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Plant Physiology Chapters. Angiosperms – Flowering Plants AP Biology. Chapter 1 Plant Form and Function. Grass, wheat, corn , rice, sugar cane Fibrous roots Parallel veins Flowers in 3’s. Most others Tap Roots Net-like veins Flowers in 4’s and 5’s Can become woody.
Plant Physiology Chapters Angiosperms – Flowering Plants AP Biology
Grass, wheat, corn , rice, sugar cane Fibrous roots Parallel veins Flowers in 3’s Most others Tap Roots Net-like veins Flowers in 4’s and 5’s Can become woody Monocots vs. Dicots
Plant Organs and Tissues • Organs: roots, stem, leaves – all organs are made out of the same three tissues Tissues • Dermal Tissue – epidermis – protective • Vascular Tissue – veins – carry food and water • Xylem – carries water and minerals – made of tracheids and vessel elements • Phloem – carries sugar – made of sieve tubes and companion cells • Ground Tissue – everything else – used for support, photosynthesis, storage • Pith-ground tissue inside vascular tissue • Cortex-ground tissue outside of vascular tissue
Outside layer = epidermis – dermal tissue for protection Cortex = ground tissue – storage of food, uptake of minerals Steele = xylem and phloem – vascular tissue Root Hairs – increase surface area for increased water absorption
Root system (roots) Takes water and minerals from the soil (absorbs from the tips of the roots and root hairs increase surface area from absorption) Anatomy: Tap roots (dicots) – a large vertical root with smaller lateral roots (store food) Fibrous roots (monocots) – mat-like roots that spread Shoot system (stem, leaves, flowers) Takes CO2 from the air, make sugar, plant reproduction Transports sugar to the rest of the plant Anatomy Stems: Nodes – where leaves attach Buds – create more shoots Terminal buds – end of stem – cause apical dominance – inhibits side growth Axillary buds – side budS Leaves: Petiole – attaches leaf to the node (not in monocots – leaf ensheathed in stem) Flowers – modified leaves with stem specialized for reproduction Root vs. Shoot System
Dicot Root Roots: Epidermis – dermal Cortex – ground Vascular - vascular Stems Vascular Bundle Cortex Epidermis Vascular Bundle
←Dicot – C3 Plant Monocot – C4 Plant→
Plant Cell Types • Parenchyma – “normal plant cells” – have large vacuoles, no secondary cell wall, usually not mitotic, but can be stimulated to divide in injury Examples: Most of the cells that make up ground tissue • Photosynthetic cells in leaf mesophyll • Cells that store starch in stems and roots • Fruit cells – store sugar • Sieve tube cells that make up phloem • Collenchyma – cells are elongated, thicker primary wall but no secondary cell wall, provides for growth and support Examples: • Cells that support young stems and petioles • Some ground tissue • Sclerenchyma – rigid secondary cells walls (can’t elongate), may be dead and used for plant support Examples: • The shells of nuts and outer coat of seeds • Fiber cells – used to make plant fibers that are used to make rope • Tracheids and Vessel Elements (make up xylem) – dead water conducting cells used for support (cells disintegrate leaving empty cell with a double cell wall – water moves from cells to cell through pits or end to end perforations
Plant Growth • Meristems embryonic tissue (stem cells – undifferentiated) – can divide and become any kind of plant cell • Primary Meristems(apical) – make plant grow longer – in root tips and at buds or new shoots • Secondary Meristems(lateral) – make plant grow wider – in stem – adding more xylem which becomes wood
Lateral Growth • Lateral Meristems also called vascular cambium – forms between xylem and phloem so there is a continuous cylinder around xylem and interior ground tissue • It forms 2ndary xylem on the inside and 2ndary phloem on the outside
Lateral Growth • Xylem (wood) Over the years, vascular cambium makes many layers of 2ndary xylem on the inside (made of tracheids and vessel elements with very strong cell walls) – This is wood! Only the most exterior xylem works to carry water. Interior xylem dies and harden more • Phloem (part of bark) Formed outside the vascular cambium – only newest xylem closest to interior is alive and transports food – rest dies and sloughs off so doesn’t become thick like wood part
Lateral Growth continued • Cork cambium forms outside the phloem and makes cork cells which fill with suberin – a waxy material that protect the trunk and branches • The epidermis cracks off and the outside becomes the cork cells • Bark = Phloem, Cork Cambium, Cork
Heartwood = dead, older xylem Sapwood = new xylem still carrying water Phloem – carries food - old phloem sloughs
I. Local Transport (all review) • Facilitated Diffusion • Open channels • Shape change channels (not regulared by ATP must by solutes moving thru) • Gated channels • Active Transport • Normal • Chemiosmosis – coupling the pumping of protons to the movement of other solutes (ex. Pump protons to cause the movement of K+ into guard cells) • Co-transport – pumping protons, they attach to solutes and move them passively as they flow back thru the membrane Examples: 1. bringing nitrogen into the roots (pump H+ out of the epidermis into the soil and as it flows back it in brings nitrogen 2. loading sucrose into the phloem (pump H+ out of sieve tubes in phloem into the leaf mesophyll and it flows back bring sucrose with it) • Osmosis – remember in plants, water doesn’t just move from high to low concentration, pressure also plays a role and can override solute and water concentration
Osmosis Continued Ψ = Ψp + Ψs • Water potential – the tendency for water to leave one place and go to another – the higher the Ψ the more likely water will leave and go somewhere else • Water moves from high to low water potential • Water potential = pressure potential + solute potential • Pressure potential is usually positive created by the pressure exerted by the cell wall – the higher the pressure potential – the higher water potential • Solute potential is 0 in pure water and negative if there are any solutes - the more solutes the more negative solute potential and the lower the water potential – water moves where there is more solute!
II. Lateral Movement – short distance • There are three compartments within plant cells: • Apoplast – continuum of cell walls • Symplast – continuum of cytoplasm thru plasmodesmata • Tonoplast – vacuole compartment set apart by the vacuole membrane – not continuous from cell to cell and the vacuole membrane can actively transport and do chemiosmosis • Water and solutes can move through the apoplast, symplast, or into the tonoplast
III. Long Distance Transport (vertical movement thru xylem and phloem – diffusion is too slow A. Xylem (tracheids and vessel elements with 2 set of cells walls) - schlerenchyma ↑ ↑ Tracheids Vessel Element ↑↑
Xylem Continued • Water and mineral transported from roots to leaves • To get into the xylem – things pass from the epidermis of the roots into the cortex and into the steele which then branches into the xylem in the stem • In roots, root hairs increase surface area to absorb more thru the epidermis • Endodermis (between cortex and steele) is selective in what mineral can cross into the steele
Xylem continued • Xylem has two methods of movement: • Main method is transpiration accompanied by cohesion and adhesion (transpiration caused by lower water potential in air than in mesophyll of leaf) • Second method that helps some is root pressure. Minerals are actively transported into the xylem in the root which decreases water potential in the xylem cells, water flows in and pushes the water up (only good for a few meters)
Xylem continued • Regulation of Transpiration controls the flow of water thru the plant and also makes sure that the plant doesn’t dry out and have no water for photosynthesis • Guard cells buckle outward when full of water • Guard cells flap closed when empty (when water is lacking, turgor pressure decreases and the cells become flaccid and flop together • Also, guard cells use chemiosmosis to open and close • They pump H+ out which causes a neg. charge inside that caused K+ to be drawn into the cell • Due to the K+ in the cell – it become hypertonic and water flows in • The active pumping is stimulated by light and low CO2 • For closing, K+ is transported out in response to high temp or high CO2 (mediated by abscisic acid- a hormone)
Long Distance Transport Continued • Phloem (sieve tubes and companion cells) • Sugar is transported from the leaves to storage areas of the plant (roots and fruit) • Phloem sap is mostly sugar in water but also contains aa, hormones, and some minerals • Sugar will diffuse thru plasmodesmata from mesophyll cells to sieve tubes due to concentration difference • Sugar is also actively transported into the sieve tubes making the sieve tube cells hypertonic so water rushes in and pushes the sugar water thru the phloem to needy areas • Once in the phloem it moves from source to sink: • At the sink end (no sugar), sugar is leaving the sieve tubes to go into storage cells by concentration differences • This causes pressure to decrease and sugar flows high to low pressure and high to low concentration
Plant Nutrition3rd Plant Chapter Chapter 37
Plant Growth – where does the plant’s mass come from 1. Most of the plant weight is water • Water accumulates in vacuoles and elongates the cells and makes them turgid and acts as a solvent • Water also supplies hygrogen which is incorporated into sugar in the Calvin Cycle • 90% of a plant’s water is lost in transpiration and then replaced
Plant Growth Continued • Of the dry weight – 95% is organic • Most weight is CO2 from the air that is incorporated into carbohydrates (remember most of structure is cell walls, made of cellulose which are strings of glucose) • Of the dry weight – 5% is inorganic • From minerals from the soil
Macronutrients (needed in lg. amts.) Source of macronutrients: • C, O → air • H → water • N,S,P,K, Ca, Mg → soil Purpose of macronutrients: • C, O, H – sugar and cell wall production • N, S – make proteins • N, P, - nucleic acids, ATP, phosphorylation cascades in cell signalling • K – water balance, opening and closing stomates, cofactor for protein synthesis enyzmes • Ca – membrane structure, formation of cell walls, cofactor • Mg – part of chlorophyll Micronutrients (needed is small amts.) • Fe, Cl, Cu, Mn, , B, Ni → all from soil, all used as cofactors
Soil • Soil is eroded rock and humus (dead organic stuff) and spaces for water • Texture of soil determines the quality for certain plants • Type of soil depends on how tightly packed - sand (loosest) → clay (tightest packed) • A mix of soil types is the best • Soil pH affects the availability of minerals • Soil often gets acidic from acid rain – put own lime which is basic – positve ions bind up negative ions and plants can’t get them from the soil • Soils with a lot of clay bind up all the positive ions like K+, Ca++, Mg++, NH4+ and it’s hard for plants to get. Negative minerals NO3-, PO4- don’t stay in the soil very long and wash away • Some plants secrete H+ into soil which will compete for binding the to clay and release the postive mi nerals
Plants getting Nitrogen • Needed for aa and nucleic acids • 80% of the air is nitrogen but N N, no enzymes in plants to break N2 bond so it’s unuseable • Plants get nitrogen from: • Decomposition of organic material to inorganic compounds that plants can absorb (NH4+, NO3-, ammonium and nitrate) • Nitrogen fixation – specialized bacteria (Rhizobium) which live free in soil or symbiotically on plant roots (legumes like peas, beans, soy, nuts) are able to convert N2 into useable ammonium and nitrate • Note: Some roots have leghemoglobin to bind O2 for the bacteria to use because nitrogen fixation requires a lot of energy and the bacteria need a lot of oxygen for CR
Getting Nitrogen Denitrified by bacteria to N2 – goes back into air - unusable Decomposed to Organic Material NH4+, NO3- Absorbed by plant roots OR Fixed to Note – many times in farming – there is no decomposition so farmers add fertilizer – feces containing usable nitrogen cmpds. N2 in air Getting Phosphorus Mycorrhizae – fungus living symbiotically on many plant roots, absorb PO4- and water and secrete plant root growth factors (in turn the plant feeds the non-photosynthetic fungus
Plant Adaptations to get minerals and water • Parasitic plants - do some photosythesis to make sugar but tap into other plants vascular system and suck out water and minerals • Epiphytes – grow on other plants but are fully photosynthetic and not parastitic • Carnivorous Plants – live in poor soil conditions – usually nitrogen deficient – capture animals for nitrogen and other minerals but are fully photosythetic for sugar (venus fly trap)
Farming Practices and PlantsCrops are not Natural • Crops remove minerals from soil but don’t decompose and return the organic or inorganic components to the soil • Must use fertilizers to replace N, P, K which then can run off and cause too much plant growth in rivers – clogging them and killing fish • Can use natural fertilizers which are slow release vs. commercial fertilizers which release faster but usually don’t stay in soil as long • Can rotate crops – rotate with legumes – add nitrogen to soil and plow them under as fertilizer
Farming Continued • Crops remove water from the soil • Ground aquifers collapse • Many farmers irrigate with water containing salts – as the water evaporates, the soil becomes salty making the soil hypertonic (lower water potential) so water leaves the roots instead of entering • Crop harvesting causes the loss of top soil – soil blows or washes away once crops are harvested. Can combat problem by: • Contour farming • Not plowing at the end of the season • Now planting in rows or plant plants that don’t grow in rows • Planting crops that trap soil – rotating crops
Plant Signaling and Plant Hormones AP Biology Plant Class #4
Hormone ActionThe same hormone can have different effects depending on location, concentration, developmental stage or plant, etc. • Effect Gene Expression • Effect Enzyme Activity • Change Membrane Properties • Open Gated Channels • Change Metabolism • Stimulate Cell Division • Affect the differentiation and development of cells
General Action of Hormones • Bind to receptors • Receptors change shape in response to binding • 2nd messengers are activated which activate enzymes OR • Directly activate or cause transcription of enzymes (particulary kinases which phosphorylate other enzymes) • Enzymes ultimately: • Activate gene transcription • Activate transcription factors • Deactivate transcriptional repressors • Cause chemical reactions
Example of Plant Cell Signaling Response to a stem breaking through the ground for the first time Light activates Phytochromes (light receptor connected to a kinase) cGMP activated Enzymes are phosphorylated Turn on transcription factors Opens gated channels for Ca++ in cell membrane Calcium binds to Calmodulin Activated kinases and turns on transcription factors Make Photosynthesis enzymes Make enzymes to make chlorophyll Make enzymes to decrease auxin production so don’t keep elongating the stems
Plant Hormones (internal signaling) Auxin • Produced by apical meristems, young leaves, developing seeds and fruit – generally moves from shoot to the base • Moves through the parenchyma cells themselves – not vascular tissue - Transported by chemiosmosis • In low conc. – causes cells to elongate faster • Stimulates pumps to pump H+ into cell wall, ↓pH activates enzymes that break down cell wall – allows water flowing in to expand wall • Phototropism – growing toward light – elongates cells on dark side faster • In high concentrations - induces ethylene gas which slows cell growth • Control apical dominance • Controls stem elongation in developing shoots • Kills dicots/not monocots = pesticide for corn or grass fields • Causes fruit to grow – if spray on plants, fruit will develop without seeds = seedless fruit