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For more course tutorials visit<br>www.uophelp.com<br><br>HCA 333 Complete Class<br>Health Care - General Health Care<br>Subacute Care. Review the Subacute Care Case Pratt(2010) pp. 122-124 and develop a response to Question 8 a, b & c (located on the top of page 125 of the text) and post your response. In your response formulate a complete response to each component of Question 8. The response will provide evidence of critical thinking and problem solving applications. Include one reference in addition to the course text to support your response to question 8 component B. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Factors in Long-Term Care. What are the most significant factors that have led to the development of the long-term care system as it currently exists? Which of these three factors is the most significant? Support your response with one APA cited reference source. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Person-Centered Care. Locate the full-text article on person-centered care by Koren in ProQuest, through the Ashford University Online Library. Read the article and in a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference page) using APA format, discuss the following: <br>1. Summarize the three key points made by the author about patient-centered care. Why is this form of care important? How does it affect outcomes? How can we overcome obstacles to the adoption of these culture-change practices? <br>2. Discuss a minimum of three barriers/challenges to implementing person-centered care in nursing homes. <br>3. In addition to person-centered care practices mentioned in the article, identify two other examples of person-centered care practices. For example, allowing patients to choose their own meal times based upon personal preference. <br>Include at least two additional scholarly resources (in addition to the Koren article) cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, to support your discussion.<br>Senior Housing. Read through the senior housing case found in the course text, chapter 6, beginning at the bottom of page 164-166. In a 250-300 word post, answer these questions: <br>§ What different needs do Rose and Don have that are being met by the CCRC? <br>§ If the multiple levels of service were not available, what would Rose and Don’s situation likely be at this time? <br>§ What about in the near future? <br>Competition in Long-Term Care. In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), discuss the following: <br>1. What factors drive competition within the long-term care market? Discuss a minimum of three factors. <br>2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of competition within the long-term care market from multiple stakeholder perspectives (e.g. consumers, managed care organizations, etc.). Address a minimum of three different stakeholder perspectives. <br>Include at least three scholarly resources, cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, to support your discussion.<br>External Controls. In a 250-300 word post, discuss a minimum of 3 problems as identified by providers, with government regulation of long-term care. Include a minimum of one APA citation from a scholarly reference to support your assertions. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Long-Term Care Quality. In a 250-300 word post, identify and discuss the differences and similarities between QA and CQI. Provide an example of QA and CQI from real life long-term care. Support your response with at least one APA citation from a scholarly reference. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Leadership and Cultural Change. In a 250-300 word post, respond to this question: Why is culture change important in long-term care? Select one type of long-term care and present 3 barriers to successful cultural change in your selected type of long-term care. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts <br>Governance. In a 250-300 word post, discuss legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings. What agencies have oversight authority? Provide one real life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function. Cite one APA source from a scholarly reference to support your discussion. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Governance and Leadership in Long-Term Care. Research and select at least two scholarly, full-text articles from the Ashford University Library that discuss the impact of governance and/or leadership in long-term care quality. In a two- to three- page paper (excluding the title and reference pages) address the following: <br>1. Summarize and discuss three key points from each article. <br>2. Identify the key stakeholder groups with regards to governance and leadership within long-term care and discuss the role of organizational culture as it pertains to long-term care stakeholder satisfaction. <br>All references must be cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.<br>Future Changes in Long-Term Care. Watch the Your Health: Aging Adult Services video clip. After viewing the video clip, respond to the following questions in a 250-300 word post: <br>a. What demographic trends will necessitate changes in future long-term care service delivery? Why? <br>b. What are the most likely ethical challenges to be faced in long-term care? <br>Justify your response with at least one APA citation from a scholarly reference. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts. <br>Focus of the Final Paper <br>Select a topic from the following list and conduct research on the topic to locate scholarly sources from the Ashford University Online Library. Write an eight- to ten-page (excluding title and reference pages) paper that applies the scientific method to evaluate the selected topic and cover each of the specified components as presented below. You must use at least five to eight scholarly sources cited according to APA format as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. <br>Select one of the following topics: <br>1. Family adaptation to a family member with Alzheimer's Disease, chronic disease <br>2. Placement of a family member in a long-term care setting <br>3. Financing of long-term care <br>4. Ethical issues in long-term care <br>5. Regulation in long-term care <br>6. Innovations in long-term care delivery <br>7. Access to long-term care <br>8. Technology to enhance long-term care service delivery <br>Your Final Paper must include: <br>I. Introduction <br>Describe the topic and summarize the scope of your paper. Be specific and to the point. This is an important part of a paper as it engages the reader and sets the tone of the paper. <br>II. Statement of Problem <br>Describe why the topic is relevant and address the key issues related to the topic. Overall, consider what makes this topic so important that you are spending time and energy to research it. Include relevant data to document the scope of the topic or issue. Who is impacted by the topic? What is the impact of the problem if nothing is done to mediate the situation? <br>Literature resources from the disciplines of psychology, medicine sociology, and rehabilitation counseling are all acceptable. Your sources/citations must relate to and support the topic and related issues.<br>III. Discussion <br>Analyze and interpret the content of your research as it applies to the topic of interest. Include a critique of the issues involved and hypothesize potential solutions for the issues as they relate to your topic. <br>Present an overview of at least three findings from the sources you reviewed that were the most important or critical to your topic. How can these findings be used to address the problems previously identified and/or develop new ways to manage the scope of your selected topic? How can further research help in this area? <br>IV. Conclusion <br>In this section provide a general but thorough summary of the scope of your paper. Include a review of why the topic was selected, related issues, the approach that was used, research findings, and proposed solutions. <br>V. References <br>The Final Paper must use at least five to eight scholarly sources, cited according to APA guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Professional associations or U.S. government data sources may be used as a Web-substitute for one of the scholarly journals.<br>

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  1. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com

  2. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Entire Course HCA 333 Week 1 DQ 1 Subacute Care Health Care - General Health Care Subacute Care. Review the Subacute Care Case Pratt(2010) pp. 122-124 and develop a response to Question 8 a, b & c (located on the top of page 125 of the text) and post your response. In your response formulate a complete response to each component of Question 8. • HCA 333 Complete Class • Health Care - General Health Care • Subacute Care. Review the Subacute Care Case Pratt(2010) pp. 122-124 and develop a response to Question 8 a, b & c (located on the top of page 125 of the text) and post your response. In your response formulate a complete response to each component of Question 8.

  3. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 1 DQ 2 Factors in Long HCA 333 Week 1 Person HCA 333 Week 1 Person-centered Care Health Care - General Health Care Person-Centered Care. Locate the full-text article on person-centered care by Koren in ProQuest, through the Ashford University Online Library. Read the article and in a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference page) using APA format, discuss the following: • HCA 333 Week 1 DQ 2 Factors in Long-Term Care • Health Care - General Health Care • Factors in Long-Term Care. What are the most significant factors that have led to the development of the long-term care system as it currently exists? Which of these three factors is the most significant? Support your response with one APA cited reference source. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ posts.

  4. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 2 Competition in Long HCA 333 Week 2 DQ 1 Senior Housing HCA 333 Week 2 DQ 1 Senior Housing Health Care - General Health Care Senior Housing. Read through the senior housing case found in the course text, chapter 6, beginning at the bottom of page 164-166. In a 250-300 word post, answer these questions: § What different needs do Rose and Don have that are being met by the CCRC? • HCA 333 Week 2 Competition in Long-Term Care • Health Care - General Health Care • Competition in Long-Term Care. In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), discuss the following: • 1. What factors drive competition within the long-term care market? Discuss a minimum of three factors.

  5. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 2 DQ 2 Community HCA 333 Week 3 DQ 1 External Controls HCA 333 Week 3 DQ 1 External Controls Health Care - General Health Care External Controls. In a 250-300 word post, discuss a minimum of 3 problems as identified by providers, with government regulation of long-term care. Include a minimum of one APA citation from a scholarly reference to support your assertions. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts.  • HCA 333 Week 2 DQ 2 Community-based Long-Term Care • Health Care - General Health Care • Competition in Long-Term Care. In a two- to three-page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), discuss the following: • 1. What factors drive competition within the long-term care market? Discuss a minimum of three factors.

  6. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 3 DQ 2 Long HCA 333 Week 4 DQ 1 Leadership and Cultural Change HCA 333 Week 4 DQ 1 Leadership and Cultural Change Health Care - General Health Care Leadership and Cultural Change. In a 250-300 word post, respond to this question: Why is culture change important in long-term care? Select one type of long-term care and present 3 barriers to successful cultural change in your selected type of long-term care. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts • HCA 333 Week 3 DQ 2 Long-Term Care Quality • Health Care - General Health Care • Long-Term Care Quality. In a 250-300 word post, identify and discuss the differences and similarities between QA and CQI. Provide an example of QA and CQI from real life long-term care. Support your response with at least one APA citation from a scholarly reference. Respond to two of your classmates’ posts.

  7. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 4 DQ 2 Governance HCA 333 Week 4 Governance and Leadership in Long HCA 333 Week 4 Governance and Leadership in Long-Term Care Health Care - General Health Care Governance and Leadership in Long-Term Care. Research and select at least two scholarly, full-text articles from the Ashford University Library that discuss the impact of governance and/or leadership in long-term care quality. • HCA 333 Week 4 DQ 2 Governance • Health Care - General Health Care • Governance. In a 250-300 word post, discuss legal liability in terms of governance in long-term care settings. What agencies have oversight authority? Provide one real life example of a long-term care liability issue that could conflict with a governance function.

  8. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial HCA 333 Week 5 DQ Future Changes in Long HCA 333 Week 5 Final Paper HCA 333 Week 5 Final Paper Health Care - General Health Care Focus of the Final Paper Select a topic from the following list and conduct research on the topic to locate scholarly sources from the Ashford University Online Library. • HCA 333 Week 5 DQ Future Changes in Long-Term Care • Health Care - General Health Care • Future Changes in Long-Term Care. Watch the Your Health: Aging Adult Services video clip. After viewing the video clip, respond to the following questions in a 250-300 word post: • a. What demographic trends will necessitate changes in future long-term care service delivery? Why?

  9. HCA 333 ASH Course Tutorial For more course tutorials visit www.uophelp.com

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