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INDE ET ASIE DE L'OUEST Michel WALDSCHMIDT , Université de Paris 6 Jorge JIMENEZ URROZ, UPC, Barcelona http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~miw http://www.cimpa-icpam.org January 19, 2012. Countries.
INDE ET ASIE DE L'OUEST Michel WALDSCHMIDT,Université de Paris 6 Jorge JIMENEZ URROZ, UPC, Barcelona http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~miw http://www.cimpa-icpam.org January 19, 2012
Countries India, Pakistan, Nepal, Irak, Iran, Turkey, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Uzbekistan, Kazastan,, Tazjekistan, Azerbaian, Armenia, Arabia Saudi, Afganistan.
IRAK Preliminaryvisitorganized by the CIMPA in 2000 First Iraqi-Frenchconference in mathematicsin Erbil in November 2009 RevitalizingResearch in Kurdistan International ConferenceDec 14‐16, 2010, Erbil (Ministry of Higher Education and ScientificResearch, Kurdistan RegionalGovernment)
IRAK Workshops RezaSazeedeh– Commutative algebra, UniversitySalahaddin - January 2011 Michel Jambu– Topology, UniversityDuhok - February 2011 Alain Faisant - Galois theory, UniversitySalahaddin - April 2011 Abdeljalil Nachaoui–NumericalAnalysis, UniversitySalahaddin - September -2011 Kamran Divaani–Commutative Algebra, UniversitySalahaddin - December -2011
IRAK Next: Arsalan Chademan (University of Kurdistan), Sanandaj, Iran, Mohammad Eftekhari (Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens), Nachaoui (Université de Nantes, France), J. Urroz (Université de Catalunya, Espagne),NumberTheory, M. Jambu (Université de Nice, France), J-M Bardet (Université de Paris 1, France), Statistics. Complex Analysis, Topology, Number Theory, Statistics, etc
IRAK High LevelScientificVisits Supported by the French Embassy in Bagdad Ibrahim Othman Hamad (Paris, April 2011) Herish Omer Abdullah (Paris VI, November 2011-August 2012)
IRAK Under the VLP program, Aranda Pino and Chandan Singh Dalawatwillspendonemonth in 2012 in theUniversityofSalahaddin Propositions studied by the Board of Mathematics, chaired by Herish Omer Abdullah (inspired by ENS Ulm) Research CIMPA schoolconsidered for 2013 Coordination Mohammad Eftekhari (Amiens) Fatima Aboud (Diyala University)
IRAN-TURKEY CIMPA ResearchSchoolscheduled for June 2009 in Teherandelayed to September 2010 in Istanbul ScientificcommitteeIran-Turkey-CIMPA Invitation of mathematiciansfrom Iran in France; PHC (Projet Hubert Curien) Gundishapur 2012 – support from the French Embassy:SiamakYassemi, RahimZaare-Nahandi Meeting in the middle of February in Paris.
PAKISTAN ASSMS Abdus Salam School of Mathematical Sciences • CIMPA researchschool Local AnalyticGeometry 4 – 13 February 2012 • ERCE (EmergingRegional Center of Excellence) – EuropeanMathematical Society – Committee for Developing Countries • Workshop on NumberTheory and Allied Areas in Mathematics in Skardu end of Septembre 2011, courses in Lahore in October 2011
NEPAL CIMPA ResearchSchool: NumberTheory in cryptography and applications July19 - 31 , 2010 in KathmanduUniversity (KU) Before: National School on Cryptography and NumberTheory NSNTC2009 December 26, 2009 - January 5, 2010 in KU After: Courses in TribhuvanUniversity (TU) in September 2011 by Jorge JimenezUrroz and Michel Waldschmidt Project of workshop organized by Francesco Pappalardi and Kalyan Chakraborty, maybe in 2012 Project of a CIMPA ResearchSchool in TU in 2013
Nepal Working as a team: Pappalardi in Europe, Chakraborty in India, Tanka Singh andJia in Nepal.
BHUTAN Visit with Sinnou David, end of 2009. Contact Rinzin Namgyel in Warsaw.
INDE IFIM,CEFIPRA Threeprojects of CIMPA schools for 2013. Chakraborty help to includestudentsabroad in schools in mathematics, SPIM, in HRI and others. Nepal people almostconsidered as citizens. NBHM (National Board for HigherMathematics), ATM
FEEDBACK CIMPA Research School in Kathmandu, Nepal (July 2013) Shigeru Kanemitsu (Japan) SardarMohib Ali Khan (ASSMS, Lahore, Pakistan) Postdoc in a research Institute in China Ajaya Singh visit Paris VI under Erasmus Mundus Students from Nepal Nilakantha Paudel, applyingto ICTP, Chudamani PoudyalNewMexico State university.