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Precision Measurements in Muon Physics A Sampler of Fundmental Measurements with Muonium

Muonium (M). Precision Measurements in Muon Physics A Sampler of Fundmental Measurements with Muonium Prepared by Klaus Jungmann Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and delivered by B. Lee Roberts Simple Atomic System Atomic Theory Fundamental Constants

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Precision Measurements in Muon Physics A Sampler of Fundmental Measurements with Muonium

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  1. Muonium (M) Precision Measurements in Muon Physics A Sampler of Fundmental Measurements with Muonium Prepared by Klaus Jungmann Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut & Rijksuniversiteit Groningen and delivered by B. Lee Roberts Simple Atomic System Atomic Theory Fundamental Constants Fundamental Symmetries Search for New Physics Atomic Physics at Accelerators Precision Measurements … Condensed Matter Physics Chemistry Low energy Muon Beams Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  2. Muonium (M) What is it ? • “Muonium is the bound state of a • positive Muon and an Electron” • “point-like” particles • no (severe) strong interaction effects • calculable to required accuracy What is it good for ? • test of electromagnetic bound state theory • fundamental constants • tests of fundamental symmetries • search for New Physics • tool for condensed matter research • …… Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  3. hydrogen-like atom but no strong interaction Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  4. . . . Theorists are confident that muonium HFS Can be calculated to 10 Hz, if needed (Eides, Pachucki,…)  magnetic moment mm , a Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  5. Solenoid Sm m+ e- Gated Detector m+in MW-Resonator/Kr target Muonium Hyperfine Structure Yale - Heidelberg - Los Alamos pulsedbeamessential freq. scan B scan old M Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  6. Results from LAMPF Muonium HFS Experiment measured: • n12 = 1 897 539 800(35) Hz ( 18 ppb) • n34 = 2 565 762 965(43) Hz ( 17 ppb) from Breit-Rabi equation: n12 +n34 • Dnexp = 4 463 302 765(53) Hz ( 12 ppb) • Dntheo = 4 463 302 563(520)(34)(<100) Hz (<120 ppb) n12 -n34 • mm/mp = 3.183 345 24(37) (120 ppb) alternatively derived: • mm/me = 206.768 277(24) (120 ppb) • a-1 = 137.036 0047(4 8) ( 35 ppb) Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  7. muonium and hydrogen hfs → proton structure Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  8. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  9. Lepton Magnetic Anomalies in CPT and Lorentz Non - Invariant Models | | - m m - 0 0 18 CPT tests K K = £ r 10 K m 0 K - - | g g | | a a | - + - + - - 3 12 e e e e = = × × £ × r 1.2 10 2 10 e g a avg avg ? ? Are they comparable - Which one is appropriate • often quoted: • K0- K0 mass difference (10-18) • e- - e+ g- factors (2* 10-12) • We need an interaction • with a finite strength! Use common ground, e.g. energies Þ generic CPT and Lorentz violating DIRAC equation 1 n μ μ μ μν μ μ ν ψ - - - - + + = (i γ D m a γ b γ γ H σ ic γ D id γ γ D ) 0 μ μ μ 5 μν μν μν 5 2 º ¶ - iD i qA m μ μ a , b break CPT a , b , c , d , H break Lorentz Invariance μ μ μ μ μν μν μν Leptons in External Magnetic Field - + l l l = - » - Δω ω ω 4b a a a 3 - + l l - | E E | Δω h spin up spin down a = » r l - 2 l m c E l spin up 57 Bluhm , Kostelecky, Russell, Phys. Rev. D ,3932 (1998) For g - 2 Experiments : - | a a | ω h = × c - + l l r l 2 a m c avg l Dehmelt, Mittleman,Van Dyck, Schwinberg, hep - ph/9906262 Þ - - 21 24 £ × £ × r 1.2 10 r 3.5 10 electron muon μ e : : CPT– Violation Lorentz Invariance Violation • What is best CPT test ? • New Ansatz (Kostelecky) • K0  10-18 GeV/c2 • n  10-30 GeV/c2 • p  10-24 GeV/c2 • e-  10-27 GeV/c2 • Future: • Anti hydrogen  10-18 GeV/c2 What about Second Generation Leptons? Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  10. CPT and Lorentz Invariance from Muon Experiments Muonium: new interaction below 2* 10-23 GeV Muon g-2: new interaction below 4* 10-22 GeV (CERN) 15 times better expected from BNL V.W. Hughes et al., Phys.Rev. Lett. 87, 111804 (2001) Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  11. Present Status of Muonium Ground State Hyperfine Structure • No Experimental Activities known at this time • Refinement of Theory going on • e.g. • Eides, Grotch, “Three-Loop Radiative-Recoil Corrections to Hyerfine Splitting in Muonium”, Phys.Rev.D67, 113003 (2003) • Eidelman, Karshenboim, Shelyuto, “ Hadronic Effects in Leptonic Systems: Muonim Hyperfine Structure and Anomalous Magnetic Moment of Muon”, Can. J. Phys. 80, 1297 (2002) …. • Exploitation of the Atom in Condensed Matter Science • e.g. • Ivanter et al. “On the anomalous muonium hyperfine structure in silicon” J.Phys.: Condens. Matter 15, 7419 (2003) …. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  12. History of Muonium Ground State Hyperfine Splitting Measurements NEVIS CHICAGO-SREL LAMPF LAMPF latest experiment Quoted Uncertainty [kHz] Year Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  13. Future Possibilities for Muonium Ground State Hyperfine Structure • LAMPF Experiment limited bySTATISTICS • more MUONS needed  factor > 100 over LAMPF – pulsed > 5*108m+/s below 28 MeV/c • new ACCELERATORS • J-PARC ? • Neutrino Factory ? • Eurisol ? • GSI ? • FNAL • …….. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  14. What other experiments besides the Ground State Hyperfine Structure are possible ? 1s → 2s transition Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  15. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  16. m++ e-+ Ekin 0 -.25 Rm 2S 244 nm Energy 244 nm -Rm 1S m+ Detection m+ Laser Mirror m+e- Target Diagnostics m+in Muonium 1S-2S Experiment Heidelberg - Oxford - Rutherford - Sussex - Siberia - Yale Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  17. Muonium 1s-2s At RAL 1987 -2000 Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  18. exp Dn 1s-2s = 2455 528 941.0(9.1)(3.7) MHz Dn 1s-2s = 2455 528 935.4(1.4) MHz mm+= 206.768 38 (17) me (0.8ppm) qm+= [ -1 -1.1 (2.1) 10-9 ] qe-(2.2 ppb) theo Results: Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  19. Future Possibilities for Muonium 1s-2s Interval • RAL Experiment limited bySTATISTICS • more MUONS needed • factor > 1000 over RAL – pulsed > 5*108m+/s below 28 MeV/c • would enable cw laser spectroscopy ! (precision !) • new ACCELERATORS • J-PARC ? • Neutrino Factory ? • Eurisol ? • GSI ? • . . . . . Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  20. m g-2 hadronic contribution weak contribution New Physics QED QED mm, a, gm mm m+e- DnHFS, n=1 m+e- Dn1S-2S QED mm mm a QED corrections weak contribution mm QED corrections Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  21. wa wammc wp = am = mm wa emB - wp mp Fundamental Constants of Interest to g-2 Theory: * need a for muon ! * hadronic and weak corrections *various experimental sources of a<better 100ppb>need constants at very moderate *a no concern for (g-2)meven with recent correctionsaccuracy Experiment: * wa and B (wp) measured in (g-2)m experiment <better 0.35 and 0.1 ppm> * c is a defined quantity <“infinite” accuracy> *mm (mm) is measured in muonium spectroscopy (hfs) <better 120 ppb> NEW 2000 *em is measured in muonium spectroscopy (1s -2s) <better 1.2 ppb> NEW 1999 *mp in water known >> probe shape dependence<< <better 26 ppb> *m3He to mp in water >> gas has no shape effect << <better 4.5 ppb> being improved Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  22. Any New Effort to improve significantly on the Muon Magnetic Anomaly will need better constants ! Where should they come from, if not from Muonium Spectroscopy ?  Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  23. Did first Search for Conversion Amato et al. Phys.Rev.Lett. 21, 1709 (1968) Predicted M-M Conversion 1957- Named System “Muonium” ? Muonium – Antimuonium Conversion up to Now Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  24. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  25. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  26. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  27. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  28. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  29. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  30. Present Activities concerning Muonium – Antimuonium Conversion • No Experimental Activities known at this time • Theory is proposing lots of models • e.g. • Clark, Love “Muonium-Antimuonium Oscillations and Massive Majorana Neutrinos”, hep-ph/0307264 • Gusso, Pires, Pires, Rodrigues da Silva “Minimal 3-3-1 Model, lepton Mixing and Muonium- Antimuonium Conversion”, hep-ph/0208062 • …. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  31. Future Possibilities for Muonium – Antimuonium Searches • PSI Experiment limited bySTATISTICS • more MUONS needed  factor > 1000 over PSI – pulsed > 1*109m+/s below 28 MeV/c • new ACCELERATORS • J-PARC ? • Neutrino Factory ? • Eurisol ? • GSI ? • FNAL • . . . . . Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  32. P(M)  sin2 [const * (GMM/GF)*t]*exp[-lm*t] • Background  exp(- nlm*t) ; n-fold coincidence detection • For GMM << GF M gains over Background • P(M) / Background  t2 * exp[+(n-1)* lm*t] Old Muonium for Muonium-Antimuonium Conversion ?  Pulsed ACCELERATOR Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  33. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

  34. Summary • Muonium has provided information on • QED • lepton flavor conservation • fundamental constants • fine-structure constant a • mm/me • mm/mp • proton structure • At a high-flux muon facility all of these could be improved. Klaus P. Jungmann via B. Lee Roberts -FNAL Proton Driver Workshop – October 2004

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