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The Mayor of Chualar, author and advice columnist Veni, has released the follow-up to her popular first book “Veni, Vidi, Vici: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered,” with the new “Born to Lead.”
Author, Letter-Writer and Mayor of Chualar Veni Releases Follow-Up Book to Popular Debut ‘Veni, Vidi, Vici: I Came, I Saw, IConquered’ The Mayor of Chualar, author and advice columnist Veni, has released the follow-up to her popular first book “Veni, Vidi, Vici: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered,” with the new “Born toLead.” Chular, CA, September 20, 2018 — The Mayor of Chualar, author and advice columnist Veni, has releasedthefollow-uptoherpopularfirstbook“Veni,Vidi,Vici:ICame,ISaw,IConquered,”withthe new “Born toLead.” Veni, a Pumi Hungarian herding breed now 6 years old, continues to recount her adventures in America with“BorntoLead,”includingherstintincountyjail,runningforPresidentoftheUnitedStates, starting a “Dear Veni” advice service for dogs, suing her dad’s surgeon, and finally, getting voted mayor of the small community of Chualar, California, where she lives withher parents Pam and JJ Jackson. Veni was elected mayor of Chualar on Jan. 14, 2017, which she called the “best day a doggie could ever have.” She quickly assembled a cabinet that included Johnnie Collieran as Attorney General, Tippy the terrier as chief of police, Princess was named cabinet advisor and chauffer, Harley, a Yorkie, was named secretary of defense, and Louie became secretary ofagriculture. “Ilikeitbetterthanthefirstbook,”says Veni'sparentandghostwriterPamJackson.“Ilikethisstory,it's really a storybook. It's a funbook.” After a rough first year that Veni describes in “Veni, Vidi, Vici,” in which her housemates Levi, another Pumi,would teasehermercilessly,andDemi, astandardpoodle,whohatedherfromthestart,aswell as getting used to a new home and new parents in a foreign land — rural Chualar — Veni has settled intohernewlifeandthen some. She's becomeastarinherownright. “Veni,Vidi,Vici” alsofeaturesacollectionoflettersfrom Veni toherAuntAurorabackhomeinHungary as well as letters to and from admirers and pen pals, including a few“boyfriends.” Veni also recently attained an achievement award from AKC in which she won titles inherding, tricks (in whichshe hadtodo10differenttricks),andcanine goodcitizen. “Weareveryproudofher.Canine goodcitizenwasdifficultforherbecausesheis shy,butshedidit!” saysJackson. Jacksonhasbeenadogtrainerformorethan30 years,whichgivesheruniqueinsightintohowVeni thinks andacts.
“I love dogs and I love people, I become their psychologists,” she says about her profession as a dog trainer.“I'vemetalotofinterestingpeopleinmylifeworkingwithdogs.Iworkwith12-15 dogsper week,Ihaveagoodreputationandlotsofreferrals.It'sfun.” Shehastrainedseveralthousanddogs,includingtwodifferentdogswhostarredintheproductionsof the play “Annie”, and her own standard poodle, Charley, who played “Charley” in John Steinbeck's “Travels WithCharley.” Sheand herhusbandadoptednine-week-old VenionatriptoVeniceItalyin2012,thusthename Veni, short forVenice. Born in Seattle and raised in Tule Lake, California, Jackson and her husband (who is from Klamath Falls, Oregon) have two grown sons in addition to the furry children. Her husband is a produce broker in Salinas and have lived in Chualar for 31years. One Amazon customer gave “Born to Lead” a 5-star review: “Very nice book. If you enjoyed her first book. Thisbookiswrittenfromadog’s pointofview,avery nicebook.Ifyouenjoyedherfirstbook,this one will not disappointyou.” “Veni,Vidi,Vici”hasreceived4.5outoffivestars (80%five-star)inreviewsonAmazon.com. Kirkus Reviewswrites,“Veniislargerthanlife,andhervoicemakesforfunreading,”whileafive-starreviewon Amazonsays,“Suchafunbook!Ilovedthepartabouther‘mother’beingadogtrainerand hadtohirea trainer for Veni. Veni is obviously very strong-willed. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book and hope Veni willshare moreofheradventuresinthefuture.” Well,thefutureisnow.“BorntoLead”is availableinbothhardcover and paperback,and“Veni,Vidi, Vici” is available in paperback only, all are autographed, on Jackson’s website, http://pamjacksondogtraining.com(it is also available on Amazon.com). And Veni and Jackson are alreadyhardatworkonathirdbook,whichwillbeaboutheradventuresasaprivatedetective. Veni andherdoggie friendstravelallovertheworldsolvingproblems. Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.pamjacksondogtraining.com