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Singer, Songwriter, and Actor Carl Thornton Releases Debut

STREAM “GET UP!” ON REVERBNATION. “I am a fun loving, live life to the fullest individual, who always sees the glass as half full and firmly believes in the motto "nothing ventured, nothing gained."

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Singer, Songwriter, and Actor Carl Thornton Releases Debut

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  1. Singer,Songwriter,andActorCarlThorntonReleasesDebutDanceSingle“GetUp!”onAmazonandiTunesSinger,Songwriter,andActorCarlThorntonReleasesDebutDanceSingle“GetUp!”onAmazonandiTunes STREAM“GETUP!” ON REVERBNATION.“Iam afunloving,livelife tothefullestindividual,whoalways seestheglassashalf fulland firmlybelieves inthe motto"nothingventured,nothinggained." LosAngeles,CA, June21,2014–Triplethreattalent CarlThornton debutstheperfect summerdanceanthemthat willinspireand ignitethe clubswithhis debut single,“Get Up!”From the openingnotes,onecanhearamelodicand irresistibledrivewithanelectrifyingand pulsating beatthatenticesyoutomove withunabashed joyuntil thesong isover. Aftertraveling the worldand performing professionallyfortenyears, Carlhasnotlost sight ofhisgoalsfromanearlyage wherehevowed that singingwaswhathewas destined todo.“Get Up!”istheveryfirst song Carl haswrittenwhereheconfidentlystepsoutasanartist. Blending velvety,richvocals,thesong is bothrhythmicand theflawlessmixofpopand electronicmusictakinginspirationfromUsher, Calvin Harris,and Avicii. “GET UP!”isnowavailableatiTunes,Amazon,and CDbaby.com.Fourexclusiveremixeswill be released soon withanaccompanyingmusicvideoshot atHarlemGayPrideParadeinJune2014 and willbereleased laterthissummer. Contact: ChipSchutzman Miles HighProductions P.O.Box93157 Hollywood,CA90093 323806-0400

  2. chip@mileshighproductions.comhttp://www.mileshighproductions.comchip@mileshighproductions.comhttp://www.mileshighproductions.com ###

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