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Federico D. ARIEL 2014

Gene expression regulation in plants. (Coen, 1996). Federico D. ARIEL 2014. Animal embryogenesis. Plant embryogenesis and post embryonic development. The shoot apical meristem (SAM ). First steps of plant development. The shoot apical meristem. WUSCHEL maintains the SAM.

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Federico D. ARIEL 2014

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Gene expressionregulation in plants (Coen, 1996) Federico D. ARIEL 2014

  2. Animal embryogenesis

  3. Plantembryogenesis and post embryonicdevelopment

  4. Theshoot apical meristem (SAM)

  5. Firststeps of plantdevelopment

  6. Theshoot apical meristem WUSCHEL maintainstheSAM

  7. Epigeneticregulation of FLC

  8. Mayor floral inductivepathways

  9. Sepals • Petals • Stamens • Carpels Flowerorgans are organized in whorls

  10. Sepals Activity A Stamens Act. B + C Petals Act. A + B Carpels ActivityC Act. A Act. C ABCE model Thewar of thewhorls: geneticinteractionscontrollingflowerdevelopment Enrico S. Coen & Elliot M. Meyerowitz (1996)

  11. LEAFY + The ABCE Model ActivityA:APETALA1 (AP1); APETALA2 (AP2) ActivityB:APETALA3 (AP3); PISTILLATA (PI) Activity C: AGAMOUS (AG) ActivityE: SEPALLATA(SEP)

  12. AP1 (A) Whorls1 y 2 + FT + UFO AP3 (B) Whorls2 y 3 LEAFY + WUS AG (C) Whorls3 y 4

  13. 1 2 3 4

  14. Homeosis in animals and in plants

  15. Someexercises 1. Predictthephenotype of thefollowingmutantplants: a) agamous (AG) b) apetala2 (AP2) c) pistillata (PI) d) agamous – apetala2 e) agamous – apetala2 – apetala3 2. Whatphenotypewouldresultfromthetransformation of ArabidopsisplantswiththeconstructPromLFY::miRNA172? 3. Whatphenotypewouldresultfromthetransformation of ArabidopsisplantswiththeconstructPromAG::UFO?

  16. Phenotypespredictedbythe ABCE model

  17. WhenActvivity C isabolished, themeristempersists…

  18. AP1 (A) Whorls1 y 2 + FT + UFO AP3 andPI (B) Whorls2 y 3 LEAFY + WUS AG (C) Whorls3 y 4 WUSCHEL isalsoexpressed in whorls1, 2 y 3

  19. ActivityC Flowerswith Sepals and Petals Themersitempersists and WUSCHELremainsexpressed Relationbetween WUSCHEL and AGAMOUS agamous WUSCHEL

  20. - WUSCHEL AGAMOUS AGAMOUS WUSCHEL + WUSCHEL-AGAMOUS Summing up: When AGAMOUS respressesWUSCHEL, themeristematiccellsdifferenciatetogeneratetheCarpels

  21. Role of non-codingRNAs in plants

  22. What are the non-codingRNAs?

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