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TIME AND EFFORT = ACADEMIC SUCCESS. Noteworthy Note-Taking Strategies Presentation provided by UTPB West Texas Literacy Center, an HSI funded program. HSI is a federally funded program granted by the Department of Education Title V programs. Developed by Ana Miller, M.A., Reading Specialist.
TIME AND EFFORT = ACADEMIC SUCCESS Noteworthy Note-Taking Strategies Presentation provided by UTPB West Texas Literacy Center, an HSI funded program. HSI is a federally funded program granted by the Department of Education Title V programs. Developed by Ana Miller, M.A., Reading Specialist
When Should You Note-Take? • During Class Lectures • While Reading Textbook Assignments • During Class Discussions • During Study Group Sessions • While Reviewing Previously taken notes • Any time you encounter relevant information
Why is Note-Taking Important? • Keeps you actively involved and engaged while reading and listening to lectures • Keeps you focused • Provides study material for exams • Transforms you from a passive observer to an active participant during class • Serves as research references • One of the Top Ten Professor suggestions for academic success here at UTPB
TIPS FOR BECOMING AN ACTIVE LISTENER • Sit close to the instructor • Listen for main ideas and for the supporting details • Remain alert to recognize when a new idea is being introduced • Keep an open mind-save disagreements for an office visit • Engage in self-talk – Tell yourself that you’re “getting” all the information • Get enough sleep • Don’t come to class hungry • Fight boredom by adding your own ideas to your notes
LISTEN FOR “CUE WORDS” • For examples: For example, for instance, to illustrate • For organization or chronological order: The six steps are…, next, finally first, secondly, third • For additional points: Furthermore, in addition, also, moreover • For opposing ideas: On the other hand, in contrast, although, however • For similar ideas: Likewise, similarly, in comparison
More “Cue Words” • For exceptions: However, nevertheless, but, yet, still • For emphasis: Above all, finally, more importantly • For understanding: In other words, in essence, briefly • For summarizing: In conclusion, to sum up, for these reasons, in a nutshell • For exams: Remember this, this is important, this could be on the test Also, pay attention to these cue words and phrases as you read your texts.
PREPARATION FOR EFFECTIVE NOTE-TAKING • Before going to class, READ homework assignments and TAKE NOTES while you read • Have all of your supplies ready to use. • Arrive to class early • Write down everything the instructor writes on the board • Write down material that is emphasized on the overhead or on a Power Point Presentation • If possible download a copy of the instructor’s Power Point presentation, and read over it BEFORE class
NOTE-TAKING TIPS • Take notes in the instructor’s words, but when you study, RECITE them in your own words • Notice whether the instructors’ lectures are taken directly from the text • If the lecture and notes coincide, refer to the book to add necessary and additional information • If not, take notes from the text and compare them to your lecture notes • Leave blank spaces to add more information later • Leave space between the main ideas and supporting details • Take notes until the end of class • Write legibly
MORE NOTE-TAKING TIPS • Use an adjusted writing style – combining cursive and print • Use a tape recorder • Write meaningful phrases • When revising your notes, color-code them • Write notes to yourself: See p. 147 of text for more details • Exchange contact information with a reliable classmate
CREATING A CONSISTENT NOTE-TAKING SYSTEM • Develop your own shorthand method • Shorten words by omitting vowels: problem=prblm background=bkgd • Use standard abbreviations in place of words: with=w without=w/o • Use the first part of a word for the full word: sociology=soc kinship=K because=BC most importantly=M • Add symbols, pictures, and drawings to your notes as you REVIEW. Make them different sizes and colors
S = SURVEY To “X-Ray” the “bones” of the chapter: • As you survey keep asking yourself - What do I already know about the topic? • Look at the title. Read the introduction or first two paragraphs • Look over the headings: subheadings, boldface words, titles of graphs, charts, diagrams, etc. • Read the Summary or last two paragraphs • Take no more than 5 minutes to survey an average chapter
Q = QUESTION To set a purpose and to get actively engaged in reading: • Pose Questions, mentally or in writing, before you read the first section of the chapter • If available, use questions provided by the instructor, your text, or a study guide • Or turn a chapter heading, subheadings, or boldface terms into questions, beginning with “why,” “how,” “what,” “where,” “when,” or “who?”
R = READ To find the answers to your questions posed in the Questioning step: • Read only a short section, one paragraph to one page, depending on the difficulty of the text • Read quickly and selectively, improving your comprehension by seeking the answers to your questions
R = RECITE To find out what information you have gained from reading the short section: • Answer your question aloud, in your own words, for an immediate test of your comprehension • If you can’t say it, you don’t know it • Reciting is your most powerful tool for remembering information – it requires the complete multisensory concentration needed to move information from short-term memory into long-term memory
R = “RITE” To prepare your notes for later review, follow RECITE with any of the following steps: • If the material is fairly easy, underline or highlight, using the ”telegrammatic” method • If the material is detailed or complex, write brief notes in the margin, in your notebook, or on post-it-notes • In either case, record key names, dates, terms, definitions and ideas • Mark any confusing portions for future clarification NOW MOVE TO THE NEXT SECTION OF TEXT. RETURN TO THE “QUESTION” STEP AND PROCEED THROUGH THE “READ,” “RECITE,” AND “RITE” STEPS
“Telegramattic” Highlighting, Underlining or Note-Taking • Use during the “RITE” step of the SQ4R Study Reading method • Objective: Your underlined or highlighted information and notes should provide you with a sufficient, correct summary of the reading material • Provides focus during note-taking, improving comprehension, review, and recall
R = REVIEW At the end of the chapter, do an immediate, brief review to double retention • Take about 5 minutes to review the full chapter, ”resurveying” it again by looking over all headings, subheadings, boldface terms, definitions, and major points – adding to your own notes, highlighting or underlining • A week later, review again briefly to strengthen long-term memory • Review each week until you are tested, adding new chapters as they are assigned, to cut study time by up to 90%
WHY USE SQ4R? • In a study, of upper-level students from a major university who used the SQ4R method for a semester- -Every student: -Had a higher GPA -Faster reading rate -Improved comprehension -*Spent 30% less time on studying than before • Continually changes the pace, as you read one short section using the QUESTION to READ to RECITE to RITE steps -Prevents boredom -Enhances concentration -Produces greater learning than the usual reading of a full chapter
Research Shows:Study-Reading Methods Do Work • Reading alone is a short-term memory operation • Provides mental organization or structure • Sets a purpose for reading • Produces sense of accomplishment • Creates sense of security • Multisensory The key is repetition!!!
NOTE-TAKING METHOD 1 CORNELL SYSTEM • Draw a 2.5 inch margin down the left side of the page • Leave several inches of space on the bottom of the page for writing a summary • Include the date and class name on each page • Take notes on the right side of the paper only • After the lecture, use the cue column (left side) to write study questions, key words, or phrases related to notes on the right side • Cover up the notes on the right side and use the cue column to test your knowledge • Write a summary on the bottom of each page • Review your notes immediately and at least weekly • Study the information using flash cards, outlines, hierarchies, mind maps, etc.
NOTE-TAKING METHOD 2 OUTLINING DURING LECTURES AND TEXT NOTES • Main ideas or topics begin farthest to the left with supporting details indented below to the right • Levels of importance are indicated by distance away from the major point • Relationships among categories of facts carried through by indenting • No numbers, letters, or Roman Numerals are needed • Best used if lecture is presented in an outlined manner • Must have enough time to think about and organize information • For textbook notes use titles, subheadings, captions, terms, or paragraphs as categorization guides
NOTE-TAKING METHOD 3 COLUMN NOTES • Divide paper into 2 parts • On left side write page number with terms, subtitles, topics • Right side write in facts, supporting details, summary, information from textbook notes • Divide paper into 3 parts • On the far left side 1 ½“, write page numbers that reference the text • In the middle section, write text book notes • On the far right side, write lecture notes in an organized format • Provides comprehensive overview of lecture notes and text notes
NOTE-TAKING METHOD 4 GRAPHICALLY ORGANIZING • Also referred to as graphic organizers, mind maps, hierarchies, webbing, flowcharts, tree diagrams, etc. • Graphically and visually connects each fact or idea to another fact or idea • Emphasizes critical thinking • Notes can be easily edited, revised, cut apart, and pieced together • Stimulates use of the right side of the brain, thus maximizing learning
Using Your Whole Brain LEFT SIDE RIGHT SIDE Logical Intuitive Linear Non-linear Mathematical Visual Language Spatial Analytical Creative Reasoning Subconscious Mind Conscious Mind
NOTE-TAKING METHOD 4 CHARTING • Before lecture, determine categories to be covered in the lecture • Set up a graphic organizer or chart in advance according to the categories • As you actively listen to the lecture, fill in the chart • Write main ideas, phrases, single words
NOTEWORTHINESS OF NOTE-TAKING • Necessary for in-depth learning • Multisensory approach – Kinesthetic, Auditory, Visual • Experiment with different methods • Find the right fit for you • Adjust to suit your needs • Practice until note-taking becomes a habit
References Burke, J. (2002). Tools for thought. Portsmouth: Heineman. California Polytechnic State University. Student Academic Services. http://www.sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl/notetaking.systems.html Feldman, Shattles, & McKenzie. (2004).Oracle EDU 1110. Unpublished manuscript, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX Hoyt, L. (2002). Make it Real: Strategies for success with informational texts. Portsmouth: Heineman: 191-196. Our world today: people, places, and issues. (2003). New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill: 22-25, 82-85, 192-196. Leonard, E. (2007). What every student should know about…study skills. New York: Pearson.