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Experiences, Lessons Learned, Future Considerations

Experiences, Lessons Learned, Future Considerations. THE ROLE OF CONSULAR SERVICES AND GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS. Experiences. Arriving in Canada Verifying the labour conditions of workers Resolving conflicts Providing assistance to agricultural workers Visiting the farms.

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Experiences, Lessons Learned, Future Considerations

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  1. Experiences, Lessons Learned, Future Considerations THE ROLE OF CONSULAR SERVICES AND GOVERNMENT INSTITUTIONS

  2. Experiences • Arriving in Canada • Verifying the labour conditions of workers • Resolving conflicts • Providing assistance to agricultural workers • Visiting the farms

  3. Asssistance and consular documentation of workers. • An important aspect is that the same person who receives them at the airport should visit them on the farms and follow up on their cases.

  4. Lessons Learned • The Programme tends to consolidate in Guatemala because it has an integral approach which includes: a comprehensive recruiting system, accompaniment during travel arrangements, and assistance with migration procedures to leave the country. • Consular assistance should be expanded to include the provinces of Alberta, British Columbia, and Ontario.

  5. The General Consulate of Guatemala in Montreal is in charge of monitoring and consular protection. • 90% of the workers are employed in the agricultural sector; the Programme is expanding to include other activities.

  6. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the Consulate through human and financial resources, in order to be able to appropriately monitor the Programme. • The coverage of consular services should be expanded, since currently only two diplomatic/consular representatives exist in Canada: one in Ottawa and one in Quebec.

  7. Future Considerations • To increase the number of migrant workers in Canada. • To work toward expanding the coverage of consular services in Canada. • To diversify the spheres of work of the workers. • To seek new spaces for migrant workers in other countries. • To involve the Guatemalan and foreign private sectors in these types of programmes.

  8. Thank you

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