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Purpose and Tone

Purposes?. What are the different purposes a writer may have?EntertainInformPersuade. Informative Writing. To make the audience more knowledgeable about a particular subjectRelies heavily on factual informationDoes not promote one opinionObjectively offers competing opinions . Persuasive Writ

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Purpose and Tone

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    1. Purpose and Tone Identifying Purpose and Tone Short paragraphs The Social Lives of Online Chatters

    2. Purposes? What are the different purposes a writer may have? Entertain Inform Persuade

    3. Informative Writing To make the audience more knowledgeable about a particular subject Relies heavily on factual information Does not promote one opinion Objectively offers competing opinions

    4. Persuasive Writing Promotes a particular point of view To make reader’s share the author’s position or perspective Opinions are presented with facts; however, the choice of facts is usually carefully chosen

    5. Tone Tone is the emotion or attitude created by the writer’s choice of words, content and style. Informative writing will usually have a cool, objective, or neutral tone. Persuasive writing may vary in tone enormously.

    6. Useful terms for describing tone Admiring Amused Annoyed Angry Anxious Confident Critical Disgusted Disrespectful Embarrassed Insulted Humorous Ironic Appalled Astonished Bullying Cautious Mistrustful Nostalgic Passionate Playful Puzzled Regretful Sarcastic Solemn Soothing

    7. Vocabulary a) The latest technology has spawned a new society. • engendered • destroyed • damaged • transformed ?? b) Chatters by nature are procrastinators. • People who know everything about computer technology. • People who are professional writers. • People who defer actions until a later time. • People who do not enjoy spending time in natural environments.

    8. Vocabulary c) Chatters [ ... ] have an aversion to work. • passion • interest • attraction • repugnance ? d) Chatters take particular pride in their ability to come up with a scintillating opening line. • dull • brilliant • intelligent • subdued

    9. Vocabulary e) Something that is catchy and will attract the attention of their target. • boring • conventional and convenient • pleasant and easily remembered • flashy ? f) All negative aspects of socializing are eliminated in chat. • consequences • sides • stages • areas ?

    10. Vocabulary g) All negative aspects of socializing are eliminated in chat. • removed • emphasized • triggered • altered ?? h) This gives them a feeling of omnipotence. • pleasure • exhilaration • total power • total relaxation ?

    11. Vocabulary i) These smileys are just as real and uplifting as any facial expression. • These smileys make people laugh. • These smileys make people feel uneasy. • These smileys make people feel uptight. • These smileys make people feel better. ? j) One or two must be kindred spirits. • kind people • people who have similar interests and qualities • people who belong to the same family • people who are marriage related

    12. Comprehension a) Children of the Information Age. (par.l) • Children who love to watch the news. • Children who are registered in an information system. • Children who were born and grew up in the era of computer technology. ? b) In olden times. (par.4) • Before the computer age. • Several generations ago. • In the prehistoric era. ?

    13. c) He would have to take the awkward step of approaching the stranger and introducing himself (par.4) • Initiating the first contact between two people is often uncomfortable, and the person who does it feels embarrassed. • Initiating the first contact between two people is often uncomfortable, but the person who does it can turn it into a joke. • It is easy to step forward and initiate the first contact between two people. ? d) It could take several minutes of conversation to determine whether the two had anything in common. (par.4) • It was very easy to see that two people had nothing in common. • It took some time to discover whether two people had similar interests. • It took too much time to find out that two people had no common interests.

    14. a) There is a theory of evolution that suggests future generations of human beings will have larger rear-ends and increased nearsightedness. It is based on the idea that the current generation, children of the Information Age, spends so much time sitting in front of a computer screen that corresponding genes likely will be altered and passed on to offspring. (par.1) • Is this a sarcastic comment? Why? ?• Is the writer trying to project a negative image of online chatting in this paragraph? Why? ?• Is this paragraph setting the tone for the rest of the article? Why?

    15. b) I once was asked to be someone's online girlfriend. The implication is apparent. (par. 13) ? The implication is not that apparent. What do you think the implication is? ?Why doesn't the writer explain what the implication is? Is she trying to involve the reader in her text? Why?

    16. Discussion ?1) Is the writer really praising online chatting? What are the elements that prove your point? ?2) The writer claims that online chatting erases the boundaries of class and race. Do you agree with this argument? Why? ??3) Do you believe that online chatting is the perfect solution to shyness? Why? ?4) The writer suggests that online chatting allows chatters to say anything they want about themselves. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this freedom? ?5) Do you believe that online chatting is a cold and distant way of meeting people? Why? ?6) Is online chatting real? How? Define what you understand by "real."

    17. According to the American Association of Furriers, wearing fur coats is once again back in fashion. Now that's good news for the thousands of mink, rabbits, foxes, and raccoons that are brutally slaughtered so that fashionable men and women can sport a trendy fur coat or hat. No doubt these animals are honored to suffer and die for the sake of human vanity. ? a. anxious ?Tone b. comical c. emotionally neutral d. ironic

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