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The CENTRAL COAST YMCA announces our Youth and Government delegation earned Delegation of Distinction for the state of California and advisor Lori Caldeira voted Outstanding Advisor.
CENTRAL COAST YMCA Youth and Government Delegation of Distinction 2019 for the State ofCalifornia • Monterey, San Benito & Santa Cruz Counties, CA – March2019 • – The CENTRAL COAST YMCA announces our Youth and Government delegation earned Delegation of Distinction for the state of California and advisor Lori Caldeira voted OutstandingAdvisor. • For the second year in a row, the Central Coast Salinas Valley delegation earned the prestigious title of Delegation of Distinction. This title is awarded to those delegations who show excellent commitment to the Y core values and who complete their program year with high levels of delegate engagement and success. • The2019CentralCoastYMCAYouthandGovernmentDelegationconsistsof28delegationmembersand4 Adult advisors. This year our Delegation had 6 students who achieved statewide level leadership positions in which there were over 3,500 program participants. Rising to statewide leadership implies exceptional demonstration of leadership skills within theprogram. • Bill Topic for Central Coast Salinas Valley (CCSV) - An act to amend California Education Code regarding the body composition requirement of the Fitness Gram Physical Fitness test as it pertains to California Public School students.Ourownlocaldelegate:XitlaaliC.wasaskedtospeakattheopeningJointSessionevent(attendedby almost 4,000 people) to explain her role and our local delegation’s role in a Youth Voter Pre-Registration Drive. Ourlocaldelegationhelpedtoregisterover600highschoolstudentstobeabletovotewhentheyturn18. • ProgramYearHighlights: StudentsattendedtwotrainingconferencesinFresnobeforetheculminatingeventin Sacramento. Students participated in social initiative programs to aid Veteran’s organizations and local homelessshelters. • Studentsalsoparticipatedinlocalcommunityserviceseffortsby: • HelpingattheSalinasFamilyYMCASpooktacularEvent • Participatinginahygiene/diaperdrivetosupportlocalshelters • Participatingintwoseparatebeachclean-upsonthepeninsula • Cleaning/organizing projects at Buena Vista MiddleSchool • Whileourprogramyearhasendedfortheseason,wewillstartupagaininAugust. • AnyoneinterestedinreceivingmoreinformationaboutYouth&Governmentshouldsendarequesttobeadded to our email at centralcoastymcayouthandgovt@gmail.com. Or contact Amy Grames, Executive Vice President at 831-757-4633 oragrames@ymcacentralcoast.org. • ###
Page2 About theY The Central Coast YMCA was formed in 1989 with the merger of two independent YMCAs: the Salinas Community YMCA (founded in 1921) and the Watsonville Family YMCA (founded in 1898). The YMCA of the Monterey Peninsula, which began as a USO in 1941, merged with the Central Coast YMCA in 1990. The South County YMCA became the fourth branch of the Central Coast YMCA in 1998 and the YMCA of San Benito County followed as the fifth branch in 1999. Today, the Central Coast YMCA employs 30 full- time and about 375 part-time employees whose goal is to serve approximately 30,000 people within Santa Cruz, San Benito and Monterey counties.