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演講人:陳英輝 中國科技大學 

The Knowledge Base of an ESP Teacher. 演講人:陳英輝 中國科技大學 . Example from LCCI. FTBE : Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English. FTBE Examination. Section A: Professional Skills needs analysis, syllabus design, lesson planning, client

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演講人:陳英輝 中國科技大學 

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  1. The Knowledge Base of an ESP Teacher 演講人:陳英輝 中國科技大學 

  2. Example from LCCI FTBE: Further Certificate for Teachers of Business English

  3. FTBE Examination Section A: Professional Skills needs analysis, syllabus design, lesson planning, client approach, feedback and evaluation, etc. Section B: (Teaching) Methodologies and Materials communicative, TBL, PBL, lexical, role play, simulation, etc. • Basic Business Awareness manufacturing, marketing, HRM/D, R&D, finance and accounting, MIS, etc.

  4. What do we learn from FTBE? ESP teaching: teach English or teach Content/Domain/Subject knowledge?

  5. ESP & Genre ESP & Genre Approach genre: highly structured and conventionalized , recurring set features Genre can be divided into 3 components: action (the text), substance (the content/information) and form (the linguistic features used to package the content to realize the action). (Judy Noguchi) Is genre reproducible?

  6. ESP & Genre (continued) OCHA (Judy Noguchi, “OCHA and PAIL for Adaptable ESP: Raising Genre Awareness for Teaching of and Research on ESP Discourse”) O: Observe the genre text C: Classify the features observed H: Hypothesize on how these features can be used when reading and writing specialized texts A: Apply what one has learned

  7. ESP & Genre (continued) PAIL (Judy Noguchi) Students observe the PAIL of the text. P: purpose A: (target) audience I: information (the information that it carries) L: language (the language features that package the information)

  8. Needs Analysis The basic aim of a needs analysis is to collect, and examine, critically, information about the current situation, in other words where the learners are before teaching begins, and the target situation, which is where they would like to be at the end of the Teaching. (Evan Frendo, How to Teach Business English)

  9. Needs Analysis (continued) Ways of doing needs analysis • document review • pro forma survey • Interview • work shadowing • placement test pre-experienced learners vs. job-experienced learners

  10. ESP內涵的爭議 ESP= English (as a tool, a vehicle) + a discipline (or a subject or a domain) But English in itself can be a discipline or a subject?! 應外系對待英語文應該是vehicle或tool,不應該 是subject或discipline,本末倒置是當今問題的 所在。

  11. ESP內涵的爭議 (續) Re-conceptualization of English How you conceptualize English decides how you are to do with English. CEFR & “can do” statements

  12. ESP內涵的爭議 (續) ESP: English competency + domain knowledge

  13. Who teaches ESP? Who are good & competent ESP teachers? English teachers? Subject teachers? Native speakers as ESP teachers? Local teachers as ESP teachers?

  14. Who teaches ESP?(續) Current practice in China? In EU countries? in Japan? In Taiwan? Pedagogy in ESP

  15. ESP教學,不可能的任務? ESP education, mission impossible? How about EIL (English as International language) EGL (English as global language); globalization, Marshall McLuhan’s phrase ‘global village’—We are all global villagers now and English is the medium of that village.? Cf. David Crystal’s English as a Global Language (1997)

  16. Can local teachers teach EAP? EOP + EAP 大學雙軌英語文教育

  17. 傳統系所組織已不合時宜 (許士軍) • 高學歷等於高失業率 • 學涯與職涯的大落差 1117期/2009.04

  18. Globalization the untouchables: “The key to thriving as an individual, in a flat world is figuring out how to make yourself an ‘untouchable.’” (280) “Untouchables . . . are people whose jobs cannot be outsourced, digitized, or automated.” (280)

  19. “English as a Global Language” by David Crystal English as a lingua franca in international workplace published in 1997

  20. “English Next” by David Graddol Why global English may mean the end of “English as a Foreign Language” published in 2006

  21. Who Speaks English? There are three kinds of English speaker: those who speak it as a first language, those for whom it is a second or additional language and those who learn it as a foreign language. Native speakers may feel the language “belongs ” to them, but it will be those who speak English as a second or foreign language who will determine its world future.

  22. Who Speaks English? (continued) The Three circles of English according to Braj Kachru (1985) with estimates of speaker numbers in millions according to Crystal (1977) (English Next, P.110; The Future of English, P.10)

  23. Who Speaks English? (continued) Kachru himself, has proposed that the “inner circle” is now better conceived of as the group of highly proficient speakers of English – those who have “functional nativeness” regardless of how they learned or use the language. (English Next, P.110)

  24. Who Speaks English? (continued) Showing the three circles of English as overlapping makes it easier to see how the “centre of gravity” will shift towards L2 speakers at the start of the 21st century. (The Future of English, P.10)

  25. World English & its Implication in English Teaching English in its new global form vs. the end of “English as foreign language”

  26. A new orthodoxy has emerged: learners begin in primary school Desirable age-proficiency levels in the traditional EFL curriculum. (English Next, P.97)

  27. 傳統的英語學習結構 Workplace Academic Career College: EAP? Senior High School Junior High School Elementary School

  28. 英語學習模式方案 Workplace EOP EAP EIL (Freshman year) EGP (High School) Academic career

  29. 大學英語教師的處境(1) • 經濟蕭條與全球就業競爭 • 大學生就業困難 • 大學文憑快速貶值 • 學生英語程度低落或能力落差大

  30. 大學英語教師的處境(2) • 英語全球化與國際英語的興起 • 英語證照興起 • 大學英語以outcome 論英雄 • 大學評鑑壓力日趨嚴重 • EIL與EOP教學需求快速上升

  31. 底層與上層結構Base & Superstructure A Marxist theory of culture: Being determines consciousness. a determining base a determined superstructure

  32. 教師的信念(上層結構)teachers’ belief systems (superstructure) What beliefs and principles do teachers hold, and how do these influence their practice? decision-making = successful practice

  33. 信念(上層結構)的形成 A primary source of teachers’ classroom practices is belief systems—the information, attitudes, values, expectations, theories, and assumptions about teaching and learning that teachers build up over time and bring them to the classroom.

  34. 教師知識基礎的構成6 domains of the knowledge base 1)general theories of teaching, 2)teaching skills, 3)communication skills, 4)subject matter knowledge 5) pedagogical reasoning & decision making 6) contextual knowledge (Jack Richards—Beyond Training)

  35. Questions & Responses?

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