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Vista Lakes Elementary Angelique Zelaya Professor Qadri Introduction to Diversity EDF 2085

Vista Lakes Elementary Angelique Zelaya Professor Qadri Introduction to Diversity EDF 2085. Artifact 1. This is Vista Lakes Elementary school bulletin. This bulletin includes the events for the week with times listed. The bulletin is given to the teacher to follow for the week.

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Vista Lakes Elementary Angelique Zelaya Professor Qadri Introduction to Diversity EDF 2085

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  1. Vista Lakes Elementary Angelique Zelaya Professor Qadri Introduction to Diversity EDF 2085

  2. Artifact 1 This is Vista Lakes Elementary school bulletin. This bulletin includes the events for the week with times listed. The bulletin is given to the teacher to follow for the week.

  3. This is Ms. Ellsbury’s monthly newsletter she sends out to keep parents up to date on what their student is doing. She includes each subject area and what the students should be able to accomplish by the end of the month. Artifact 2 *sorry about the picture, it was scanned from colored paper

  4. Artifact 3 The second level floor plan which closely resembles the first level as well.

  5. Lesson Plan Ms. Ellsbury First Grade From what I observed Wednesday, April 11, 2012

  6. Inside the Classroom In this picture, the bulletin board shows each student’s job for the week. There is also spelling words/high frequency words the students are learning on the board. Behind Ms. Ellsbury’s computer is artwork from some of her students.

  7. Inside the Classroom In the distance, the computers are available for the students to participate in a reading software. A projector, DVD player, and headphones are also placed beside the computers for Ms. Ellsbury to access. The carpet in the middle of the room is where all the students sat for most of their lessons while Ms. Ellsbury taught from the rocking chair.

  8. Inside the Classroom There are two sinks inside the classroom with a water fountain spout attached to one of the faucets. The bathroom for the students is located in the classroom too. The cabinets hold educational materials, supplies for the classroom, Band-Aids, etc.

  9. Exceptional Education: Field Observation Q: What exceptionality do the students have? What grade level and what age are they? A: I teach a self-contained class of student with autism. I have 7 students between the ages of 9 and 12, all boys. All have varying levels of cognitive ability and are working well below their actual grade level. I have two students who are completely non-verbal and use augmentative devices to communicate. They all receive speech/language therapy and occupational therapy and they all have a behavior intervention plan to help manage maladaptive and self-injurious behaviors. One of my students is visually impaired as well. All of my students receive social skills training daily. Teacher: Vonda Britt Grade: 3rd-5th ASD School: Vista Lakes Elementary

  10. Exceptional Education: Field Observation Q:What needs do the children seem to have that are unique to this group? Common to other children? What modifications in instructional approach are made? A: My students exhibit the defining characteristics of autism. They have difficulty with social interaction, communication/ language deficits; and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. Social impairments are marked by poor use of nonverbal communication, difficulty in peer relations, lack of social-emotional reciprocity, and lack of shared enjoyment. Communication deficits may include failure to develop speech, use of stereotyped or delayed echolalia, and difficulties maintaining conversations. Social and communication impairments may also cause a lack of symbolic or imaginative play. Restricted and repetitive behaviors may include unusual preoccupations with narrow interests, inflexibility to nonfunctional routines, stereotyped and repetitive mannerisms, and preoccupations with parts of objections. Several of my students have difficulty managing their behavior and can become aggressive or self-injurious. I use a lot of visual supports in my class to guide instruction, establish routines, and help foster independence. Unless the curriculum is specifically created for students with special needs it must be modified to meet their unique learning and individual needs. Teacher: Vonda Britt Grade: 3rd-5th ASD School: Vista Lakes Elementary

  11. Exceptional Education: Field Observation Q: What recommendations does the parent have for you, regarding what you might provide for children who have special needs? A: I work very closely with my parents to meet the needs of each student, At the beginning of each year the parents fill out a student profile form and reinforcement survey so I can learn about each student and try to establish reinforcers to use in the classroom. My students are not intrinsically motivated to learn and reinforcement contingencies are necessary. Teacher: Vonda Britt Grade: 3rd-5th ASD School: Vista Lakes Elementary

  12. Exceptional Education: Field Observation Q:How have you been affected by the education policy directed at children with special needs. What modifications has the teacher made in teaching? What do you as a teacher still feel is needed? A: WE NEED MORE FUNDING to provide our students with the technology that is available today such as smartboards, ipads, etc. These tools have been proven effective in teaching students with special needs but they are not readily available to us!!! Teacher: Vonda Britt Grade: 3rd-5th ASD School: Vista Lakes Elementary

  13. Exceptional Education: Field Observation Q: What type of assistive technology do you use to accommodate the special needs of your students? A: Visual Support throughout my classroom Picture Exchange communication systems Augmentative devices such as Tech Speak, button switches, communication builder and picture exchange. Teacher: Vonda Britt Grade: 3rd-5th ASD School: Vista Lakes Elementary

  14. Verification Form for Field Observations *I had the chance to observe First and Second Grade, but I took away more from my observations with Ms. Ellsbury. That is why I did not mention Ms. Kaplan’s classroom.

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