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Safe Pregnancy Termination with Abortion Pills

Women can now use the abortion pill as it is the effective & FDA approved medicine that helps to terminate the early stage of pregnancy. Abortion pill Uk online is facility has been provided by our company.

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Safe Pregnancy Termination with Abortion Pills

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  1. Safe Pregnancy Termination with Abortion Pill http://www.leonpharmacy.com/abortion-pill.html

  2. Pregnancy Ending Process The medical pregnancy ending process with success rate of 95-98% is used by a majority of women in early gestation stage. Millions of females buy abortion pill online to do an in-home or in-hospital terminations against surgical regimen of vacuum aspiration or dilation and curettage. The medicines are viable to be used within 4 to 9 weeks of gestation or perhaps only until 12 weeks. www.leonpharmacy.com

  3. In the regimen of pregnancy ending, the tablets loosen fetal parts from endometrium uterine lining, and expel the contents from vagina successfully. Users buy Mifepristone 200mg (1 to 3 tablets) to start with the procedure. Oral consumption with water of this medicine on first day causes uterine implantation tissue to break and detach pregnancy sections. Taking 4 Cytotec abortion pill under tongue on the third day of regimen for consumption causes uterus to contract and produce out the pregnancy remains. www.leonpharmacy.com

  4. Dosage of Abortion Pill Take progesterone blocking pills (200mg each, 3 tablets) on the first day of medical regimen, orally with water. On the third day, the user has to insert four prostaglandin tablets under tongue and hold these for half an hour before consuming the remains. The person can access both prostaglandin and anti-progesterone from a single platform, if they select abortion pill order online option. Do not take overdose, smoke during the procedure or intake alcohol. www.leonpharmacy.com

  5. Side Effects and Warnings Medical pregnancy termination has intended effects like heavy bleeding and cramping, but it may cause few mild side effects as well. These are chills, diarrhea, fever, nausea, headache, vomiting, tiredness, and dizziness etc. The abdomen pain is because of the womb contractions, which expels the fetus parts. Only doctor prescribed medications must be taken if there is a need to control pain. Most of the effects end when pregnancy parts are completely rid from womb. www.leonpharmacy.com

  6. FOR MORE VISIT : • Buy abortion pill online at http://www.leonpharmacy.com/abortion-pill.html

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