Cottonseed belt dryer Steamtech Engineers
overview A cottonseed belt dryer is mainly designed to give the cottonseed the desired moisture level so it can be stored for a longer period of time.
capacity The capacity of a cottonseed dryer is between 30 tons to 300 tons per day. Any business from small to large can invest in this dryer for better production growth in the future.
Even drying of cottonseed during the drying process. Can be operated with 4 different types of energy sources. Cottonseed can be dried in any season, the dryer is weather friendly. Online crushing facility is available. Smooth management of oil mills can be seen. Cottonseed attains better quality after the drying process. Suitable moisture level is attained. The dryer provides auto temperature controlling system. It is continuous and automatic in nature. The process is carried out with gentle drying. PRIMARY BENFITS:
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