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Iyar. Second of the twelves months of the Jewish calendar In the Bible, the month of Iyar is often called the month of Ziv , meaning “Radiance” Iyar is associated with the tribe of Issachar Iyar is linked with light, which signifies increased revelation

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  1. Iyar • Second of the twelves months of the Jewish calendar • In the Bible, the month of Iyar is often called the month of Ziv, meaning “Radiance” • Iyar is associated with the tribe of Issachar • Iyar is linked with light, which signifies increased revelation • Light is the opposite of darkness. If darkness tries to overtake you, this month says, “NO! I am increasing in revelation.” Isaiah 60 says, that the glory can be seen on you and radiates off of you. • This is the month you need to light up with His glory.

  2. Iyar Iyar falls between Nissan (the month Israel left Egypt) and Sivan (the month Israel arrived in Sinai and Torah was given). Iyar is a month of transition (Israel’s journey from Egypt to Mount Sinai) This was a transition to a new level in their relationship with Him…not just a geographical change. God began to reveal His covenant secrets to them.

  3. Iyar When leaving Egypt, Israel new they were God’s people, but they did not know much about God. They had only a few stories passed down through the generations about how God appeared to Abraham. They were exposed and knew of the Egyptian gods, but didn’t know much about the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob…the God that rescued them from captivity. They didn’t gain knowledge of God in a classroom, but in the life and death realities of the wilderness.

  4. Iyar • Exodus 15:22-26 • Exodus 16:1-36 God demonstrated His power to change the situation by healing the bitter water. He also proclaimed, He heals people also. God revealed Himself, in the month of Iyar, as YAHWEH RAPHA (one of His most important covenant names). God heard the grumbling of the people and provided Manna and Quail to eat. God also revealed Himself, as YAHWEH JAIRA (the Lord who sees and provides).

  5. Iyar • Exodus 17:8-16 Israel was attacked by the Amalekites. As long as Moses kept his hands raised, Israel won, but as he dropped his hands, they would start to lose. Aaron and Hur helped Moses keep his hands raised, and they won the battle. They learned that praise is a key to victory. God revealed another aspect of His covenant, to them. He is YAHWEH NISSI (the Lord, my Banner of Victory) In the month of Iyar, God revealed His covenant secrets to Israel (He is our healer…He is our provider…He is our banner of victory over every enemy).

  6. IyarThe importance of the 3 months of the spring season • Nissan (the 1st month) • Iyar (the 2nd month) • Sivan (the 3rd month) • God wants you to Reconfirm your covenant at Passover • So He can Reveal the secrets of His covenant • And then bring you into a whole new level of Pentecost

  7. Iyar How do you learn God’s covenant secrets? God reveals His covenant secrets to those who seek Him. • Daniel 2:21-22 • Matthew 13:11 • James 1:5 Ask Him, this month, to reveal His secrets of His covenant to you. God will give an extra blessing to those who set their hearts on seeking Him.

  8. Iyar The month of Iyar is also known to contain the “Second Passover” Due to being uncleaned or away on a journey, the Lord declared that the 14th day of the 2nd month, at twilight, those people are to still celebrate the Lord’s Passover. Numbers 9:1-12

  9. Characteristics Natural healings manifests dealing with: • Processing thoughts • Conscience of the soul • Receiving spiritual advice This is the time to contemplate numbers whether they come by dream, a vision, or divine revelation.

  10. Characteristics The month is associated with your conscience, which is linked, with your thought processes and your emotions—your adrenal flow. The conscience is the window or eye between your spirit and soul. God wants to cleanse your conscience. Without a cleansing, a “mesh” will form that hinders the wind of His Spirit. Alignment between the window of heaven and the window of your conscience must exist so that your conscience will be cleansed throughout the year. Without alignment between the window of heaven and the window of your conscience, you will miss revelation. God wants to be sure that the window of your conscience is open and aligned, so when He begins to blow by His Spirit, you don’t miss what He is blowing into you.

  11. Characteristics This is month of natural healing, which is not the same as miracles. God wants to permeate the body with natural healing. You do not need to strive for healing…”I Am the Lord your Healer” (Exodus 15:26) manifests this month. The Lord first manifested Himself, by this name, when Israel had murmured and complained so much. We must understand that when we murmur and complain, we open ourselves up for sickness, and Satan schedules it on our calendar.

  12. Characteristics This is the month, to deal with your soul (your mind, will, and emotions) Otherwise, you will be out of alignment for the rest of the year.

  13. Characteristics This is the month God is permeating your mind. Your mind is your brain. Your brain will resist your mind changing. If you have a wrong file, in your brain, you will have to remove that file, for your mind to think correctly. Your mind is the thinking process of your heart. If your emotions are messed up, then you have feelings that are impregnating your thought process.

  14. Characteristics This is the month of receiving spiritual advice. We need to bind all of the diviners and ask the Lord to activate our prophetic voice. If we do not exercise our gift, the enemy will bring in a counterfeit. A false prophetic voice will corrupt the watchmen. We need to advance during the watch in this month. Set your “watching eye” inward and outward. This is the Issachar month, you can understand seasons, and mysteries and secrets will begin to be revealed to you.

  15. VAV • The letter, for the month, of Iyar • VAV pictures “Connection and Linking” • The pictogram, for the letter VAV, is a Connecting Pin • If you move right, in this month, the rest of your year connects properly.

  16. Issachar • The ninth son of Jacob and the fifth son of Leah • Issachar means “he will bring reward” Genesis 30:17-18 • Jacob’s blessing to Issachar Genesis 49:14-15 “he was a man of strength, who would not hold back from hard work to establish a secure place to rest” • Moses’s blessing to Issachar Deuteronomy 33:18-19 “blessed both Issachar and Zebulun together by saying that Zebulun would go out and Issachar would remain at home, but both together would call the peoples to the mountain to offer righteous sacrifices. They would also draw out the abundance of the sea and the hidden treasures of the sand”

  17. Issachar • As Israel moved through the wilderness, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun are grouped together, at the eastern side of the camp • The positioning of these three tribes is the model for the church 1. Judah goes first with war and worship 2. Issachar comes next with timing 3. Zebulun is linked to Issachar with supplies.

  18. Issachar Issachar’s inheritance included : • The broad and fertile plain of Jezreel (Ahab had his palace there and Naboth’s vineyard was there also) • Shunem, the home of the Shunamite woman was there (she prepared a room for Elisha) • The river Kishon is located in the territory also (Deborah and Barak defeated Sisera there)

  19. Issachar • The tribe of Issachar fought alongside Deborah and Barak • One of the judges of Israel, named Tola, was from the tribe of Issachar • Men of Issachar came, to Hebron, when David was anointed king 1 Chronicles 12:22-32 • They knew the season had changed, and the time had come to align with David 1 Chronicles 12:40

  20. Issachar • The men of Issachar “understood the times and knew what Israel should do”. God is looking to raise up people like the men of Issachar. Prophetic people who can understand the times. • Issachar was also linked with prosperity, intercession, and blessing. • Issachar could interpret times and seasons, by observing the appearance of the sun and the moon.

  21. Issachar The only negative reference associated with the tribe of Issachar was when Baashawas named king of Israel. Baasha killed Nadab, son of Jeroboam, and succeded him as king. 1 Kings 15:25-34 Baasha was from the tribe of Issachar and he was not a godly man. He led Israel to continue in the sins of Jeroboam. He and his entire family line were wiped out 1 King 16:1-7

  22. Color/Stone • Royal Blue—Trustworthiness and reliabilty • Lapis—Wisdom and Truth

  23. Constellation • Taurus (the bull) • Looking and observing to find a place of strength. • To the Hebrews, the bull was the symbol of strength.

  24. Constellation The constellation reminds you to find your place to increase your strength. We should be moving from strength to strength. When you rely upon the Lord, that is what will happen. There is an anointing, this month, for looking and observing to find a place of improvement, so your strength can manifest and increase.

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