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Developing a Governance Framework for National SAICM Implementation “ Experiences, lessons learned and perspectives ”. Dr. Mario Yarto National Institute of Ecology MEXICO. Geneva, June 2006. Content. Background on regional experience Achievements Future directions in NA
Developing a Governance Framework for National SAICM Implementation “ Experiences, lessons learned and perspectives ” Dr. Mario Yarto National Institute of Ecology MEXICO Geneva, June 2006
Content • Background on regional experience • Achievements • Future directions in NA • Mexico´s own experience • Grey Agenda (SAICM at a National level) • Lindane • Lessons learned
Background note“regional experience” • Mexico, through the NAFTA, is part of the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, and is actively involved in the Sound Management of Chemicals (SMOC) initiative, which gives priority to the management and control of substances of mutual concern that are persistent and toxic, but also envisaged cooperation on other aspects of the sound management of the full range of chemical substances in the three countries
Chemicals Management in North America • Chemical industry is important in Canada, Mexico, United States • Sound management of chemicals is critical to health, environment, global competitiveness • Key opportunities exist for leadership in chemicals management CEC provides a valuable forum for chemicals management in North America.
How it works • The mechanism for trilateral work on persistent and toxic chemicals has been through North American Regional Action Plans (NARAPs). NARAPs have been developed for DDT, Chlordane, PCBs and Mercury taking a substance-by-substance approach. In addition, a NARAP on Environmental Monitoring and Assessment has been developed to address pathways of exposure and assess progress in controlling pollution. Furthemore, a NARAP for Lindane is seeking approval by the Council of Ministers (2006)
CEC Sound Management of Chemicals Agenda 1995–2005 • Aligning North American priorities for chemicals management • Implementing North American Regional Action Plans (NARAPs) as top priorities • chlordane, DDT, PCBs, D/F & HCB, mercury, lindane, environmental monitoring and assessment • Helping the three countries to advance international objectives
Achievements through NARAPs • PCBs (1996): environmentally sound management & control of existing PCBs throughout their life-cycles with objective of virtual elimination through safe phase out and destruction • DDT (1997): DDT no longer manufactured in North America; Total elimination of use in 2000, surpassing plan target of 80% reduction by 2002 • Chlordane (1997): Chlordane no longer registered for use or used; sole North American producer voluntarily ceased production • Mercury (Phase 1 NARAP 1997; Phase 2 NARAP 2000): • 50-percent reduction in national mercury emissions by 2006 • Phase-out or ban specific mercury uses where there is an unreasonable or otherwise unmanageable risk of release to the environment or risk to human health
DDT & Chlordane NARAPs profiled as leading examples in the International Forum on Chemical Safety (IFCS) and Intergovernmental Negotiating Sessions (INCs) leading to the Stockholm Agreement (1996-2002). • Mercury NARAP has helped to inform the work of UNEPglobal assessmenton mercury. • Transfer of North American expertise on DDT via a joint Mexican-Central American demonstration for Action and Demonstration of Sustainable Alternatives to DDT for Malaria Vector Control. International recognition of SMOC program
Proposal for a Renewed Approach (2006–2020) • Re-aligning with Puebla Declaration (Information for Decision Making, Capacity Building, Trade and Environment) and existing domestic and international activities • Actively involving stakeholders as partners • Leveraging our resources • Helping Parties advance international objectives (SAICM, WSSD 2020 Goals) • Cross-linking with other CEC programs
Overall achievements • The most important actions for the success of these Regional Action Plans have required • close coordination and synergies between agencies in the three countries, • communication to the public and public participation, • exchange of information, • capacity building process
Mexico´s Experiences • Grey Agenda • Lindane profile • Stockholm NIP • Capacity building in CA
Focus on • How to ensure a multi-sectoral approach for national SAICM implementation (incl. effective inter-ministerial co-ordination) • How to facilitate effective involvement of stakeholder groups in the development of national SAICM implementation strategies. • Sharing of national experiencies of existing and planned structures and activities, including lessons learned to date
Group of initiatives, policies, strategies, actions and coordinated and effective instruments, to prevent, abate and remediate environmental pollution at the local, regional and global leves, through the sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste Mexico´s experiences: The Grey Agenda
Mexico´s experiences: The Grey Agenda • How did we start • Intra-agency working group • Identify main issues to be addressed • Identify other sectors / stakeholders • Development of a preliminary working plan
Issues identified • Lack of coordination in public policy. • Existence of regulatory instruments but without a coordinated intra/inter agency and inter sectorial approach. • Non-compliance and illegal practices. • Hot-spot problems unsolved due to lack of resources • Limited knowledge on state of the environment Need for a Grey Agenda is based on….
Complexity of the Grey Agenda Environment Foreign Affairs Labour Energy Agriculture Economy Internal Affairs Transport Health Social Development Customs State/local authorities
SAICM Implementation Towards a National Policy STRATEGIC PROGRAMME OTHER STAKEHOLDERS Pollution prevention Risk reduction PRTR Communication, education programmes Capacity building Social participation Adequate legislation (incl. compliance and enforcement Trade FEDERAL GOV. • Representation from all interested actors • - States • Municipalities • Industry • Academia • Civil society ENVIRONMENT AGENCY (Lead) • Federal agencies • Those related to environmet, human health, labour and other issues • Interagency WG • - DGGIMAR • DGIRA • INE/CENICA • UCAI • PROFEPA • DGAFE • DGPYE • DGI • IMTA • DGCCA and RETC • CNA • Other
Next steps • Ministerial endorsement (thus ensuring involvement of relevant government sectors) • Encourage and provide for meaningful participation of the public, including non-governmental organizations; business and industry; provincial, state, and municipal governments; academia; and technical and policy experts in developing its recommendations • Facilitate stakeholder workshops for further issue identification • Request commitment for shared responsibility • Promote partnerships and pilot projects in strategic sectors • Build upon existing bilateral and multilateral commitments related to the sound management of chemicals • Development of a SAICM Implementation plan
Objectives Commitment to phase-out all uses within NARAP Development of profile document for decision-making Stakeholder workshops for information sharing Identify possible substitutes for Lindane Support for regulatory/non-regulatory initiatives Stakeholder participation Government, Industry, NGO´s, Academia, Indigenous groups Set objectives, recommendations from each sector Identification of issues to focus on Development of a national position Outcomes Transparency Participative process Productive and results-oriented stakeholders meetings Information and positions obtained directly from the source Informed decision-making Mexico´s experiences: Lindane
Lessons learned • Governance is needed to strengthen institutions • Multisectorial approach is better when determining national priorities • Creation of synergies between domestic and international agendas improves effectiveness (Grey Agenda SAICM) • Better results by scaling of national projects through international initiatives (UNEP´s mercury programme, SAICM, OECD). • Gains on capacity building, technology transfer, sharing of information and experiences, international cooperation. • Use of consensus building as a strategy • Leveraging of resources is important. • Team work is better…and much more fun
Thank you for your attention ! myarto@ine.gob.mx