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Looking ahead to the 2009 – 2012 triennium

Looking ahead to the 2009 – 2012 triennium. Ideas that constitute a vision. MCCA = 8 District Conferences. A THEOLOGICALLY SOUND CHURCH. Members are effectively nurtured in the Christian faith Members are adequately educated in its doctrines and duties.

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Looking ahead to the 2009 – 2012 triennium

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  1. Looking aheadto the2009 – 2012 triennium Ideas that constitute a vision

  2. MCCA = 8 District Conferences

  3. A THEOLOGICALLY SOUND CHURCH • Members are effectively nurtured in the Christian faith • Members are adequately educated in its doctrines and duties. • Support the work being done to develop Church School Curriculum Materials • A definite revival within the Church School system.

  4. A KNOWLEDGEABLE CHURCH • The Methodist Publishing House - an incentive for ministers and theologians, poets and hymn composers to produce. • An increase in our ability to respond to Faith and Order questions, moral and ethical concerns and topical issues • Offer scholarships to promising young writers, theologians and musicians.

  5. A CHURCH INTERESTED IN EDUCATION • Start schools where there are none • Explore the possibility of expanding into tertiary education • Pay attention to chaplaincy to tertiary institutions • Continued credibility attached to our Church’s interest in education.

  6. A CHURCH WITH A YOUTH FOCUS • Interest not limited to Church Schools, primary, secondary and tertiary education. • There are too few surviving uniformed youth groups within Methodism. • Help youth to channel their energies away from gang warfare, domestic violence and other antisocial behaviour. • Work towards a formal MCCA Youth and Young Adults umbrella organization

  7. A CHURCH THAT CATERS FOR SEVERAL GROUPINGS • Critique of the class meeting system • = workable units that can meet the needs of a variety of groups • = ministering to persons of all ages and stages of life • = a most effective way of ensuring that pastoral care is on offer for all.

  8. A CHURCH THAT IS MISSION MINDED • Prior to 1967 MCCA = “a mission field of British Methodism” • MCCA committed to spreading scriptural holiness across these lands and reforming of the nations • Every communicant member to evangelize at least one person per year. • Target every new housing area

  9. A CHURCH THAT EMPHASIZES STEWARDSHIP • Stewards of time, talents and treasure • All must be practically involved with none sitting on the sidelines • We encourage tithing but will not enforce it as the law of the Medes and the Persians • Much more than ten percent is in reality due to God for everything belongs to God

  10. A CHURCH THAT CARES ABOUT ITS RESOURCES OF PROPERTY • Develop the Nathaniel Gilbert Estate • Refurbish the Ecumenical Centre building • Involve the Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Centre (GARDC) • Restore old churches and other property in need of repairs • Address issues affecting MCCA ownership of property

  11. A CHURCH THAT EVALUATES ITS MINISTRY • Alternative schemes for ministerial training • The role and status of the diaconate • The ministry of the episcopate • The type of “bishop” envisaged for the MCCA • Various aspects of local presbytery

  12. A CHURCH THAT IS COMMITTED TO ITINERANCY • Encourage more young men and women to commit themselves to a lifetime within the itinerant ministry • Consider carefully the effects of itinerancy upon spouses and families • Examine the promises of a Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME)

  13. A CHURCH COMMITTED TO FINANCING ITS MINISTRY • Ministers’ financial contributions towards the cost of their training • Provision of funds on a regular basis for the training and upkeep of the Ministry • October, Ministries’ month, as an opportunity to receive from members sufficient resources towards the Ministerial Training Fund.

  14. A CULTURALLY RELEVANT CHURCH • Every minister graduating from UTCWI to be equipped to serve anywhere in the Connexional Conference area. • Cultural relevance reflected in worship • Opportunities presented with the new hymnbook • Cultural relevance as it pertains to liturgy

  15. A CHURCH WITH GREATER VISIBILITY IN THE WORLD • World Methodist Evangelism Institute • World Methodist Council • World Methodist Conference • Oxford Institute • WCC Continuation Committee • Caribbean Conference of Churches

  16. A CHURCH THAT CHERISHES PARTNERSHIP WITH OTHERS • The Methodist Church in Britain • The United Methodist Church • The United Church of Canada • Spanish speaking Churches – CIEMAL • The Caribbean Leadership Forum • Methodist Churches in Africa • Churches in Asia and the Pacific

  17. A CHURCH THAT IS FINANCIALLY PREPARED • Develop projects that generate income • Cut costs where feasible • Maximize use of available technology • Manage the Superannuation Fund • Consider schemes such as retirement homes for clergy • Set up a Disaster Relief Fund • Explore the possibility of disaster relief centres

  18. A CHURCH THAT SERVES A RISEN SAVIOUR • Work towards achieving the various aspects of this vision • “Oh, yes! We can!” • Be of service to the present age • “With God’s help, we will!”

  19. The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas


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