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Isaiah 5:20- 23 (NKJV). 20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!. Isaiah 5:20- 23 (NKJV).
Isaiah 5:20-23(NKJV) 20Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 21Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, And prudent in their own sight!
Isaiah 5:20-23(NKJV) 22 Woe to men mighty at drinking wine, Woe to men valiant for mixing intoxicating drink, 23Who justify the wicked for a bribe, And take away justice from the righteous man!
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 (Pt. 2) Isaiah 5:20-23
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • Last week we began a study in looking at the woes mentioned in Isaiah 5 • Remember the term woe is an expression of grief or sorrow • It is a lamenting or expression of grief over something, usually connected with death
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • We began that study by looking at the first 3 woes mentioned in the chapter • They are: • 1. Woe to the covetous (vs. 8-10) • 2. Woe to pleasure seekers (vs. 11-17) • 3. Woe to slaves of sin (vs. 18-19)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • There are still 3 more woes that are mentioned in this chapter • These were things that had caused Israel to move away from God • Our motivation in looking at them is so that we do not repeat history and fall into these traps (Rom. 15:4)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 4. Woe to the morallymixed-up (v. 20) • We live in a morally backwards society • Abortion is now called “pro-choice” • Being gay is now called “alternative lifestyle” • Speaking out against these sins is now considered wrong
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 4. Woe to the morally mixed-up (v. 20) • People are believing the lies of sin (Gen. 3:4) • Just dress it up and put a nice name on it and it passes off as good • Sin becomes the accepted way of life (desensitized)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 4. Woe to the morally mixed-up (v. 20) • We see it at funerals where everyone who dies is good and everyone is going to heaven • “Everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and He delights in them” (Mal. 2:17)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 4. Woe to the morally mixed-up (v. 20) • Soren Kierkegaard, a mid 19th century Christian philosopher, told a parable of two thieves in a jewelry store… • Today there is no value in doing good, only in doing evil • Ex. Jason Collins/Chris Broussard/ESPN
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 4. Woe to the morally mixed-up (v. 20) • “He who justifies the wicked, and he who condemns the just, both of them alike are an abomination to the Lord” (Prov. 17:15) • What is the antidote for this? • The only way to fix it is by having a divinestandard to go by (God’s word)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 5. Woe to the prideful (v. 21) • Here is the reason why they were so morally mixed-up • It’s the same reason why so many are mixed-up today as well • They were “wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight”
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 5. Woe to the prideful (v. 21) • They had lost their dependence on God and on His word as a guide and a standard • “I know what’s best” is a mindset that always leads to sin • There is a danger in going our own way (Prov. 14:12; 16:25; 21:2)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 5. Woe to the prideful (v. 21) • Solomon, an inspired writer and the wisest man to ever live, set forth some words of wisdom • Proverbs 3:5-8 • Truewisdom comes down from God (Js. 1:5; 3:17-18)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 5. Woe to the prideful (v. 21) • Those who profess to be wise usually end up as fools (Rom. 1:22) • “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall” (I Cor. 10:12) • God hates those who are prideful (Prov. 6:16-17)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 6. Woe to the intoxicated (vs. 22-23) • The last woe is held for those who counted it a mark of manhood to drink strong drinks • These weren’t just any men, they were the mighty and valiant men of that day • The idea is having their minds and judgment clouded
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 6. Woe to the intoxicated (vs. 22-23) • Many things besides just alcohol can cloud our minds and our judgment • We can be drunk with lust, love, power, pride, etc. • God calls us to be soberminded(I Pet. 5:8; Titus 2:12; Rom. 12:3)
6 Woes of Isaiah 5 • 6. Woe to the intoxicated (vs. 22-23) • Not being sober minded can cloud our judgment between the wicked and the righteous (v. 23) • Those in important positions shouldn’t drink (Prov. 31:5; I Tim. 3:3) • Isaiah 28:7