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A proposed project on Integrated Study in semi-arid East Asia

A proposed project on Integrated Study in semi-arid East Asia. Ailikun , Congbin FU International Program Office. Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional study (MAIRS). The 2 nd AMY’08 workshop, 3-4 Sep, Bali. Main Types of Land Cover and Land Use in Arid and Semi-arid China in 1980. forest.

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A proposed project on Integrated Study in semi-arid East Asia

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  1. A proposed project on Integrated Study in semi-arid East Asia Ailikun, Congbin FU International Program Office Monsoon Asia Integrated Regional study (MAIRS) The 2nd AMY’08 workshop, 3-4 Sep, Bali

  2. Main Types of Land Cover and Land Use in Arid and Semi-arid China in 1980 forest grassland Desert and Gobi Arid China Semi arid China Dry farmland Paddy field grassland by Zhang, Ailikun et. al,.2007

  3. Key Scientific Issues of Arid/semi-arid Study • Relationships of global warming, monsoon climate change and aridity • Land surface processes and regional water balance/water cycle • Impacts of global warming,climate change and human activity to the ecosystem in the region • Physical/Chemical characteristics of dust aerosol and aerosol-cloud-precipitation process

  4. The Difficulties for Arid/Semi-arid Study • Complicated topography and landscape. • Bad simulation in both GCM and RCM • Lack of high resolution observation data • The facts and mechanism of Water balance and water cycle are not clear • Field observing stations are running by various institutes and organizations, no data sharing or exchanging system

  5. Observing Stations over Northern China

  6. MAIRS New Initiative: Coordinated Enhanced Observing Network in Arid and Semi-arid East Asia

  7. Nationalworkshop of Integrated Study over Arid/semi-arid China, 27-29 Jun, 2007, Beijing • Supported by Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chinese Association of Science and Technology, National Science Foundation of China • Participants: Lanzhou University; CAS (6)—Institute of Atmospheric Physics/IAP, Cold and Arid Regions Environmental and Engineering Research Institute/CAREERI, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources research/IGSNRR, Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, Institute of Botany, Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography; Chinese Meteorological Administration(7)—Gansu Bureau, Xiniang Bureau, Shanxi Bureau, Ningxia Bureau, Shanxi Bureau, Jilin Bureau, Inner Mongolia Bureau. • Co-Organized by MAIRS IPO and RCE-TEA

  8. Main outputs of this workshop • Identifying the key issues of integrated study in Arid/semi-arid China • Building of “The Integrated Observing Network in Arid/semi-arid China” by using the existing observing stations. • Integration of ground observations on Land-surface processes, hydrological cycle, aerosol and ecosystem. • Trying to have an joint enhanced observing period during Mar-Sep, 2008 • This activity will be the national contribute to MAIRS program from China

  9. 1)Dingxi 2)Zhangye 3)Wuwei 4)Jinzhou 5)Steppe in Inner Mongolia 6)Pingliang 7)Maqu 8)Tongyu 9)Yuzhong10)Akesu 11)Wulanwusu 12)Chnagwu 13)Fukang 14)Xilinhaote 15)Qilian 16)Dayekou AWS Distribution of ground meteorology and radiation observing stations (16) in arid/semi-arid China 2 CEOP stations in Mongolia

  10. Parameter Station Air Pressure Cropland in Jinzhou, Steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote, Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei Air Temperature Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Relative Humidity Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Wind Speed Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Wind Direction Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Precipitation cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote, Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei (from nearby meteorological stations) Snow Depth cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Dayekou, Qilian 1, Details of ground AWS stations

  11. Incoming Shortwave Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Outgoing Shortwave Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Incoming Longwave Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Outgoing Longwave Net Radiation Cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian Surface Temperature Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Tongyu Pan-Evaporation Cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia 1, Details of ground AWS observations

  12. 1)Dingxi 2)Zhangye 3)Wuwei 4)Jinzhou 5)Steppe in Inner Mongolia 6)Pingliang 7)Maqu 8)Tongyu 9)Yuzhong 10)Akesu 11)Wulanwusu 12)Changwu 13)Fukang 14)Xilinhaote 15)Shache 16)Dingxin PBL Tower Flux PAM Distribution of PBL towers (12) and surface flux (15) observing stations in arid/semi-arid China 2 CEOP stations in Mongolia

  13. Parameter station Air Temperature Dingxi(2), Zhangye(2), cropland in Jinzhou(2), steppe in Inner Mongolia(2), Pingliang(1), Maqu(5), Yuzhong(7), Dingxin(5), Tongyu(5), Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Relative Humidity Dingxi(2), Zhangye(2), cropland in Jinzhou(2), steppe in Inner Mongolia(2), Pingliang(1), Maqu(5), Yuzhong(7), Dingxin(5), Tongyu(5), Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Wind Speed Dingxi(2), Zhangye(2), cropland in Jinzhou(2), steppe in Inner Mongolia(2), Pingliang(1), Maqu(5), Yuzhong(7), Dingxin(5), Tongyu(5), Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Wind Direction Dingxi(2), Zhangye(2), cropland in Jinzhou(2), steppe in Inner Mongolia(2), Pingliang(1), Maqu(5), Yuzhong(1), Dingxin(5), Tongyu(5), Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Incoming Shortwave Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Outgoing Shortwave Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote 2, Details of PBL tower observations

  14. Incoming Longwave Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Outgoing Longwave Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Net Radiation cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Air Pressure cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Precipitation cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Surface Temperature Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Dingxin, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote 2, Details of PBL tower stations

  15. Parameter Station Sensible Heat Flux Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Shache, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote Latent Heat Flux Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Shache, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang, Xilinhaote CO2 Flux Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei, cropland in Jinzhou, steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Tongyu, Changwu, Fukang 3, Details of surface flux observations

  16. 1)Dingxi 2)Zhangye 3)Wuwei 4)Jinzhou 5)Steppe in inner Mongolia 6)Pingliang 7)Maqu 8)Tongyu 9)Yuzhong10)Akesu 11)Wulanwusu 12)Dayekou 13)Qilian 14)Changwu 15)Fukang 16)Xilinhaote 17)Taiyuan SMTMS Ecology Aerosol Distribution of soil moisture/temperature (15), ecology(5) and aerosol (4) observing stations in arid/semi-arid China 2 CEOP stations in Mongolia (SMTMS)

  17. Parameter Station Soil Temperature Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu Soil Moisture Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu Soil Heat Flux Dingxi, Zhangye, cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Pingliang, Maqu, Yuzhong, Akesu, Wulanwusu, Dayekou, Qilian, Tongyu 4, Details of soil temp. and moisture observations

  18. Parameter station Photosynthesis characteristic parameters of dominant plant Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Dingxi Leaf area index (LAI) Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia, Dingxi, Zhangye, Wuwei Individual plant height Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia Biomass and productivity for aboveground and underground at different layers Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia (harvestry method) Species composition Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia Soil respiration Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia (soil respiration box) Soil physical and chemical characteristics Cropland in Jinzhou, typical steppe in Inner Mongolia evapotranspiration Dingxi, Wuwei (lysimeter) 5, Details of ecosystem observations

  19. Parameter Station Aerosol, Water Vapor And Ozone Yuzhong at Lanzhou University (Multispectral sun spectrophotometer) Cloud and Aerosol Yuzhong at Lanzhou University (Micropulse Lidar) Cloud and Aerosol Yuzhong at Lanzhou University (Micro Lidar) GREEM180(PM10、2.5、1.0) Xilinhaote, Taiyuan (Lidar, PM2.5) Black carbon apparatus Xilinhaote Turbiditor Xilinhaote Sun spectrophotometer Xilinhaote PM2.5 mass/chemical composition Tongyu (Aerosol sample apparatus) PM2.5 black carbon aerosol concentration Tongyu (Carbon gray apparatus) 6, Details of aerosol observations

  20. Design of ScientificWorking groups

  21. Design of ImplementingTeams

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