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Project ACE is a collaborative initiative aiming to address youth suicide and other challenging issues through education and action, involving various community partners for support. The project seeks to empower young individuals in making healthier choices in their lives. Suicide prevention is a key focus of Project ACE, with important statistics and information shared to raise awareness and reduce the high rates of suicide among North Dakota's youth. The project highlights the preventable nature of suicide and emphasizes the importance of early intervention and support for individuals struggling with suicidal behaviors.
What’s Going On Youth and Suicide
What is Project ACE? • A collaborative effort including business people, government officials, law enforcement leaders, social service professionals, and K-16 educators. • Using a community-based assets driven approach to change attitudes and behavior. • Seeking to encourage Action, foster Commitment, and offer Education for the purpose of helping young people in our region make healthier choices with regard to six challenging issues in their lives .....
Project ACE • Alcohol • Methamphetamine & other drugs • Suicide • Violence • Sexual Activity • Gambling
Project ACE – Why? • Because we care about young people in southwest North Dakota. • Recognize the critically important role young people will play in the future successes and vitality of North Dakota.
Community Partners • Badlands Human Service Center • Bureau of Criminal Investigation • Community Action Partnership • Department of Public Instruction • Dickinson Ministerial Association • Dickinson Police Department • Dickinson State University • Domestic Violence & Rape Crisis Center • Elected Officials • North Dakota Highway Patrol • Quality Quick Print • Region VIII School • Rural Crime and Justice Center • SW Judicial District Juvenile Court • St. Joseph’s Hospital & Health Care Center • Stark County Sheriff’s Department • Stark County Social Services • Southwestern District Health Unit • West Dakota Parent & Family Resource Center
Suicide • Suicide is a death from injury, poisoning, or suffocation where there is evidence that a self-inflicted act led to the person’s death.
Suicide Attempt • Suicide attempt is a potentially self-injurious behavior with a nonfatal outcome, for which there is evidence that the person intended to kill himself or herself; a suicide attempt may or may not result in injuries.
Suicidal behavior • Suicidal behavior is a spectrum of activities related to thoughts and behaviors that include suicidal thinking, suicide attempts, and completed suicide.
If a firearm is accessible to a suicidal youth, the chances of a fatality double. • “Over 2.3%, or 1600 North Dakota teens reported making a suicide attempt that resulted in an injury needing medical attention in 2001”
Suicide – a permanent solution to a temporary problem. • “ More teens die from suicide than from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, strokes, pneumonia, influenza, and lung disease combined.”
Suicide is preventable. • Like traffic fatalities, we can reduce the high rates of suicide among North Dakota’s youth.
State wide FACTS: • From 1994 – 2003, 797 people committed suicide in North Dakota. This averages out to about 80 people per year or almost eleven each month. • There are more than five males for every female suicide in North Dakota. • Firearms account for 58% of all suicides in North Dakota; more people commit suicide by firearms than all other methods combined. • Suicide by firearms is almost three times more prevalent than the next most common method of hanging/suffocation.
State wide FACT’S (cont.) The highest average suicide rates for 1994-2003 were in the 45-54 age group (17.6) and the 15-25 age group (16.8). • For the years 1997 – 2001, suicide was the seventh leading cause of death in ND.
State wide FACT’S (cont.) • Although the white population had seven times more deaths by suicide than the Native American population in the last ten years, because of the population base, the suicide rates for Native Americans were almost three times that of the white population. • Between 1994 and 2002, the suicide rate was higher than the national average eight of the nine years.
Although most depressed people are not suicidal, most suicidal people are depressed.
More FACT’S • 70% of people who commit suicide tell someone about it in advance, and most are not in treatment. • Those who make serious attempts are at much higher risk for actually taking their lives. Between 20 and 40 % of people who kill themselves have previously attempted suicide. • Nearly 50% of suicide victims have a positive blood alcohol level.
Estimated Hospital Attempts, 1999 – 2002 Statewide • An annual average of 345 hospitalized attempts per year. • Average of almost 1 attempt per day.
Estimated Hospital Attempts, 1999 – 2002 Statewide - Gender • Males: 41% • Females: 59%
Attempts by MethodStatewide • Poisoning: leading method; 290 annual attempts • Cut/Pierce: 2nd leading method; 24 annual attempts
Suicides, 1999 – 2002Statewide • Average of 78 residents died by suicide each year. • Average approximately 1 suicide every 5 days.
Suicides, 1999 – 2002Gender - Statewide Males: 81% Females: 19% Male suicide rate is more than 4 times greater than female rate.
Common Warning Signs • Giving away favorite possessions. • A marked or noticeable change in behavior. • Previous suicide attempts and statements revealing a desire to die. • Depression. • Inappropriate “good-byes”. • Verbal behavior that is ambiguous or indirect: “You won’t have to worry about me anymore” “I want to go to sleep and never wake up” • Purchase a gun or medications. • Alcohol and other drug use. • Sudden happiness after a long depression. • Obsession about death and talk about suicide. • Decline in performance of work, school or other activities. • Deteriorating physical appearance or reckless actions.
Beware of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors • Nearly everyone at some time in his or her life thinks about suicide. Most decide to live because they come to realize that the crisis they are experiencing is temporary, but death is not. On the other hand, people in the midst of a crisis often perceive their dilemma as inescapable and feel an utter loss of control.
Other factors: • Research has shown that most adolescent suicides occur after school hours and in the teens home.
Other factors: • Not all adolescent attempters may admit their intent. Therefore, any deliberate self-harming behaviors should be considered serious and in need of further evaluation. • The typical profile of an an adolescent non-fatal suicide attempter is a female who ingests pills, while the profile of the typical completer suicide is a male who dies from a gunshot wound.
Among college students: • One in 12 college students have made a suicide plan. • It is estimated that there are more than 1,000 suicides on college campuses per year. • Of the students who had seriously considered suicide, 4.8% reported feeling so sad to the point of not functioning at least once in the past year, and 94.4% reported feeling hopeless.
If you experience any of these feelings, get help!If you know someone who exhibits these feelings, offer help. • Can’t stop the pain • Can’t think clearly • Can’t make decisions • Can’t see any way out • Can’t sleep, eat, or work • Can’t get out of the depression • Can’t make the sadness go away • Can’t see the possibility of change • Can’t see themselves as worthwhile • Can’t get someone’s attention • Can’t seem to get control
High Risk Life Events Associated with Suicide • Death or terminal illness of a loved one. • Divorce, separation, or broken relationship. • Loss of health (real or imaginary) • Loss of job, home, money, self-esteem, personal security. • Anniversaries. • Difficulties with school, family, the law.
What to do • Take suicide threats seriously, be direct, open and honest in communication. • Listen, allow the individual to express their feelings and express your concerns in a non-judgmental way. • Say things like, “I’m here for you”, “Let’s talk”, “I’m here to help” • Ask, “Are you having suicidal thoughts?” A detailed plan indicates greater risk. • Take action sooner than later. • Get them connected with professional help. • Dispose of pills, drugs, and guns. • Do not worry about being disloyal to the individual; contact a reliable family member or close friend of the person.
What not to do • Do not leave the person alone if you feel the risk to his/her safety is immediate. • Do not treat the threat lightly even if the person begins to joke about it. • Do not act shocked or condemn. There may be another cry for help. • Do not point out to him/her how much better off they are than others. This increases feelings of guilt and worthlessness. • Do not swear yourself to secrecy. • Do not offer simple solutions. • Do not suggest drugs or alcohol as a solution. • Do not judge the person. • Avoid arguments. • Do not try to counsel the person yourself. GET PROFESSIONAL HELP!
Acknowledge • Do take it seriously. 70% of all people who commit suicide give some warning of their intentions to a friend or family member. • Do be willing to listen. Even if professional help is needed, your loved one will be more willing to seek help if you have listened to him or her.
Care • Do voice your concern. Take the initiative to ask what is troubling your loved one, and attempt to overcome any reluctance on their part about it. • Let the person know you care and understand.Reassure them that they are not alone. Explain that even if it seems hard to believe right now, suicidal feelings – although powerful – are only temporary, and that the usual cause (depression) can be treated. • Ask if the person has a specific plan. Ask if a suicidal plan exists.
Treatment • Do get professional help immediately. • If the person seems unwilling to accept treatment.. Make a call for help • If the person seems willing to accept treatment, do one of the following .... Bring the person to a local emergency room or a mental health professional. Your friend will be more likely to seek help if you accompany him or her.
Survivors of Suicide • A survivor of suicide is a family member or friend of a person who died by suicide. • Approximately 5 million Americans became survivors of suicide in the last 25 years.
About Suicidal Grief • The loss of a loved one by suicide is often shocking, painful and unexpected. • Each person will experience it in their own way and at their own pace. • Survivors often struggle with the reasons why the suicide occurred and whether they could have done something to prevent the suicide or help their loved one.
Talk to someoneYou are not aloneCONTACT: • A community mental health agency • A school counselor or psychologist • A private therapist • A family physician • A religious/spiritual leader • Emergency services • Crisis Line