutoring and mentoring for Pacific Islander youth in the greater Los Angeles area. Currently Sefa serves as the Board Chair of EPIC (Empowering Pacific Islander Communities). In September of 2010, Sefa was appointed by President Obama to the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. http://empoweredpi.org/demographic-report/ SefaAina, MA Candidate Associate Dean & Director, Asian American Resource Center at Pomona College Chair, Empowering Pacific Islander Communities Immediate Past Vice Chair, President’s Advisory Commission on AAs & PIs
LIBERATING DATA: ENSURING VISIBILITY FOR NHOPI http://prezi.com/ij10y7jljvqi/native-hawaiians-other-pacific-islander-health-webinar/?utm_campaign=share&utm_medium=copy Dr. MaileTaualii received her PhD in Health Services, with an emphasis in Public Health Informatics and Public Health Genetics from the University of Washington, where she also completed her Master's degree in Public Health. A primary research focus for Dr. Taualii is the utility and validity of health information for racial minorities. Her current research is related to perceptions of bio-banking for research among Native Hawaiians. Dr. Taualii is an Assistant Professor and Chair of Native Hawaiian and Indigenous Health at the University of Hawaii where she brings cultural, ethical, and community-oriented perspectives to the instruction of public health. MaileTaualii, PhD, MPH Assistant Professor, University of Hawai’I Office of Public Health Studies
THE NHPI NATIONAL HEALTH INTERVIEW SURVEY Marcie Cynamon is the Chief of the Survey Planning and Special Surveys Branch in the Division of Health Interview Statistics at the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Her expertise is in developing telephone, web, and in-person questionnaires on a wide range of health-related topics and designing alternative survey methods to identify rare populations and to obtain elusive health information. Marcie Cynamon, MA Chief, Survey Planning & Special Surveys Branch Acting Deputy Director, Division of Health Interview Statistics National Center for Health Statistics . Centers for Disease Control & Prevention
Thanks to the Hepatitis B Foundation for providing the webinar platform! THANK YOU • 12 American Public Health Association Caucuses • American Samoa Department of Health • Asian American Recovery Services, a Program of HealthRight 360 • Asian American Research Center on Health • Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association • Asian Pacific Community in Action • Asian Pacific Islander American Health Forum • Asian Pacific Partners for Empowerment, Advocacy & Leadership • Asians & Pacific Islanders with Disabilities of California • Asian Pacific Islander Obesity Prevention Alliance • Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations • California Pan Ethnic Health Network • California Reducing Disparities Project A&PI Strategic Planning Workgroup • Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc. • Chaminade University of Honolulu • Deptof Native Hawaiian Health, University of Hawai’i, JABSOM • EPIC: Empowering Pacific Islander Communities • Five Mountains Hawaii – Kipuka o ke Ola • Hawaii Public Health Association • Hepatitis B Foundation • Hep B United • Hepatitis B Foundation • Japanese American Citizens League • Laotian American National Alliance • Micronesian Health Advisory Coalition • National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association • National APA Families against Substance Abuse • National Asian Pacific Center on Aging • National Council of Asian Pacific Islander Physicians • National Task Force on HBV: Focus on Asians & Pacific Islanders • National Tongan American Society • Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Alliance • NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health • OCA – Asian Pacific American Advocates • Office of Hawaiian Affairs • Orange County Asian Pacific Islander Community Alliance • Pacific American Student Services • Pacific Cancer Program, Department of Family Medicine, University of Hawai’i • Pacific Islander Health Officers’ Association • Pacific Islander Community Health • Pacific Islander Health Partnership • Papa Ola Lokahi • Richmond Area Multi-Services, Inc. • Samoan Community Development Center • Samoan National Nurses Association • SAPHA: South Asian Public Health Association • SEARAC: Southeast Asia Resources Action Center • Taulama for Tongans • The CHOW Project • Tongan American Youth Foundation • Tongan Community Service Center • Utah Pacific Islander Health Coalition • WINCART: Weaving an Islander Network for Cancer Awareness, Research & Training
THANK YOU Thank you . Ahehee‘ . Quyana . Mahalo Fa’afetaitele . Kommoltata . Mao aupitoFakafetai . Vinakavakalevu. Mauru’uruFakauelahi . Kotoanui . MeitakimaataSulang . Si Yu’uMa’ase’ . Kulo
Save the Date! APIC 40th Anniversary Event Tuesday Evening November 18, 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana Asian Pacific Islander Caucus Facebook: AsianPacificIslanderCaucus |Twitter: @APICaucus |LinkedIn: APICaucus www.apicaucus.org
Save the Date! AI AN NH Caucus Social Monday Evening November 17, 2014 New Orleans, Louisiana American Indian, Alaska Native & Native Hawaiian Caucus www.aiannhcaucus.org