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Autumn is just around the corner, so Real Estate Agent Ashley Wayland of Wayland Properties is offering tips and tricks to get your home ready for the season.
Real Estate Agent Ashley Wayland Offers Tips and Tricks to Prepare your Home forFall Autumn is just around the corner, so Real Estate Agent Ashley Wayland of Wayland Properties is offering tips and tricks to get your home ready for theseason. Monterey, CA, September 27, 2018 — Autumn is just around the corner, so Real Estate Agent Ashley WaylandofWaylandPropertiesisofferingtipsand trickstogetyourhome readyfortheseason. Suggested Home FallMaintenance: It’s time to clean out those gutters to get ready for the weather (hopefully). Why is this important? Cloggedgutterscreate“sludge,”which isextremelydifficulttoremove.Waterwillthenoverflowfrom the gutters onto your home, causing wood rot. Wood rot attracts termites, compounding your problems. •It’stimetoclean outyourchimney!There aresomegreatcompaniesacrosstheMonterey Peninsula thatcantakecareofthisforyou,startingat,$149. •Test your carbon monoxide detectors. With cold weather approaching and heaters being used more often,protectyourfamilyfromtheriskofcarbonmonoxide poisoning.Itwillonlytakeafewminutesof yourtimetotestyourcarbonmonoxidedetectors. •Ifyouliveanareathatispronetofreezingtemperatures,rightnowisthetimetowrap/insulateany of your exterior pipes so they don’t freeze and break. Even in the Salinas Valley, there is an occasional freeze. •Doyouhaveany“sick”treesorlargebranchesthatareclose toorhangingoveryourhome?With winterstormsaroundthecorner,it’simportanttobe surethatnothingunhealthyis withinreachofyour improvements. Call Lopez & Sons foran estimate today at 831-915-7619. Butwait,there’smore!Justkidding! Hereareafewadditionaltips,butthistimeforyourvehicle: •Ifyou’reheading uptosnowcountry,makesureyou haveplentyofanti-freezingwindshieldwiperfluid inyourvehicle.Haveyouever been stuckon Highway80onthe Summitbehindlarge trucksbefore?You will thank melater! •Also,itneverhurtsto pre-purchasechainsandcarrycashtohavetheminstalledifnecessary.You neverknowwhenyouwillbecaughtinthesnow!
Iknowthatsometimes itcanfeellikeyourhome isanever-endingmoneypit,butitisoneofthelargest investments you will ever make. Take heart, you are incredibly blessed to own a home! More than 64% of American’s own their own home. It’s one of the largest investments you will ever make, so it’s incrediblyimportanttoprotectyourinvestmentandtakegreatcare ofit! WaylandProperties 600 Ortiz Ave., Sand City, CA93955 800 Munras Ave, Suite 100, Monterey, CA 93955 www.waylandproperties.co&www.ashleymeilan.com Cell:831-444-2262, Office:831-884-5603 Contact: Marci BraccoCain Chatterbox PR Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.waylandproperties.co