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ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Software Defined Networking

ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Software Defined Networking. 2014-07-14 Max Riegel Nokia Networks. Joint Coordination Activity on Software-Defined Networking (JCA-SDN).

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ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Software Defined Networking

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  1. ITU-T Joint Coordination Activity on Software Defined Networking 2014-07-14 Max Riegel Nokia Networks

  2. Joint Coordination Activity on Software-Defined Networking (JCA-SDN) • "to examine the matter, consider the input of Study Group 13 and other relevant study groups and take the necessary actions, as appropriate, with a view to deciding on the necessary SDN standardization activities in ITU-T, with the following actions: • identify the relevant study group(s) in which to follow up actions and establish a suitable organizational arrangement on SDN; • coordinate the work on technical issues of SDN across the study groups according to their area of expertise; • promote collaboration with other SDN-related standards bodies and forums; • define a clear strategic vision for SDN standardization and an important active role that ITU-T should play.” • JCA approved by ITU-T TSAG in June 2013 • Chair: Mr. Takashi Egawa (NEC, Japan) • Vice chair: Ms Ying Cheng (China Unicom, China) • Open to ITU Members and designated representatives of relevant Standards Development Organizations and Forums.

  3. ITU-T JCA SDN • Objective: Create and maintain an ITU-T roadmap on SDN standardization, including other SDOs • Chair: Mr Takashi Egawa (NEC, Japan) • http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/jca/sdn/Pages/default.aspx • Deliverable: publicly available standardization roadmap that shows SDN standardization landscape • First part provides high-level description of every SDO and its SDN-related activity. • Second part shows a table that explains each working item in each SDO. • 3 meetings so far • 1st JCA-SDN meeting, Kampala, Uganda, November 11th, 2013 • 2nd JCA-SDN meeting, Geneva, February 19th, 2014 • 3rd JCA.SDN meeting, Geneva, July 11th, 2014 • For additional information on SDN: ITU SDN portal • http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/sdn/Pages/default.aspx

  4. ‘Internal’ and ‘external’ SDN Activitiesconsidered by ITU-T JCA-SDN • SDN work programs and work items within ITU-T Study Groups • SG13 • SG11(Signalling requirements, protocols and test specifications) • SG15 (Architecture for SDN control of Transport Networks ?) • SG16 (Protocol evaluation – OpenFlow versus H.248 ) • SG17 – ffs • SG3 – ffs • SG5 (multiple topics related to energy efficiency) • SDN work programs and work items in other SDOs • ETSI ISG NFV • IEEE P1903 NGSON • IETF • ONF • BBF • 3GPP • CCSA • OpenDaylight • TTA

  5. IEEE Contributions to ITU-T JCA SDN • So far, only P1903 provided input to JCA SDN • “1903-2011 - IEEE Standard for the Functional Architecture of Next Generation Service Overlay Networks” • P1903.1 – Standard for Content Delivery Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network (NGSON) • P1903.2 – Standard for Service Composition Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network (NGSON) • P1903.3 – Standard for Self-Organizing Management Protocols of Next Generation Service Overlay Network (NGSON) • Should P802 provide a response to JCA SDN as well? • Did P802 receive the liaison letter from ITU-T on JCA SDN? • Which topics of P802 would fit the scope of JCA SDN? • Who in P802 would be the right person to coordinate a response to ITU-T on behalf of P802?

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