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<br><br>http://www.warriorforum.com/warrior-special-offers/1137175-apps-future-making-money-online-get-top-app-builder-9-year-build-unlimited-apps.html<br><br>Why Having a Good Name Is a Must for Success?<br><br>a) 2.1 Million apps for Android users (July 2016)<br>b) 2 Million apps for Apple users (July 2016)<br>c) Perfect name could make a BIG difference<br><br>One of the most important thing to consider when you are building a mobile app is that an app is actually a product!<br><br>Just simply building it and throwing it into the app store will not take you to success. It requires effort, precision and time to be able to reach success. Your app should be useful, easy and fun to use if you want users to use it. But also, a good name for your app is perhaps the most important.<br>
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1 Table of Contents
2 Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction 3 “What is in the name?” asked Shakespeare once. It may have been appropriate for the time when Shakespeare lived. But alas, he is not an app developer of our era. Then he definitely would have understood how much a good name can make a difference for an app’s success in the industry. So for helping you with the tough task of naming your app perfectly we present to you a concise and compact eBook on how to name your app. In the process of App Success Academy’s relentless work on making your app industry ventures a huge success; our previous course that was about How to Make the Best App Icon, got 3,500 students in just 30 days! And we’re very happy for getting good feedbacks from them. Now we are up for yet another helpful course titled as How to Name Your App. We earnestly hope that you guys would also love our second course! But before setting off to that course we thought of giving you a comprehensive introduction to the course through this short ebook so that your learning becomes even more effective and all comprehensive. However, this ebook itself is a mini-course on the process of successfully naming your app. We know that naming your app, as challenging it can be, is very important for the success of your app business so if you’re looking for the best ideas on how to choose the best name for your app, then you’re on the right track! This book will focus on “How to choose an App name” and you will know the best way to get an App name, you will also know what are the special considerations while naming your app and some tools and tricks that you can use for naming your app. Further from the Udemy course you will get a more detailed and practical training on all the aspects of the perfect naming process. Above all, this ebook and the course is designed to arm you with all there is to know before taking on the tough job of naming your app.
4 Chapter 2: Why Having a Good Name Is a Must for Success?
Chapter 2: Why Having a Good Name Is a Must for Success? 5 1.6 Million apps for Android users (July 2015) 1.5 Million apps for Apple users (July 2015) Perfect name could make a BIG difference One of the most important thing to consider when you are building a mobile app is that an app is actually a product! Just simply building it and throwing it into the app store will not take you to success. It requires effort, precision and time to be able to reach success. Your app should be useful, easy and fun to use if you want users to use it. But also, a good name for your app is perhaps the most important. The number of apps available for download in leading app stores is in millions. According to Statista Android users were able to choose between 1.6 million apps and Apple's App Store remained the second-largest app store with 1.5 million available apps as of July 2015. So you can easily understand that there are a lot of things to consider when you build an app and if you come up with the perfect name, it could surely make a big difference to your app’s performance. It’s your chance to create such a first impression that will lead the potential customer to surf on and download. Everyone who builds an app wants to get more downloads! But the question is HOW? Choosing a perfect name for your app is a vital step towards the success of your mobile application. Through this, you could get more downloads and high rankings in the app store! Also, the app name is the first word users could see after seeing your app icon, so that is how important is the app name as well. We have a separate course about How to create the best App Icon which you guys could also enroll into. So in this ebook you will get acquainted with those things that you should take into consideration when you’re going to name your app. Also, we’ll tell you what to avoid and what to do in all those directions that we know when it comes to naming your app.
6 Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name
Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name 7 Choosing a real app name is truly a big challenge. On one hand, if we choose a generic app name, our app will appear to be the same as other apps in the app store and would not be noticed by the users. On the other hand, if we are going to choose a unique app name, app store’s search engine will not include our app in the ranking using the words we want to rank for. For example: If our app is about DOG TRAINING, and we call it as “DOG TRAINING” - then even if we rank good in the app store, we will still look like all other apps that have the same name as ours. But if we’re gonna choose a unique name like “Doggly”, no one would use this word while searching for an app about dog training. And so it is also a bad idea to choose such a unique name that no one would ever have the chance to search for this keyword. So what then is the solution? So this is how it goes. For 2 years being in app marketing, discovered the best formula to solve I have this problem. I have been using this formula with my apps, and also with my students and customers apps. And it works so great!
Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name 8 Here is the formula: You have to choose a unique app name + 2 or 3 words that explain the app usage. With this, we will earn 2 great benefits: 1. The app store search engine will know what our app is all about. 2. The first word should be a unique app name. If our app has a unique name, we will easily get noticed during the user search and if we got our branding name, that would surely make a difference. The first word which is actually the name of the app, helps you to brand your app and makes it different from all other similar apps in the app store. While the rest of the words or the remaining words that you added to the app name would target two things: 1. It would help you explain what your app is all about. 2. It would help you to be in higher ranking in the app store. I noticed that most of the top apps use this secret formula to earn more downloads and at the same time stay unique. Here are some examples of the top apps from different categories that use this formula with outstanding success:
Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name 9 First example: Endomondo - Running & Walking - Installs 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 Unique name: Endomondo 2 words that explain the app: Running & Walking Downloads: 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 They earn with their unique name and also when users search the words “Running” or “Walking” this app appears in the top 10 apps in google play store. Using “Running” in the keyword search, their app is ranking 4th place.
Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name 10 And using “walking” in the google play search, their app ranked in #10. So in Endomondo - Running & Walking app, users could type in the search bar the word “running” or “walking” and in either word this app would still be in the search results since the word running and walking are actually included in the actual name of the app. Also today, this app is in rank #4 when you type in the word “running” in the google play search bar and ranked #10 when you use the word “walking”. Second example: Runstatic - Running & Fitness Unique name: Runstatic 2 words that explain the app: Running & Fitness Downloads: 10,000,000 - 50,000,000 They earn with their unique name and also when users type in the words “Running” or “Fitness”, this app appears in the top 10 apps in google play store.
Chapter 3: The Smartest Way to Choose Your App Name 11 With search word: “Running” in the google play their app ranked in #1 When you type in the word “Fitness” in google play their app ranked in #9. So here I have shared with you the special formula which is the smartest way to create your app’s name. In the next chapter I will discuss about some other things to consider in creating an App name.
12 Chapter 4: Things to Consider in Creating an App Name
Chapter 4: Things to Consider in Creating an App Name 13 KEEP IT UNIQUE You may ask: Can I make my app’s name unique? Yes, you certainly can! You want your app to stand out from your competition, and avoid people getting confused and downloading the wrong app. I suggest that you should pick a name that grabs audience’s attention seeing the icon or screenshots. your target without In this picture, you notice that these five apps have exactly the same name. App name is an identifier the data collector uses to distinguish one application from another. If two applications share a name, then their data will be aggregated in the user interface. And so it is important that you should make a unique app name to avoid confusion to the users. Make an app name that grabs the user’s attention but still describes the functionality of your app.
Chapter 4: Things to Consider in Creating an App Name 14 KEEP IT SIMPLE 1. Use 25 character limit 2. Avoid weird spelling and make it easy to pronounce The next rule is to KEEP IT SIMPLE. According to the Huffington Post Blog when picking a business name, the shorter the better. Apps are no different. The App Store places a 75 character limit on App names and the Google Play Store restricts names to only 30 characters. Nonetheless keeping App Names under 25 characters is ideal. By using a 25 character limit, the app name will be fully viewable on a single screen and the name will not be cut off. Keep in mind it is important to keep names short, easy to search, and memorable for the consumer. BusinessInsider.com suggests the best app names are up to two syllables long and can be easily turned into verbs. An obvious spelling and pronunciation will make it easier to find it in general. Think of “Twine” or “Snapchat”. KEEP IT SNAPPY AND MEMORABLE In order for your app business success, it is important that your target audience remember your name. If users cannot remember your app’s name, they probably will not remember to use it either. This is why longer names are harder to “stick,” we suggest you to keep it short and simple. Unless your app’s multi-syllabic name is related Remember the Milk and Cut the Rope, you can cut it down to two syllables to keep it snappy and memorable. to its functionality like
Chapter 4: Things to Consider in Creating an App Name 15 KEEP IT DESCRIPTIVE 1. To reduce bounce rate 2. App name should be relevant to the key functionality A descriptive name lets your users know what your application does BEFORE they download it. This is important in order to reduce the bounce rate which means people who download your app, open it once and never open it again. So higher bounce rate means decrease in the value of your user base. Use your name to put forth your story, why should I download it? So here we have tackled about four things to consider in naming your app. It is to keep your name unique, simple, memorable and descriptive. The first thing will help you to not get lost in the crowd and stand out. And the last 3 would remind you that a thought-provoking name can make it relevant and influence consumers’ decisions to purchase your app.
16 Chapter 6: Three Simple Points to Keep in Mind
Chapter 6: Three Simple Points to Keep in Mind 17 Exactly what your app does – how can you word it in such a way to come up with a snappy, searchable name? Why do those famous apps you know seem successful and discoverable? What words would users search for to find it? As a summary, here are three simple things that you should always bear in mind to find the answers to all these questions. Do your own search Research the app store Understand your audience Firstly do your own research. Go to your app store and type in a number of words that you would relate to your app. Have a look at which apps appear with the words that you have inputted. Take a note of the number of times the words appear in the app, in the name, in the description, behind the images. Another thing to note is the amount of downloads the app has had in relation to the number of uninstalls, this is something that will also affect your app positioning. Secondly you should simply do some research in the app store. This method involves going to the app store and to the category which you are looking for to include your app into. Take a quick glance at the apps that appear on the front page of these categories. These apps have managed the most difficult task of all, to make it to the front page without anyone having to search for them. What you should do now is to look at each of these apps individually and see which keywords are highlighted the most, which words or phrases do you see that appears again in the app names and the descriptions. Check the number of downloads each app has and also how many apps each developer has. We have found that leading apps tend to belong to app makers that have a minimum of seven apps in their app business.
Chapter 6: Three Simple Points to Keep in Mind 18 And the last thing that you should bear in your mind is to understand your audience. When you choose your keywords you must also take into consideration your particular audience. Language differs depending upon age, gender, locality, social status of your audience members and it is this that should be your final point of consideration when choosing the top keywords for your app.
19 Chapter 7: Conclusion
Chapter 7: Conclusion 20 So until now you have learnt why app name is so important, what is the smartest way to choose an app name and some important processes on how can you find just the perfect name for your app. We are so happy that you have completed this ebook! We hope that you have learned something from us and we wish you all the success in your app business! We have put a lot of effort to give you the best updated info about naming your app, so it will be an honor for us to hear feedbacks from you and we look forward to getting you guys enrolled into the full course on How to Name your App! In this course we will learn more on each and every aspects of the naming process, we will learn more on practical tools that we can use, as well as some more rules and tips to get that perfect name that will make our app the next superstar! Feel free to write down your review or inquiry towards this ebook, we will be happy to answer your questions and to read your comments! Once again, thank you very much and may God bless us all!
20 Visit us & interact with us! https://www.facebook.com/appsucc essacademy https://plus.google.com/10545499743 3568222052/posts www.up-my-app.com https://twitter.com/AppSuccessAcade