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Sit in front of a computer Log in, go to course web page at http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115 Introduce yourself to folks around you Buckle up and prepare for Mr. Toad's wild ride!. Instructor : Craig Duckett Email: cduckett@cascadia.edu

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  1. Sit in front of a computer • Log in, go to course web page at • http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115 • Introduce yourself to folks around you • Buckle up and prepare for Mr. Toad's wild ride!

  2. Instructor: Craig Duckett Email: cduckett@cascadia.edu BIT115 Website: http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115Office Hours: Mondays/Wednesdays 9:00-10:30 am in CC1-203(in small alcove just to right of the second floor elevator)

  3. Why Take This Course? • For people who have no prior programming experience: • Curious about programming • Other fields (web, networking, business, design, etc) • Plan to transfer to UW Bothell, but no prior experience • Pre-Requisite: • Enjoy figuring out how things work • Comfortable using Windows/Mac and new programs • Math 85 (or Math 95) • Won’t do a lot of math, but you’ll need more the higher you go. There is a lot of logic and decision-making. BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  4. Learn programming using Java! You’ll learn by doing Practice! Practice! Practice! Solve small logical problems Understanding is the key! Google it! Google it! Google it! How To Study: Skim Topic Get an idea of the goal, what you’ll generally do Read through an example Try it out Try to modify it Think about how you’d use this in your programs Practice, practice, practice! Practice helps you to start seeing how it all works! Objective: Learn Basic Programming!

  5. Today • Reading review for this class: • Chapter 1.1 through 1.5, inclusive, and 1.7 • This covers the material for the first couple of sections of homework assignment #1 • Go over syllabus, grading • Intro “Hippy Dippy” Lecture about computer programming, philosophy, logic, decision-making, object-oriented programming, classes and objects. • Learn about the simulated “robots” we’ll be using to learn Java. • How to create simple Java programs, using the jGRASP development environment. • Getting the software installed on your own computers.

  6. Syllabus • http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115/BIT115_Syllabus_Fall_2014.docx • Everything covered in this slide is contained in the Syllabus BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  7. Required Book:Java: Learning to Program with Robots by Byron Weber BeckerFree download from http://www.learningwithrobots.com/ Get this now!! You need this immediately, so don’t delay!!! Best to do the reading before class i.e., Ch. 1.5 - 1.7, Appendix F.1, Ch. 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 before next class Class Meeting time, Office hours, Contact info on BIT115 webpage If you need help, ask!! (email me, see me during office hours, open labs) Better to do this sooner rather than later!! Bookmark the BIT115 webpage You can get lecture notes, in class exercises, homework assignments, and late-breaking announcements there! Syllabus : Book, Hours, Info

  8. No Cheating! • If you cheat, • First offence: you’ll get a zero for the assignment • Second offence: You’ll be given a choice of Withdrawing from the course (if you still can), or else you’ll get a zero for the term. Period. • If you cheat on assignments and I don’t catch you, you’ll do badly on the exams (midterm & final) • Exams are 30% of your grade – if you get flogged on these, you’ll do badly overall BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  9. Behavior Rules • Quiet please during the lecture portion • No cell phones, mp3 players, music, etc. during class, thank you! • Whisper, if you talk at all • Minimize loud typing during lecture portion • If you have trouble hearing me, sit towards the front • Work during I.C.E. time • If you finish a section, gp on to the next one • If you finish everything, once I sign you off, you are free to go for the day BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  10. Grading • Details in Syllabus • You’re responsible for everything there, even if I don’t talk about it now. • 1,000 points for the quarter • Every point has the same weight as any other • 4 Homework Assignments, 100 points each • Each homework will have multiple parts – start working on them after each lecture! • Each homework will be graded, returned, then you get approximately 1.5 to 2 weeks to hand in a revision. • The revised grade replaces the original grade. • 2 Exams: 150 points each (Mid-Term, Final) • In Class Participation: 300 points • 15 of the 22 scheduled classed are worth 20 points (not counting today’s class, the mid-term class, and the final exam class): 5 point quiz about prior lecture, 15 points for making a genuine effort on the ICE’s BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  11. Grading Point Breakdown Quarter Grades will be assigned using the following point scale: Fun Fact: On average, over 65% of my students in all previous BIT115 classes earned a 4.0

  12. Laptops, Notebooks, USB Drives • If you have a laptop or notebook you are greatly encouraged to bring this to class, since your personal computers may often prove more reliable than the computers in this lab. • If not, then you will need a USB thumb drive to do your work on and to transfer your .java files between school and home. Since .java files are quite small, the USB drive doesn't need to be a very big one. BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  13. This class will use a Java compiler application called jGRASP. jGRASP = Java Graphical Representations of Algorithms, Structures, and Processes jGrasp is a very simple tool to learn and use, and that is why we're using it in this 'Intro' class and not a more complicated Java compiler like Eclipse, Netbeans, DrJava, Jcreator, etc. If you do what to use a different compiler, you are welcome to do so, although be forewarned: you'll be on your own. I'll help all I can with jGrasp issues, but if you're using a different compiler than you'll have to do your own troubleshooting and problem solving. BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  14. Assignment 1 due day of Lecture 5 BY MIDNIGHT • Homework Assignments are located under Assignments on the website http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115 • By the end of today’s Lecture, you’ll have seen enough to start working on Assignment 1 (A1) • You’ll have everything you need to complete by the end of the next class but get started now (you can complete first half of assignment without the next class) BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  15. StudentTracker • Homework Assignments are uploaded and grades tracked using the BIT Developer's own proprietary application called StudentTracker. • StudentTracker is accessed from the Home Page of the BIT115 web site.

  16. Personal Data Sheet (Optional) • It’s located on the class website • So I know something about you • If you don’t want to fill in a part, leave it blank • Include your Personal Data Sheet along with Assignment 1 when you submit it using StudentTracker BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  17. The Quiz • We’ll START Lecture 3 with a short "warm-up" quiz that will cover a topic learned in the previous class • Starting with LECTURE 3, we will start almost every class with a quiz, so please be prompt. • All quizzes are done with pencil-and-paperYou supply the pencil, I'll supply the paper BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  18. ICE: In-Class Exercises • At the end of each Lecture, we will work on In-Class Exercises (ICEs). ICEs are located under each pertinent Lecture sliding tab in http://faculty.cascadia.edu/cduckett/bit115 with the specific files needed to work the exercises, as well as a few demos to demonstrate how things might be done (hint! hint!) • By working on the ICES during class, you will receive your 20 points for that class even if you don’t finish the ICEin classand there will be many days that you won’t finish your ICES (but there is no need to show me your completed work later, because) • Even if you don’t finish the ICEs on any particular day it is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you do finish the ICE on your own, since the ICEs have been carefully constructed to help you toward “solving” the Assignments. • However, If you do finish all your ICEs during class, I’ll check off your work and then you are free to skedaddle for the remainder of the class 

  19. Next Lecture • Reading For Next Class: • Chapter 1.5 – 1.7 • Chapter1.4.5 – program tracing • Appendix F.1 (“The Lay of the Land”) • Chapter 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 • Don’t Be Tardy: No Quiz this upcoming Monday, but starting next Wednesday we'll start almost every class with a short (one-question, 3-4 minutes) "warm-up" Quiz which will cover a single topic or programming feature learned in the previous class. BIT 115: Introduction To Programming

  20. Recommended http://www.udemy.com

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