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Learn about the importance of Mother's Day in Turkish culture and how it is celebrated, as well as the less popular Father's Day. Explore the significance of mothers in Turkish language, traditions, and family values.
As in a fewothercountries, in TurkeyFather’sDay is celebrated on thethirdSunday of June. Despitethestrong “father” and “ancestor” idea withinculture, Father’sDay is not as popular as Mother’sDay.
Mother’sDay is celebrated on differentdates in manycountries, but alongwithAmerica , Germanyandmanyothers , Turkeycelebrates it on thesecondSunday of May.
Now , wewilllearnabouttheimportance of Mother’sDay in Turkishcultureandhow it is celebrated .
EventoughnowadaysMother’sDay is consideredto be a commercial , bothbeforeandafterIslam in Turkishculturemothersareconsideredsaintly.
Forthatreason, in Turkishlanguagetherearecountlessmaxims, sayingsandproverbsaboutmothers.
Thesayingthatstates : “ Ifonecries , it wouldonly be mymother.” suggeststhatmothersaretheoneswhotrulyfeeltheirchildren’spain.
Family has a veryspecialplace in Turkishcultureandmothersarethebuildingblock of thisinstitution.
Traitssuch as self-sacrifice , moral strengthandtheinstinct of protectionareallconsideredmotherly. Traditionally, thefathersymbolizesmasculinityandpowerand he is thehead of thefamily.
A traditionalTurkishmothergenerallytakescare of thehouseandchildren . Mothersgenerallylivewiththeirparents(boy ordaughter) untiltheygetmarried.
However, in modern Turkishfamilies , thereareworkingmotherswhogivetheirchildrenmorefreedom.
Nowadays on Mother’sDay , peoplewakeupearly . Children buy a bouqet of flowersorpreparebreakfastfortheirmothers . Jewelry, bags, clothesandperfumearealsoamongthe popular choices of presents. On Father’sDaypresentssuch as cologne, nectiesandbooksorsomethingrelatedtotheirhobbiesarecommon.
Generally on thatday,eitherlunchordinner is eaten in a restaurant as a family . Grandmothersandgrandfathersarealsoinvitedtothis meal .
Ifchildrenaretooyoungto buy presents , thehusbandtakesresponsibilityforthearrangements. Thosewhosemothersorfathersaredeceased pay a visittothecemetry.
InterestingFacts TheAnatolianmothergoddess, beforeCommonEra, especiallyaroundtheHittiteandPhrygianperiodswascalled Kibele(Cybele) . She is associatedwithfertilityandabundance. ThisfemalefigureemphasizesEarth’sabundance
Andalso , it is believedthatProphet Muhammed commanded : “ Paradiselies at thefeet of themothers.”
What he suggestshere is thatchildrenshouldrespect, obeyandlovetheirmothers. Accordingto his suggestion , onlypeoplewhotreattheirmotherswithrespectareworthy of havingthekeytoheaven .