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Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. Mr. Li ENGL 10WL FTHS 2013. What affects the way you think and behave?. Discuss this with the person next to you for 2-3 minutes. Plato. Brief Bio . Plato & Aristotle. Classical Greek Philosopher 427 bce – 347 bce Student of Socrates

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Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

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  1. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Mr. Li ENGL 10WL FTHS 2013

  2. What affects the way you think and behave? Discuss this with the person next to you for 2-3 minutes

  3. Plato Brief Bio Plato & Aristotle • Classical Greek Philosopher • 427 bce – 347 bce • Student of Socrates • Teacher of Aristotle

  4. Allegory • A story, poem, or picture which can be interpreted to reveal hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. • It can be seen as a metaphor that is extended over the length of text. • “Not to perceive allegorical meanings is to enter the realm of the literal…”

  5. Before reading… • Light as a symbol of knowledge • Vision as the ability to see “what is actually going on” • If light is knowledge, then shadows & reflections are… • Perception vs. reason • How do you really know what you are seeing? • What if someone could prove otherwise?

  6. Numbered heads groups • Your group will be assigned a section of Plato’s Allegory of the Cave. • You will be in charge of summarizing that section, in the form of a presentation, to the class.

  7. Read: Allegory of the Cave

  8. Group presentation instructions Write your names & period (for credit) on a piece of paper. • 1. One person records the responses and writes on the white board. • 2. The others will contribute & they will present to the class. • Your group will be graded on how thorough your answers are.

  9. You teach us what’s going on Summarize the paragraph that has been assigned to you. • Your group will tell us what is going on in that paragraph. Use bullets to explain your thoughts. • Keep it short & brief. • Label where it is on the diagram.

  10. Group Presentation #2 Answer the questions for your slide (someone should take a picture of the slide you are assigned to) • Write on a piece of paper who is in your group so that I may give your group participation credit. • Everyone must contribute. • Each presentation should be about 3-5 minutes.

  11. Instructions for each group You will be answering this question Based on the Allegory of the Cave: What is the extended allegorical meaning of the image or video?

  12. Group #1 • What would you call this? • Tell us about the imagery. • What are the comparisons to Allegory of the Cave?

  13. Group #2 • What kind of message do you interpret from the shadows? • What does this tell us about the puppeteers? • What kind of shadows are being created?

  14. Group #3 & 4 • What is more real? • Why can’t the chained prisoners hear or understand the released individual? • Would you want to be the one released? Give Three or more reasons… • Group 3: Why do you? • Group 4: Why don’t you? What is more real?

  15. Group #5 & 6 • What are the comparisons to Plato’s Allegory? • Based on Plato’s Allegory, whatis the significance of taking either pill? • Group 5: What happens when if you take the red pill? • Group 6: What happens if you take the blue pill? Red Pill or Blue Pill?

  16. Who are you?

  17. Why does it matter? Knowledge equals power is a very common cliché, but until you discover the desire to uncover why something is the way it is and not just accept it, you will be stuck in the cave.

  18. Why does it still, matter? If you take command of your own life, your own thoughts, and discover the power to shape your identity, you will be position to … ?

  19. The journey out the cave begins with What makes a hero?

  20. How would you compare/contrast to Plato’s Allegory of the Cave? • Discuss this with the person next to you & then we will share.

  21. Think of it this way: it is a labyrinth A Labyrinth is not a maze, it has one way in and one way out. There is no tricks and there are no dead ends.

  22. Let’s draw a labyrinth

  23. labyrinth It is a journey inwards, into your own being, heart, and soul. What kind of person will you be when you come out of it?

  24. Journal Entry #1 – Full page • What kind of cave (metaphor, of course) have you experienced? • Is it ever too late to change and discover a greater understanding of life?

  25. The Matrix and The Cave Extra Credit! Watch this video on Edmodo and write a Journal Entry comparing or contrasting what we’ve discussed and this video

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