1. Kilimanjaro Centre for Community Ophthalmology Experience of Community Optometry in Kilimanjaro Region and Arumeru District
(from June to December 2004)
2. DRS in Kilimanjaro Region KCMCKCMC
3. Refraction tests per District
4. Presbyopic tests per District
5. Refraction and presbyopic tests per visit Mwanga 27.5
Mwanga 27.5
6. Total sales of spectacles
7. DRS conducted with Lions Clubs
8. Number of sales by number of refractions
9. Sales among people refracted (by sex) District MALE FEMALE TOTAL
Arumeru 58.9 46.0 51.2
Hai 43.6 58.1 50.7
Moshi R 81.6 73.3 77.7
Moshi U 17.8 14.0 15.3
Mwanga 50.0 40.0 44.5
Rombo 33.3 26.1 28.9
Same 66.6 69.0 67.9
TOTAL 55.7 50.3 49.4
10. Most common selling powers
11. Most common selling spectacles by frame style
12. The cost of affordable ready-made spectacles Purchasing + shipping costs per pair = Tsh. 3,020/-
Purchasing a spectacle case = Tsh 500/-
Selling price for metallic spectacles =Tsh 6,000/-
Selling price for plastic spectacles = Tsh 4,000/-
Selling price for spectacle cases = Tsh 1,000/-
13. Income/Expenses Income
Spectacles = 4,638,000
Cases = 417,000
Total = 5,055,000 Tsh Expenses
Spectacles + shipping = 2,190,584 (about 100 donated)
Cases = 208,500
Salary = 1,200,000
Field expenses = 110,400
Office supplies = 50,000
Total = 3,497,596 Tsh
14. Expenses
15. Refining Kilimanjaro programme Improve teaching of optometry students
Refine and finish manual of operations
Negotiate with Lions Clubs so they sell spectacles of higher quality
Monitor progress and prepare manuscript for publication on programme successes (July 2005)
16. Expansion of community optometry to additional regions Training of optometrists from Tanga, Singida and Mara regions in community optometry
Establishment of programmes in these regions
Teach district eye coordinators basic refraction (districts without optometrists)?
17. KWA HERINI Mr Mworia Simon Damas
KCCO Community Optometrist