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Taking Ownership in Accreditation: An Authentic Process that Worked for Mt. SAC

Learn how Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) successfully engaged the campus community in the accreditation process, leveraging shared governance committees and creating ongoing training opportunities. Discover strategies to keep accreditation alive and benefit your college.

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Taking Ownership in Accreditation: An Authentic Process that Worked for Mt. SAC

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  1. Taking Ownership in Accreditation: An Authentic Process that Worked for Mt. SAC Kristina Allende, Professor, English, Accreditation Steering Committee Co-Chair Barbara McNeice-Stallard, Director of Research & IE Lianne Greenlee, Director, Professional & Organizational Development ACCJC Conference April 30-May 3, 2019

  2. Connect In what ways can accreditation support and benefit your college?

  3. LearningOutcomes • Attendees will understand how to leverage shared governance committees and to authentically engage the campus community. • Attendees will learn about the processes Mt. San Antonio College (Mt. SAC) embarked upon. • Attendees will walk away with strategies to keep accreditation alive.

  4. Organization and Process • Lessons Learned • Accreditation Steering Committee • Theme, Tagline, and Swag • Calendar and Timeline • Gap Analysis • Ongoing Training and Presentations • Accreditation Visit • Lessons Learned Take 2 • Keeping Accreditation Alive

  5. Lessons Learned • Post 2010 Self-Evaluation Process • Post Accreditation Reflection • Academic Senate Accreditation Taskforce • Classified Communication Summit • Managers Survey • Areas of Focus • Create ongoing Accreditation Steering Committee • Provide more opportunities for Classified to be authentically engaged • Create more and varied training opportunities • Weave accreditation into College’s day-to-day operations

  6. Accreditation Steering Committee • Guides progress and the processes related to ongoing accreditation • Governance Committee • Members are experts on accreditation policies and standards and serve as a resource to the campus. • ALO/ASC workgroup reports to ASC

  7. ALO/ASC Workgroup • ALO guided • Accreditation experts from management and faculty • Experience with accreditation visits • Lovers of accreditation (True Believers) • Researched accreditation trends, was attentive to statewide changes, and attended conferences and webinars • Strategized campus work and off-campus sharing • Ensured timeline and deadlines were met • Had responsibility for finalizing report • Critical for keeping accreditation alive

  8. Theme, Tagline, and Swag • Established by ASC • Theme: Got Evidence? • Tagline: Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation • Swag: T-shirt, Lanyard, Bag, Flashlight • Signature: Red Shoes

  9. Calendar & Timeline • Coordination of tasks, activities, meetings, and deadlines • Campus communication tool for progression through Self-Evaluation process

  10. Gap Analysis • Standards aligned to ongoing college committees’ work • Initial analysis by committees of meeting the Standards • Secondary analysis by ASC • Identified individual Standard gaps • Identified threads across the gaps

  11. Finding Your Gaps Used Lessons Learned to find process gaps • Mt. SAC: Insufficient training • What’s missing in your process? Used the Gap Analysis to find individual Standard gaps • Mt. SAC: Mission statement did not meet the Standard • What are your potential gaps in meeting the Standards?

  12. Ongoing Training Presentations • Hallmark of process • Used to address Lessons Learned • Continual communication with all campus constituencies • Faculty FLEX Days • Classified Professional Development Days • Board Meetings and Study Sessions • Management Meetings • Town Hall Meetings • CSEA Specialized Training • Writing Team Training • Dialogue Day • Why Training? • Created urgency • Created community • Created ownership • Kept the energy of the process alive

  13. February 2013FLEX Day & Classified Professional Development Days Constituencies: Faculty and Classified Staff • Overview • U.S. Accreditation Structure • Our Accrediting Commission • What Accreditation Does • Accountability Measure • Provides Transparency • Broad Participation is Key • Your Role • Ongoing Work of the College • Continuous Accreditation Process • Check, Recheck, Repeat • Accreditation Reporting Cycle • Lessons Learned • What’s the Next Step? • AS & PAC Proposal Review • Effort for Stakeholder Inclusion Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  14. June 2014Manager’s Meeting Constituency: Managers • Lessons Learned • Broad Participation • Everyone is Involved! • We need you! • Students Need Mt. SAC • Public Credibility • Financial Aid • Legitimacy of Degree • Transfer of Credit • Cycle of Accreditation • What’s New • Watch Out!! Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  15. August 2014Facilities Summit, FLEX Day, & Classified Professional Development Days Constituency: Classified Staff • Broad Participation: We went to them • Students Need Mt. SAC • Cycle of Accreditation • Keep an Eye Out!! • Timeline • Training Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  16. January 2015Board Presentation, Classified Professional Development Days, and FLEX Day Constituency: Board of Trustees • Students Need Mt. SAC • On Our Way • Accreditation Steering Committee • Moving Forward onRecommendations for Improvement • Dialogue with classified leadership • Student learning assessment • Awards, degrees, and certificates • based on learning outcomes • New Standards Implemented • Gap Analysis Discoveries • We Need Your Support • Understand the process • Stay informed • Remain engaged • Give feedback Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  17. February 2015Board Presentation Constituency: Board of Trustees • Overview: “Why Accreditation?” • Credibility • Legitimacy • Transferability • Requirement for financial aid • Standard IV.C: Governing Board • Gathering evidence • Gap Analysis • Board’s Role • Ongoing Conversation • How can we be helpful? Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  18. August 2015Classified Professional Development Days, FLEX Day, and Manager’s Meeting Constituency: Managers, Faculty, and Classified Staff • Accreditation Steering Committee • Inclusive Training • Ongoing Communication • Champion Writing Teams • Putting it all Together: • Developed Collaboratively • Continual Engagement • Timeline Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  19. March 2016Board Study Session Constituency: Board of Trustees and General Public • Engaged Board with each Standard relative to their work • Provided opportunity for Trustees to demonstrate what they do to support each standard Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  20. May 2016Town Hall Meeting Constituency: Campus-Wide • Celebration • Outlines Complete • Initial Draft Written • Outcomes Campaign Planned • THANK YOU Writing Teams! • Gap Analysis Update • Cycle of Accreditation • Notable Events • Update to Board of Trustees • ASC Attended Training • Visiting Team Members • Draft Feedback • Dialogue Days 2016 • Timeline • Save the Date! - March 6-9, 2017 • Working Together Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  21. May 2016Dialogue Days Constituency: Campus-Wide • Overview • What Accreditation Does • Accreditation Standards • Who Is the Accreditation Steering • Committee? • Who Participated In The Writing • Process? • How was the Self-Evaluation Written? • Where Are We Now? • Dialogue Days: Our Work Today • The ACCJC Standards • Feedback Opportunities Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  22. August 2016Managers Meeting Constituency: Managers • Reality Check • ACCJC Trend: 18 Month • Evidence Needed! • Deadlines Approaching • September 19: Draft • September 28: Final Edits • October 5: Final Report to Editor • Company is Coming! • Update your Webpage • Be Prepared! • Mission Statement Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  23. August 2016FLEX Day & Classified Professional Development Days Constituency: Faculty and Classified Staff • Reality Check • ACCJC Trend: 18 month • Reaffirmations • Evidence Needed • Company is Coming • Dress Rehearsal • ACCJC Visit (March 6-9) Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  24. September 2016Board Presentation Constituency: Board of Trustees • Self-Evaluation Draft Changes • Feedback used to make changes • in the draft. • Questions from the Board • Provide examples of C&I council • recommendations • Definition of unduplicated head • count • What are small certificates? • What is ARGOS? • Clock hours vs. credit hours • Accreditation Webpage Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  25. January 2017Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees Constituency: Board of Trustees • Provided Board with guidelines for the Visit and what to expect • College President conducted Mock interviews with each Board member and provided feedback Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  26. FLEX Day - February 2017 • Opening meeting: demonstrate what to expect when “Company is Coming” for the Visit • Breakout session: Provide opportunity for College employees to experience mock interviews Excellence and Distinction: Our Pathway to Accreditation

  27. Finding Your Opportunities Used Ongoing College Structures as a forum for communication and training • What opportunities can you leverage for communication and training?

  28. Pride in Our Work: The Visit Visit Preparation • Committees, key campus leaders, and Board Members engaged in mock interviews During Visit • Broad campus participation in Open Forums • Held President’s Daily Feedback Sessions

  29. Lessons Learned Take 2

  30. Keeping Accreditation Alive

  31. Filling your Gaps • What tools do you need to move forward with accreditation? • What have you heard today that will help you bridge your gaps? • What tools can you share that might help others?

  32. 2017 Mt. SAC Reflections • “I really reallyreallylearned much about how my institution works, how things connect, why councils and committees are important and what transparency is.” • “The overall plan was well thought out and mapped out and communicated.” • “I have participated in accreditation for the last three self-study reports, and I can say, unequivocally, this self-study was the best organized, best lead, and most inclusive accreditation self-study of the three.”

  33. Questions?

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