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Youth Subcultures Through the Decades

Learn about the evolution of youth subcultures from the 1960s to the present, from Hippies spreading love and peace to Punks rebelling with shock value fashion. Explore the styles and philosophies of Bikers, Ravers, Skinheads, and Goths.

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Youth Subcultures Through the Decades

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  1. HippiesDefinition:ayouthsubculture (mostlyfromthemiddleclass) originatinginSanFranciscointhe 1960s; advocateduniversalloveandpeaceandcommunesandlonghairandsoftdrugs; favoredacidrockandprogressiverockmusic.

  2. PunksDefinition:ayouthsubculture of punks appeared inthelate 1970s; inpartareactionto thehippy subculture; dresswasoptionalbutintendedtoshock (plasticgarbage bagsoroldschooluniforms) andhairwasdyedinbrightcolors (inMohicanhaircutsorsometimesspikedinbrightplumes)

  3. BikersDefinition: originallyaBritishyouthsubculturethatevolvedoutoftheteddyboysinthe 1960s; woreblackleatherjacketsandjeansandboots; hadgreasedhairandrodemotorcyclesandlistenedtorock'n'roll

  4. Ravers are the folks who use computer-made, synthesized music, and drugs to create massive all-night dance parties. They like to be in a collective.

  5. SkinheadsDefinition:ayouthsubculturethatappearedfirstinEnglandinthelate 1960sasaworking-classreactiontothehippies; hairwascroppedclosetothescalp; woreworkingshirtsandshortjeans(supportedbysuspenders) andheavyredboots; involvedinattacksagainstAsiansandfootballhooliganism.

  6. GothsThe members of this subculture wear the blackest black, with a lot of silver jewellery and have very black hair and look as thin and pale as possible. The members gather together to red Bram Stoker and talk about being vampires, and about the end of the world.

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