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Read about the Department of Basic Education's progress in meeting strategic goals for 2013/14. Includes financial analysis and program performance details.
FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE DEPARTMENT IN MEETING ITS STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES FOR 2013/14 Presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education 11 October 2013 Parliament, Cape Town.
Presentation Outline PART A Detailed presentation on Performance Indicators and Targets PART B Financial Report for the First Quarter
PART A Detailed presentation on Programme Performance Indicators and Targets
FIRST QUARTER CONTEXT The First Quarterly Report on the performance of the DBE in meeting its strategic objectives for 2013/14 is presented in the context of the following key developments in the sector : • The Basic Education Budget Vote delivered by the Minister on 17 May 2013 reveals the consolidated investment and outlines the strategic priorities of the 2013/14 financial period. • The National Senior Certificate supplementary (NSC) examinations were successfully completed in March 2013 and the results released during this quarter. The overall pass rate has increased from 73.9% to 75.6%, the total number of candidates that passed the NSC examination in the November 2012/supplementary 2013 examination cycle increased from 377 829 to 392 178 (an increase of 14 349).
FIRST QUARTER CONTEXT • The Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) gained momentum in formalizing itself during this quarter. The ECF isa civil society initiative aimed at increasing cooperation among the stakeholders involved in education improvement in South Africa. The ECF collaborates with government to influence and support the implementation of the education reform agenda. • The Minister initiated a project called “Race to the Top” under the auspices of the ECF, as a holistic and urgent response to the NDP. The project serves as a turnaround strategy for the education sector, whereby identified schools and district offices will be visited in order to collect information that will enable the DBE to provide the required support to improve service delivery.
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The ANNUAL PERFORMANCE PLAN summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Educationand the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 . The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: • PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION • PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING • PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT • PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT • PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Ministry, Department Management Corporate Services, Office of the CFO, Internal Audit and Risk Management, Office Accommodation.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the provision of suitable human resource capacity to support a high performing organization. • To ensure that the basic education sector and the country benefit from targeted support to the education department. • To improve inter-governmental planning, communication, education policy and legislative development.
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT • The DBE, in efforts to fill vacancies expeditiously, advertised 16 posts during the First Quarter of 2013. A total of 9 interviews were held and 11 new appointments were made. • The DBE has compiled and submitted as per DPSA requirement its Human Resource Plan to the DPSA before 30 June 2013. All Performance Agreements and Work plans of officials were captured on the PERSAL System before 30 June 2013. Financial Disclosure Forms were submitted to the Office of the Public Service Commission on 31 May 2013. INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE concluded a Cooperation Agreement (referred to as the Declaration of Intent) between the Government of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the field of English language in education. The Declaration is awaiting an opportunity for signing.
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS • The DBE concluded facilitating a bilateral agreement with Namibia, on the sharing of certification data for Grade 12. The agreement is now ready for submission to the Presidency in order for the President to authorize the Minister of Basic Education to sign it with her counterpart. • The DBE coordinated and accompanied the Minister to the High Level Meeting of the Educate a Child (EAC) initiative in Qatar from 27 April to 1 May 2013. South Africa has been identified as a priority country to implement EAC in 2013. • The DBE coordinated the participation of the Deputy Minister to the Sixth Ministerial Round Table on “Policy and Innovation in Education in Africa”, that took place on 29 May 2013 in Windhoek, Namibia. The main objectives of the Roundtable Table were to take stock of more than a decade of investment in ICT integration in public education and skills development in Africa; discuss the rapid emergence of mobile learning models and their potential to improve education and skills development in Africa; and share ideas on appropriate policy responses and implementation strategies by African Governments and their partners
PROGRAMME ONE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS RESEARCH CO-ORDINATION, MONITORING AND EVALUATION • The General Household Survey focus on schooling report has been finalised based on GHS 2011 data and is on the Department’s website. The preliminary findings are being shared within the DBE and provincial education department officials, to assist in planning and other forms of decision-making within the education sector. • The country report for the UNESCO General Education Quality Analysis Framework (GEQAF) was finalised in April 2013. The report draws together analysis and priorities regarding the improvement of schooling in South Africa that emerged at this workshop and subsequently as the GEQAF has been used to systematically review the education sector. • In support of the commitment to the Annual National Assessments, the DBE led a World Bank review of the Annual National Assessments to strengthen the design, implementation and use of the Annual National Assessment system. The findings from the review are expected to assist the Department in improving the implementation and utility of the ANAs .
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop curriculum and assessment policies and monitor and support their implementation. SUB-PROGRAMMES : • Programme Management : Curriculum Policy, Support and Monitoring; Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring; Curriculum and Quality Enhancement Programmes; and, the Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To increase the availability of e-Education learning and teaching resources amongst teachers. • To bring about stability and coherence with respect to the national school curriculum • To pay special attention to improvements in mathematics, physical science and technical subjects. • To promote adequate access to quality learning materials by means of better national specifications on what every learner requires and a more proactive approach towards the cost-effective development, reproduction and distribution of materials such as workbooks and textbooks • To establish national norms for school libraries • To create a sound basis for quality pre-Grade 1 education through the promotion of quality learning and teaching materials at this level • To finalise and promote national screening guidelines that provide for an equitable system of access to special needs support amongst learners
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS) • CAPS ORIENTATION.In order to support teachers to effectively implement the CAPS, all teachers needed to be orientated on the CAPS. National Training Teams (NTT) were responsible for the training of Provincial CAPS Training Teams (PCTT) who in turn provided CAPS orientation to teachers. Orientation of PCTTs took place in April and May 2013 for the Senior Phase. A total of 1 346 officials were orientated in six provinces during this quarter. • Grade 12 CAPS Orientation was held in KwaZulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape during this quarter. CAPS orientation in both provinces was attended by subject advisors and lead teachers. In the Eastern Cape, 404 subject advisors attended, whilst in KwaZulu-Natal 242 attended. The orientations took place from 8-12 April 2013.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS) • CAPS debriefing session took place in Gauteng from 15-19 April 2013 and was attended by the National Training Team (NTT) to consolidate inputs from all provinces into training manuals per subject. Consequently a generic training programme was developed for all the training sessions in the provinces. • The programme began with a road show in all provinces to highlight challenges and difficulties that provinces should address as a matter of urgency in order to improve the delivery of quality education. The remainder of the programme was divided into two sections. The first section was a plenary focusing on the generic introduction to the training and the second section focused on subject-specific orientation. • The subject specific orientation was preceded by a pre-test which was designed to assess the level of understanding of CAPS by subject advisors. The analysis of the pre-test enabled the National Core Training Team to identify areas that would need more detailed engagement during the training. The post test at the end of the orientation sessions revealed the change in level of understanding of the CAPS as a result of the training.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS CURRICULUM AND ASSESSMENT POLICY STATEMENTS (CAPS) • The Minister appointed a Committee to investigate the implementation of Mathematics, Science and Technology (MST) programmes in provinces. The Task Team began its work on 24 January 2013 and concluded its work in June and presented a report on their findings. The report was presented at the MST Roundtable on 7 June 2013 and to the CEM on 21 June 2013. The Task Team investigated the implementation of Mathematics, Science and Technology programmes in all provincial departments including Dinaledi schools. • The Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching (CiPELT) programme has been rolled out to 100 Foundation Phase curriculum advisors and 55 Union lead teachers nationally. Currently provinces are rolling out the programme to Foundation Phase teachers. • National Reading Audit. Subsequent to the completion of the audit, a National Reading Programme for Grades R to 12 was developed. Provinces are reporting quarterly on Reading Programme interventions.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION • An inter-provincial meeting on Inclusive Education was held on 29-30 April 2013 to report on the implementation of IE during the first quarter and to consolidate provincial plans using national priorities. The revised SIAS was presented at the Interprovincial meeting as well as at Senior Management. • An audit instrument for all schools for the Blind was developed and finalised as part of preparing the system for the implementation of the SASL curriculum from 2014. • The Training Manuals on Guidelines for Full Service Schools, Special Schools and Curriculum Differentiation were developed and finalised.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT • The Grade R policy framework document is ready to be gazetted for public comment. • Draft Concept paper on school readiness has been developed. • Pre-scoping exercise on ECD qualifications with QCTO and the ETDP SETA has started. This will address the training needs of practitioners working with younger children - below Grade R.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY (ICT): Thutong Portal. Thutong is an online community developed to help and support teachers. There are communities for each Learning Area, subject as well as school management, administration and teacher education. The following are some of the resources that were uploaded on the Thutong Portal during the first quarter: • 30 Creative Arts documents • 16 Geography presentations for teachers • Foundation Phase Numeracy Handbook 2013 • Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements • Circular S4 of 2013 Editorial and layout changes made to the printed CAPS • Afrikaans SAL (CAPS) Grade 11: Lessons for Learners, Term 2, 2013 • Afrikaans SAL (CAPS) Grade 11:Teachers Guide, Term 2,2013
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : • A 5-day screening workshop was held with approximately 40 subject advisors to evaluate and strengthen the quality of the workbooks for the 2014 school year. Valuable information was obtained for amendment to the 2014 workbooks. Workbooks have been revised in accordance with the recommendations of the screening process, enhancing the quality of the workbooks. • In January and February 25 million Volume 2 Grade R -9 workbooks were delivered to all public schools to be used in the third and fourth quarter of the school year. Braille workbooks for visually impaired learners • In January 2013, DBE printed and delivered Volume 1 and 2 Grade R, and Volume 1 Mathematics Braille workbooks for visually impaired learners; • The printing of Grades 1-6 Home Languages workbooks is in progress and will be ready for delivery to schools before the end of the year; • Printing of Volume 1, Grades 2-6 Mathematics workbooks are in process of being completed and will be delivered by the service provider to schools at the start of the third quarter of the 2013 school calendar year.
PROGRAMME TWO: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS LEARNING AND TEACHING SUPPORT MATERIALS : Provincial reports on the procurement of LTSM for the 2014 academic year. According to the milestones for procurement as set out in the LTSM Sector Plan, most provinces are on track. Progress reports received by the DBE from PEDs indicate that in most provinces: • Catalogues have been customised and released to schools; • Exhibitions have taken place; • Meetings with publishers aimed at outlining the procurement processes have been held; • Managing agents have been procured where they will be used; • Warehouses have been secured; • Requisitioning processes have taken place or are underway; • Plans to release orders to publishers are on track.
PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Teachers, Education Human Resources and Institutional Development ; Education Human Resources Management and Education Human Resources Development; and Curriculum and Professional Development Unit.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To ensure the new teacher development plan is translated into a wide range of teacher training materials, collaborative professional development activities within the schooling system and agreements with the relevant service providers • To establish the National Institute for Curriculum and Professional Development (NICPD) in order to promote best practices in classroom teaching and teacher development • To establish an ongoing national campaign for choosing teaching as a career, based on research into who becomes a good teacher and focusing on giving the necessary information and bursaries to interested youths • To bring about a set of planning, management and accountability tools at the school level that cater for South African needs and make quality education more realisable • To develop training strategies and materials aimed at parents that can bring parents more integrally into the new accountability mechanisms being established for schools • To establish better and evidence-based practices and procedures for the country’s 82 education district offices, including models for school interventions designed to tackle specific school shortcomings
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INTEGRATED QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (IQMS). • During the first quarter, external moderators visited a total of 1 975 schools. 1 757 of these visits were to monitor the implementation of the IQMS while 218 schools were visited as part of the “Race to the Top” project in the Vhembe district of Limpopo. During the follow-up visits, lesson observations were conducted for 330 educators. The provincial breakdown of IQMS monitoring is as reflected in the table below:
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS “Race to the Top” • Minister initiated a project on “Race to the Top” as a holistic and urgent response to the National Development Plan (NDP). • The project serves as a turnaround strategy for the education sector, whereby all schools in 21 identified districts will be monitored by 66 IQMS external moderators. • Some of the observations made were as follows: • Admission processes for 2013 have not yet commenced; • Drop-out rate is low at most schools; • Workbooks / CAPS textbooks have been delivered to most schools; • The NSNP is functioning well; • Most schools have electricity; and • Renovations to infrastructure evident at many schools. • Challenges includes amongst others: Multi-grade teaching, lack of support staff (Admin workers etc.), old infrastructure, no analysis of ANA results and large number of orphans.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER SUPPLY AND UTILISATION : • Number of qualified teachers aged 30 and below entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the past year. The nature of post provisioning processes in education is such that a large proportion of appointments occur in the first quarter of the school calendar year. As at the end of the first quarter of the school calendar year (January-March 2013) a total of 4 669 educators aged 30 years and younger were appointed for the first time in the system. • Number of qualified teachers aged 30 and below exiting the public service as teachers during the past year. The number of educators exiting the system was monitored during the first quarter of the school calendar year. During the first quarter of the school calendar year a total of 484 educators resigned of which 25 were 30 years and below and 454 were above the age of 30. The number of educators aged 30 and below exiting the system during the first quarter was lower than that of those that entered by 4 215.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS TEACHER SUPPLY AND UTILISATION : • In April 2013, CEM approved the Education Human Resource Planning Framework. PEDs will be expected to implement the Framework beginning from the 2014 school calendar year. The Framework identifies strategic areas critical for education human resource planning and management (including the management of demand, supply and utilization, and building capacity for workforce planning). TEACHER DEVELOPMENT : • Develop teacher diagnostics self-assessments to assess curriculum competence. A second set of diagnostic self-assessments in FET Maths have been completed. For the Foundation Phase, Intermediate and Senior Phase the first drafts have been completed. The projected phased-in introduction of the self-assessment system is 2014. • A total of 400 000 Teacher Guides were printed and distributed to district offices. The DBE is conducting orientation of subject advisors so that they could support the teachers in using the Teacher Guides. PEDs, some districts and HODs in schools mediated the guide to teachers.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS INITIAL TEACHER EDUCATION : • The Funza Lushaka bursary allocation from National Treasury for 2013/14 is R893, 867, 000. This translates into approximately 14 400 bursaries that can be awarded. • The selection committee meetings at 22 Higher Education Institutions to monitor and quality assure the selection process of bursars for the 2013 in-take has been completed. • Final selection lists for students to be awarded bursaries for the 2013 academic year were produced and sent to NSFAS to honour the claims from HEIs. Preliminary data shows that the 14 341 bursaries have been awarded.
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS SCHOOL GOVERNANCE • A guide for the capacity building of SGBs has been distributed to PEDs. The guide contains an extract from the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996 indicating functions of the SGB. The guide also indicates areas of training that SGBs have to undergo. The PEDs will utilise the guide to strengthen the functioning of SGBs. • Provincial education departments continued to use the SGB Functionality Tool to assess the effectiveness of School Governing Bodies in line with the indicator of Goal 22 of the Action Plan to 2014..
PROGRAMME THREE: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT • Quarterly reports available from each district on identified quality indicators using a standardised tool. A standardized tool with identified quality indictors has been finalized and approved by the sector. The well consulted tool covers all areas of district functionality which is aggregated to inform district performance per category and then the entire office. The tool willbe mediated during the planned provincial road shows from July to August 2013. • The Policy on the Organisation, Roles and Responsibilities of Education Districts was approved on 4 April 2013. The Policy aims at providing structures and systems through which national policy imperatives can be realised within all districts and those experiencing different levels of capacity to can support schools adequately.
PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through planning, implementation and assessment. SUB-PROGRAMMES : Programme Management : Planning , Information and Assessment; Information Management Systems; Financial and Physical Planning; National Assessments and Public Examinations; and, the National Education Evaluation and Development Unit; and Planning and Delivery Oversight Unit.
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES • To establish a quality system of standardised and benchmarked learner assessments • To ensure that all children complete a quality readiness programme in Grade R before they enter formal education in Grade 1 • To put into place support systems for provinces and schools to improve the physical environs of the school and create enabling conditions for successful teaching and learning • To ensure that districts can use quality information and data about the level and quality of learning in schools to plan and implement school-based improvement programmes
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS National Senior Certificate: • A total of 258 question papers for the November 2013/March 2014 NSC examinations were set and internally moderated during this quarter. 82% of the papers have been externally moderated and approved by Umalusi. Out of 130 of the November 2013 question papers, 100 have been edited, translated and quality assured. The remaining 30 question papers were at the stage of final approval by Umalusi as at the end of the quarter. The 1st consignment of all the November 2013 papers were handed over to PEDs for printing by 22 July 2013. • Exemplar question papers for Grade 11, which will be used to support the implementation of the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) were developed in 9 selected subjects and were released to PEDs on 31 May 2013 for printing and distribution to all schools. It is envisaged that these exemplars will assist teachers with the implementation of assessment relating to CAPS.
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS • The Exemplification of the Standard of the Learner Evidence for extended writing was developed in selected subjects of Business Studies, English FAL P3, Geography P1 and History P2 and handed over to PEDs and districts to distribute to all schools. The exemplification of excellent learner responses is a creative way to motivate and encourage the Grade 12 learners to emulate excellent performance. • A total of 80 School Based Assessment (SBA) moderatorshave been appointed. These moderators commenced with the first phase of the moderation of SBA across provinces. The three PEDs where moderation was conducted during this quarter were Limpopo, Mpumalanga and Eastern Cape. The SBA moderation for the remaining 6 provinces was scheduled to be conducted in July 2013.
PROGRAMME FOUR: HIGHLIGHTS & ACHIEVEMENTS ANNUAL NATIONAL ASSESSMENTS • Dissemination of diagnostic report, exemplars and assessment guidelines: As feedback to the system to assist schools teach better and prepare learners adequately for the 2013 ANA cycle, a diagnostic report on the strengths and learning gaps exhibited in the 2012 ANA cycle was developed and disseminated for use as a resource. • Exemplars of the knowledge and skills that are tested in Language and Mathematics in ANA were developed and disseminated to schools. • In addition, sets of guidelines on the scope of the 2013 ANA tests were developed and also disseminated to schools. All these resources are designed to help schools strengthen effectiveness of teaching and learning and contribute to improved learner performance. • Test Development: Language and Mathematics tests to be administered in ANA 2013 were developed, piloted, refined and reviewed by the Director-General’s Advisory Committee. The development included adaptation of tests into Braille and large font size for learners who experience severe and mild visual challenges, respectively.