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Multi Management & Future Solutions Malaysia is a preeminent stock counseling firm giving beneficial suggestions in Bursa Malaysia securities exchange. Our suggestions are passed on in KLSE stock signals, Forex tips and Comex trading tips to boost the arrival on merchant's venture. Their master investigators are capable to give demonstrated share and stock venture motions in Malaysian Stock market. Multi Management & Future Solutions arrangements are resolved to help merchants and speculators to profit by beneficial stocks by executing legitimate technique according to the market drift. Do take after the connection beneath for more data on exchanging tips.
ch Multi Management & Future Solutions – your financial Advisory and wealth builder in the Equity, Commodity and Currency market! Multi Management &Future Solutions is your gateway to the highly prospective Singapore and Malaysian market! We welcome you to explore SGX Singapore and KLSE Malaysia – new and profitable ventures into investing and deriving profits. Our outstanding expert advice and proven share & stock investment tips & Recommendations for Singapore Equity, Malaysian Stocks, FOREX and COMEX. Our extensively helpful advisory functions include: – KLSE – KLSE CK PICKS – KLSE – KLSE – KLSE
Advice 1: Buy Strongest Stocks The easiest way to make money in the stock market is definitely by riding the strongest trend. By buying the strongest stock in the strongest sector of the year, one could make enormous gain with minimal risk. Hence, the biggest task for every investor/trader at the start of the year is to identify which sector(s) would outperform the market for the year. Based on historical data, whenever a sector posts negative return and falls under the top 3 worst sector of the year for 2 years consecutively, it would be positive for the sector in the following year. This method of forecasting had only fail once (- 9.79% instead of positive) out of 11 occurrences since 1987. And 6 out of the 10 times when the forecast was right, the predi?ted se?tor ?as o?e of the top 3 ?est perfor?i?g se?tor of the year. E?e? ?he? the predi?ted se?tor did??t tur? out to be the top performer, they still posted an average return of 21.285% (21.16%; 26.32%; 32.18%; 5.48%). Since both the Finance and Plantation sector posted negative returns AND were the top 3 worst performing sectors in 2014 and 2015 (finance -7.38%, -9.84%; plantation -11.83%, -3.39%), my guess is that they ?ill outperfor? other se?tors this year. Let?s look at the two sectors individually.
Advice 2: Best Buy: Finance and Plantation Sector FINANCE: One should bet on the Finance sector ONLY IF he/she could reliably predict that the KLCI return is positive for the year given that there are only 3 times since 1987 where the Finance index did not follow the direction of the market index. Betting on the Finance sector is almost equivalent to betting on our market index (KLCI) since banks are the heart of the economy, not to mention that most of the largest banks in Malaysia are KLCI constituents. With a correlation r2 of 0.8049, it is important to know the direction of our index before buying into any of our financial institutions (r2 of 0.8049 means that based on historical data, KLCI return explained 80.49% of the return of the Finance index. Any figure above 0.8 is considered significant).
PLANTATION: Plantation would be a better bet than Finance since the KLCI return explained less of the Plantation sector return. The catalyst? None other than the expectation on FCPO (crude palm oil) price. If FCPO price could continue its uptrend, plantation stocks should fare well (majority of the plantation stocks in our country is involved in CPO).Plantation sector led the market despite the bearish sentiment, followed by the Trading/Services and Finance sector. This shows that big players are supporting and buying on weakness the stocks within the 3 indices. In fact, if you look at the individual stocks in these sectors, most are bouncing off their low just recently, forming higher high or even higher low already.
Advice 3: Be Aware: Gamblers,Amateurs Or Professionals. Do you ?a?t to ?e a ga??ler or a professio?al trader? I?? guessi?g ?ost people who read this would prefer the latter. But are you sure that you?re ?ot a ?loset ga??ler? I used to read a lot of tradi?g ?ooks. Ba?k i? the early 90?s I started the ha?it of readi?g large ?olu?es of trading books. I read everything. Technical analysis books, money management books, trading psychology books, trading memoirs, trader interview books, you name it, I read it. It took me many years and plenty of time in the business to realize how similar most of these books really are. Trading books that target retail traders follow the same theme. They use the same terminology and the same established school of thought. Established by other trading books. They reinforce a certain way of thinking. The approach that they are based on is usually very far from how the industry works. They favor a very romanticized view of trading, where a trader is the lone ranger cowboy, fighting his corner against the market. The idea of what a trader is and what he does is greatly distorted. Even more so, the idea of how he does it.
Advice 4: Be a Best Practitioner. It?s ?ot a? easy task to ear? ?o?ey fro? tradi?g your shares. It?s re?o??e?ded that you ha?e to do practice & have to be an expert by getting accurate trading tips for better returns. Practicing about the tradi?g i??ludes detailed resear?h a?out the ?o?pa?y?s ?usi?ess strategies, ?o?pa?y?s relatio?ship ?ith ?usto?ers & suppliers a?d ?here it is pla?ed a?o?g its other competitors.
Advice 5: Invest in Profit making Companies. When trading, a trader should invest only in those companies which are consistently making profit from so many years. By investing in profitable company you will be sure about the ?o?pa?y?s ?a?age?e?t that they ?ill ?e ?apa?le to ?a?age their fir? ?y ?aki?g profit for them as well as to share holders like you. As a result, you ?ill ?e?er ha?e to ?o?sider ?e? ?I?itial Pu?li? Offeri?g? ?IPO? sto?ks or a?y ki?d of stock without making remarkable & considerable profit.
Advice 6: Research Skills . Generally, the beginners in the stock market purchase stocks through some rumors which tend to loss, therefore it?s re?o??e?ded to i?ple?e?t your resear?h skills a?out the ?o?pa?y first. It?s also re?o??e?ded to get the Malaysia share ?arket tips from any reliable advisory firms so that you can able to indentify & analyze the valuable stocks before buying. The bottom line is that the investor must trade by analyzing the complete market trend and must have the understanding about the trading fundamentals with technical analysis to invest i? share ?arket su??essfully. With this, it?s also ?e?essary to ha?e ?lear idea a?out share ?arket movements to get the best profit potentials.