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Wisteria House. Scott Eccles tells his story . Sherlock Holmes receives a telegram from Scott Eccles. Some policemen arrive asking question about Garcia’s murder. The Melvilles introduced Scott Eccles to Garcia during dinner one evening.
Scott Eccles tellshisstory. Sherlock Holmes receives a telegramfrom Scott Eccles Some policemenarriveaskingquestionaboutGarcia’smurder The Melvillesintroduced Scott Eccles toGarciaduringdinneroneevening He saidheworked for the Spanish government.
Duringdinner, Garcia seemeddistracted Garcia invited Scott Eccles tospend a fewdaysathishouse, WisteriaHouse. At theendoftheevening, a servantbrought Garcia a note. At nearlyoneo’clock, Garcia wenttoScott’sroomtocheckifhehadrungthebell. Scott Eccles packedhisthingsandleftthehouse. When Scott wokeupthenextdayat 9 am, thehousewascompletlyempty.
The note wason a woman’shandwriting. The policeofficershadfoundthe note Garcia hadreceivedthenightbefore. Garcia wasfounddeadon a field a milefromhishouse. Holmes thinksthattheservantswereinvolved in the crime. AfterexaminingGarcia’s note, Holmes decidedtoinvestigatetheownersofallthegreathousesnearWisteriaHouse. Holmes suspectsthat Garcia wanted Scott Eccles towitnesshispresenceat home atoneo´clock
Whileinvestigatingthekitchen, theyfound a black, leathery, driedupobjectshapedlike a baby orsmallmonkey. Holmes andthepoliceofficersarriveatWisteriaHouse, whichhadbeenvisitedby “thedevil”. He wasactuallyGarcia’scook. Theyalsofoundfeathersand a bucketfullofblood. Holmes spentthenextfewdaysaskingquestionsaroundthevillage.
Holmes tellsthepolicehedoesn’tbelievethecookisresponsible for the crime. The newspaperannouncedthepolicehadcapturedtheresponsible for Garcia’sdeath, thecook. ServantsknewaboutGarcia’splan, sotheyranawaywhentheirmasterdidn’t come home. Holmes explainedto Watson that Garcia wasplanning a crime thenighthewasmurdered The womanwhowrotethe note wasalsoinvolvedwithGarcia’splan. Theysuspected Garcia hadbeenkilled.
Mr. Henderson secretary, Mr. Lucas, was a foreigner. Holmes focuseshissuspiciousat High Gables, propertyof Mr. Henderson. Henderson hastwoyoungdaughterswhoweretaughtby Miss Burnet. Henderson andhisfamly / servantswerealwaysmovingaround. Henderson lives a verysecludedlifeandisalways in thecompanyofhissecretary.
Holmes comes totheconclusionthattheletterhadbeenwrittenby Miss Burnet, theteacher. Servantssaythat Henderson is a veryviolent man. Holmes and Watson wenttoseethis lady, whohadbeendruggedbyOpium. Later thatday, a policeofficer came totell Holmes thateveryonehadleftthehouse, includingthe lady. The womanhadescapedfromhermaster a momentbeforehistrainleft. Shewasthentakento Holmes.
Baynesexplainedthat Henderson wasactually Juan Murillo, anevil Central American ruler. The Village policeofficer, Baynes, told Holmes thathehadonlyarrestedthecooktomake Henderson feelhewas safe. Murilloescapedfromhis country carrying manyvaluables. It isdiscovredthat Garcia died in anattempttokill Juan Murillo. Miss Burnet revealsthather real nameis Mrs. Victor Durando. JunaMurilloshot Victor Durando andtookhisproperty.
Lopez andMurillobecamesuspiciousof Mrs. Durando andcaughther, thinkingofkilling her. Mrs. Victor Durando revealsthatthesecretary, Lucas, real nameis Lopez. In theend, theydecidedtosendherletterto Garcia. Murillokilled Garcia and Lopez stoodwatch over Mrs. Durando.
Sixmonths later, LordMontalvaandhissecretay, Mr. Rulliweremurdered in madrid. Mr. Baynesshowedthenewsto Holmes, whichclearlyshowedthatthetwomurderedmenwere in factMurilloand Lopez.