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ELI Nuclear Physics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010. The APOLLON/ILE 10PW Laser project A potential prototype for ELI “TiSa based” lasers Associated laser bottlenecks and required collaborative R&D. Matthieu Somekh (DRIP Ecole Polytechnique) Jean Paul Chambaret (ILE) Gérard Mourou (ILE)
ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 The APOLLON/ILE 10PW Laser project A potential prototype for ELI “TiSa based” lasers Associated laser bottlenecks and required collaborative R&D Matthieu Somekh (DRIP Ecole Polytechnique) Jean Paul Chambaret (ILE) Gérard Mourou (ILE) Matthieu.somekh@polytechnique.edu Jean-paul.chambaret@ensta.fr
How to compare ILE APOLLON and ELI withexisting UHI lasers ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 1PW ~highest power laser today (Astra Gemini, Vulcan) 200PW ELI The highest peak power project 1022 W/cm² 1025W /cm² The most powerful installations (100-200TW) (Commercially available) 10PW Apollon (ILE) I < 1021 W/cm² 1023 1024W /cm²
ILE – APOLLON 10P : the French ELI single beamline prototype ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 POWER AMPLIFIERS FRONT END Early Front End Ampli1 Ampli2 Ampli3 Front End 2J 15fs 10Hz 150J 15fs 1shot/mn 10 mJ <10fs 1KHz 15J 15fs 0.1-1Hz 100 mJ <10fs 10Hz 10TW 1021W/cm² 150TW 1022W/cm² 1PW 1023W/cm² 10PW 1024W/cm²
synchronized 150J / 15 fs @1shot/mn 10 PW DM1 DM2 200 mm 180 mm SF 520 mm G4 520 mm G1 G3b G2 G2b G3 Vacuum compression / spatial beam control ILE – APOLLON 10P : A collaborative projectbetween Severallaboratories on the « Plateau de Saclay » ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 ILE APOLLON Single beamline 10PW laser KHz Ti:Sa 30 fs @ 800 nm 500 µJ Spectral broadening < 10 fs @ 800 nm 100 µJ, kHz Ampli 0 2J /1Hz Ampli 1 « LASERIX » 50J /0.1Hz Ampli 2 600J -1shot/mn OPCPA Amplification stages LBO/BBO 10 fs @ 800 nm 100 mJ, 1Hz Front End Nd YAG 6J/1Hz Nd Glass 100J/0.1Hz Nd Glass 1.5KJ – 1tr/mn Compression and SHG 1 à 100 ps 1 J @ 515 nm 1 Hz Amplis Yb:KGW Yb:YAG Diode pumped 2 J @ 1030 nm 1Hz Yb:KGW Diode pumped 300 fs, 200 µJ @ 1030 nm Amplifiers
OPCPA Amplification stages (BBO ou LBO) 10 fs @ 800 nm 100 mJ, 100-1KHz ILE – APOLLON 10P : the French ELI single beamline prototype ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 ILE Front End Spec. Broadening < 10 fs @ 800 nm 600 µJ, kHz XPW Cleaning 120µJ fs kHz Ti:Saphir 30 fs @ 800 nm 800 µJ Synchronisation Compression and SHG 1 - 100 ps 1 J @ 515 nm 100-1 KHz Amplis Yb:KGW and Yb:YAG Diode pumped 2 J @ 1030 nm 100 – 1 KHz Laser fs Yb:KGW Diode pumped 300 fs, 200 µJ @ 1030 nm Collaboration With MBI On thin disk Yb amplifiers
bloqueur l/2 ILE – APOLLON 10P : the French ELI single line prototype ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 Amp-300: 1 tir/mn Diam= 170 mm Epompe= 600 J Eentrée= 100 J Esortie = 300J TiSa power amplifiers section alignement alignement Amp-30: 1 tir/mn Diam= 50 mm Epompe= 70 J Eentrée= 3 J Esortie = 30J alignement Amp-100: 1 tir/mn Diam= 100 mm Epompe= 200 J Eentrée= 30 J Esortie = 100J bloqueur Amp-0.3: 10 Hz Diam = 6 mm Epompe = 1 J Eentrée = 0.03 J Esortie = 0.3J Amp-3: 0.1 Hz – 1 tir/mn? Diam = 22 mm Epompe = 10 J Eentrée = 0.3 J Esortie = 3J 1 J alignement alignement 1er point d’alignement
ILE #4 in the evaluation process. After processing, the boule diameter is 192 mm, and the height is 122 mm. Last result (July 2008) Large size TiSacrystals ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 *R&D in progress with CRYSTAL SYSTEMS based on HEM to grow size up to 8” *R&D with RSA Le Rubis (Fr) to grow TiSa crystals first up to 100mm, then to 200mm Kiropoulos growing process *More recently, new developments in China at Shanghaï Institute of Ceramics using Bridgman process Déc2008 1er french crystal TiSa byR SA le Rubis
bloqueur l/2 ILE – APOLLON 10P : the French ELI single line prototype ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 Amp-300: 1 tir/mn Diam= 170 mm Epompe= 600 J Eentrée= 100 J Esortie = 300J TiSa power amplifiers section alignement alignement Amp-30: 1 tir/mn Diam= 50 mm Epompe= 70 J Eentrée= 3 J Esortie = 30J alignement Amp-100: 1 tir/mn Diam= 100 mm Epompe= 200 J Eentrée= 30 J Esortie = 100J bloqueur Amp-0.3: 10 Hz Diam = 6 mm Epompe = 1 J Eentrée = 0.03 J Esortie = 0.3J Amp-3: 0.1 Hz – 1 tir/mn? Diam = 22 mm Epompe = 10 J Eentrée = 0.3 J Esortie = 3J 1 J alignement alignement 1er point d’alignement
Collaborative R&D with industries for overcoming ILE /ELI Bottlenecks on pump lasers ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 TiSa large pump lasers (ns) 200J of green /nanosecond (20-30ns) / single beamline, >1shot/mn Laurence Livermore Nat Lab Big international tender launched in January 2009 (4 years) called « Competitive dialog procedure »
Large size SHG crystals for pump lasers: LBO strategy ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 Large size (>Φ 50mm) LBO SHG Crystals (Cristal Laser / French company) Last year using a Φ 50mm LBO type I crystal on Alisé Laser CLEO 2008 postdeadline During Summer 2008 >93% achieved on Alisé laser with a 19 mm thick crystal!
SHG record in LBO : More than 200 J on Alisé Laser at CEA Large size SHG crystals for pump lasers: LBO strategy (2) June 2009 ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 LBO type 1 F 65 mm e=12mm E (1053nm) : 235J E(527nm) : 217J h= 92% Input beam Top Hat 12ns, f 53mm
Nd:verre courtesy Rutherford Appleton Laboratory ILE – APOLLON 10P: DOE as Homogenizers ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 For large crystals, absolute need of smoothing techniques Pump beam Diffractive Optical Element SILIOS diffractive elements Implemented on Astra Gemini !
ILE – APOLLON 10P : Compression New approach with « low index » grating ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 If increasing the fluence on gratings from 0.1 to 1J/cm²
ILE – APOLLON 10P : Wave front control ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 1024W/cm² (10PW/1µm²) Wave front control DM = deformable mirror SF = spatial filter DM2 DM1 200 mm 180 mm SF G4 G1 400mm 400 mm G2 G3
bimorph NIGHT N mirror Diameter 150mm Dielectric coating 1,06µm CILAS mirrors (monomorph looks very promising diameter up to 200 mm? dielectric coating?) Force momentum mirror Prototype diameter 200mm Deformable Mirror development ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 ILE/ELI DM requirements : Useful aperture 200mm Hard dielectric coating for broadband fs pulses
The last bottleneck …. But not the least Large optics with High Damage Threshold broadband coatings ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 Our requirements: - Broadband reflection coatings (>200nm, 700-900nm) - High fs Damage threshold : ≈ 1J/cm² for 15fs pulses - Large size optics and mirrors : 250 x 350 mm Need collaborative R&D with industrial companies expert in the field Like PGL, Okamoto, Sagem Reosc, etc…
Importance of Ti:Sapphire approach for the first 3 ELI Sites at least 9 “Apollon 10P like” lasers ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 HU 0.1-Hz Poweramps High-intensity Test and user facility 2x20 PW beam recombi- nation Ti:Sapphire 10-Hz amps DPSSL-pumped OPCPA 0.1-Hz Poweramps 100 TW modular extension possibility Ti:Sapphire Synchronised XUV – IR user facility Optical synchro Atto user/test facility XUV/X-ray beams 1-kHzsystem <10 fs 100 TW PFS DPSSL-pumped High rep. Rate OPCPA gas & plasmaHHG 2-3 J / 100 Hz CZ Booster amp 1 PFS technology DPSSL pump 10 J / 10Hz Power amp (2x) OPCPA 10J beamline DPSSL pump XUV / X-ray generation 2 oscillators + PFS preamps 1 kHz 50 J / 10Hz Booster amp 2 PFS technology DPSSL pump Power amp (2x) OPCPA 50J beamline DPSSL pump e- and p+ acceleration < 6 fs 1J / 100 Hz 50 J / 1Hz BACKUP Power amps Ti:Sapph >50J beamline Flashlamp pump Plasma physics WDM Booster amp 3 PFS technology DPSSL pump 100 J / 0.1Hz 1J / 100 Hz 10 PW block (2x) TI:Sapph Flashlamp pump High-intensity Test & user facility <10 fs 10 TW 300 J / 0.1Hz 3x 10PW 1 oscillator TiSa + OPCPA preamps 100Hz Nuclear Physics and High Intensity 10 PW block (2x) TI:Sapph Flashlamp pump RO
+ ELI High Intensity Pillar Laser expected performances (10 x 20PW) ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 10 Laser BEAMLINES POWER AMPLIFIERS FRONT END Early Front End Ampli1 Ampli2 Ampli3 Front End ATTOSECOND SCIENCE 3.0KJ 15fs 1shot/mn 300J 15fs 1shot/mn 2J 15fs 10Hz 30J 15fs 0.1-1Hz 100 mJ <10fs 10Hz 10 mJ <10fs 1KHz 10TW 1021W/cm² 2PW 1023W/cm² 20PW 1024W/cm² 0.20EW >1025W/cm² 150TW 1022W/cm² Ampli 1J <10fs 1KHz
Absolute need of finalizing the ongoing R&D on Ti:Sa technological bottlenecks ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 All bottlenecks have already been more or less overcome through the 10M€ ILE APOLLON R&D effort, leading to the ability of building the first 10PW prototype But a big effort still remains to be done for finalizing the manufacturing developments and industrial processes on: - Large TiSa crystals growing process (up to 200mm in diameter) - Large LBO SHG Crystals (finalize the manufacturing capability of 60-70mm crystals) - Broad band High damage threshold compressor gratings - Efficient and powerful pump lasers - High repetition rate diode pumped Thin disk Lasers for OPCPA front end pumping - Large homogenizers - Large aperture High damage threshold Adaptive optics (deformable mirrors) - New broadband High damage threshold HR coatings
APOLLON ILE and ELI High Intensity Laser possible location ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010
APOLLON ILE and ELI High Intensity Laser possible location ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Roadmap for ILE and ELI ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 10 PW @ 1shot/mn ILE/APOLLON (France) 0.20EW =200 PW @ 1shot/mn 10 beams ELI High Field Pillar? Preparatory Phase Final design and construction Phase
Aknowledgments ELI NuclearPhysics meeting, Bucarest Feb1-2, 2010 To all APOLLON/ILE Workpackages leaders: Patrick Georges3, Gilles Chériaux2, Gilles Rey2, Catherine Le Blanc4, Patrick Audebert4, Denis Douillet2, Jean Luc Paillard4, Patrick Cavillac1, Dominique Fournet1, François Mathieu1, 1 ILE, ENSTA - Ecole Polytechnique, UMS 3205, Chemin de la Hunière, 91761 Palaiseau Cedex, France 2 LOA, ENSTA - Ecole Polytechnique, UMR 7639 Chemin de la Hunière, 91761 Palaiseau Cedex, France 3 LCFIO, UMR 8501 Institut d’Optique, Campus de Polytechnique, RD12, 91127 Palaiseau Cedex France 4 LULI, UMR7605, Ecole Polytechnique, Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau, France To all industrial companies working with ILE on R&D: Crystal Systems Inc, RSA Le Rubis, SIC, Cristal Laser, Jobin Yvon, Quantel, Thales OSA, Continuum, LLNL, MBI, PGL, Okamoto, Sagem, SILIOS, Cilas, Imagine Optics, Phasics, Seso, Amplitude Systems, Amplitude Technologies, etc…... THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Our website: www.eli-laser.eu