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IBM P2020-795 Exam IBM Decision Optimization Technical Mastery Test v2 Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/P2020-795-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Version: 8.0 Question 1 A customer is looking for a soluton to determine the best staf levels at their service centers while considering variability in arrival rates of service tckets and duraton to resolve them. Which IBM ofering will the technical seller propose to the customer? A. CPLEX Optmiiaton Studio B. SPSS Modeler C. Decision Optmiiaton Center with Uncertainty Toolkit D. cloud Aoswern C Question 2 While the components of a product demonstraton will vary depending upon the requirements of the prospectve customer, a best practce for all successful product demonstratons is to: A. Cover as many features as possible in order to impress the prospect. B. Lead with a descripton of the product architecture. C. Start by describing all input data before showing the soluton. D. Focus on 2-5 key features and summariie their benefts. Aoswern D Question 3 A customer is interested in deploying an optmiiaton soluton with IBM Decision Optmiiaton CPLEX Deployment Editon. What should the technical seller inquire about that would allow the IBM team to come up with a siiing recommendaton? A. The number of business users that will be using the optmiiaton applicaton. B. The number of concurrent optmiiaton requests that are expected to reach CPLEX at any given tme C. The amount of tme it takes for CPLEX to solve a single optmiiaton request D. The number of variables and constraints in the optmiiaton problem Aoswern D Question 4 How do Operatons Researchers beneft from the OPL modeling capabilites ofered by I6M CPLEX Optmiiaton Studio?
A. IMPROVE MODEL PERFORMANCE B. Process big data. C. Develop models very rapidly. D. Reduce memory footprint Aoswern C Question 5 A large internatonal manufacturer is expanding rapidly and is looking to IBM for help in improving their supply chain network. Which metric does an IBM Decision Optmiiaton soluton help improve directly? A. customs compliance for global sourcing B. mean tme to failure (MTTF) for equipment C. open distributon center costs D. global tax accountng Aoswern C