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Following the successful launch of her fine art jewelry line, entrepreneur, fine art gallery owner, jewelry designer and devoted mother Viv Storms is giving back.
Viv Storms Fine Jewelry Donating Percentage of First Month’s Sales to Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles Following the successful launch of her fine art jewelry line, entrepreneur, fine art gallery owner, jewelry designer and devoted mother Viv Storms is givingback. Los Angeles, California, October 25, 2018 — Following the successful launch of her fine art jewelry line, entrepreneur, fine art gallery owner, jewelry designer and devoted mother Viv Storms is giving back. Viv Storms Fine Jewelry is donating 5% of their first month’s sales to Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles,helpingtograntmorelife-changingwishes tochildrenwithcritical illnesses. Photographed: Viv Storms, Mike Kallhoff (CEO & President, Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles), Frances Mojica (VP, Development, Make-A-Wish Greater LosAngeles) “I’vealwaysadmiredtheextraordinaryworkbeingcarriedoutbyMake-A-Wish.Childrenblessuswith joyandunconditionalloveand that’swhyit’ssuchanhonortobe contributingtotheeffortsofthis great foundation,” said Viv Storms, CEO and designer of Viv Storms Fine Jewelry. “Giving backto
childreninneedwassomethingIpromisedmyselfIwoulddouponlaunchingmyjewelryline.I’mgladI was able to make adifference.” “It’s only through the commitment of supporters like Viv Storms that Make-A-Wish is able to achieve our mission,” said Frances Mojica, VP, Development, Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles. “We greatly appreciate her generous gift and look forward to creating even more life-changing wishes forchildren throughout LA with hersupport.” Viv Storms Fine Jewelry features sophisticated fine jewelry designs showcasing the unparalleled artwork of cold-glass artist Jack Storms. Having heard countless mentions of how Jack’s artwork improved and enlightened the hearts and lives of many, Vivian felt compelled to offer those who love the medium a chance to own a piece of Jack’s fineart. Since Jack Storms’ sculptures are fairly large and out of reach for many of its admirers, Vivian’s vision wastoallowgreater accessibilitytoherex-husband’s artthroughthecreationofmoreaffordable and wearable fine artjewelry. Each of the Viv Storms Fine Jewelry pieces is unique and imbued with Jack Storms fine art crystal stones madeofopticalcrystal anddichroicglasstocreatecaptivatingkaleidoscopic coresthatoutshineeven the brightest diamonds. Fifty times more intricate than one ofJack Storms’ cold-glass sculptures, these fineartcrystalstonestrulyembodythebeauty andcomplexityof hislarger-scaleartwork. Thanks to Vivian’s love and unequalled passion and enthusiasm for designing, Viv Storms Fine Jewelry is finally available for pre-sale purchase at a 25% discount through November 30, 2018. For more information, please visit www.vivstorms.com. About Make-A-Wish Greater LosAngeles Founded in 1983, Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. The LA chapter has granted nearly 10,000 wishes to children in Los Angeles County.The chapter grants over 300 wishes each year, and facilitates nearly as many wishes for children from all overtheworldwhosewishis tocometoLosAngeles. Make-A-Wish Greater Los Angeles is an independent 501(c)(3) that is part of Make-A-Wish America, a nationalorganizationthatoversees62chaptersacrossthecountry. Make-A-Wish America is oneofthe world's leading children's charities, serving children in every community in the United States and its territories. For more information, visitwww.la.wish.org. Contact: Marci BraccoCain ChatterboxPR
Salinas, CA93901 (831)747-7455 http://www.la.wish.org Viv Storms, Fine Jewelry, Donating Percentage, Greater Los Angeles, fine art jewelry Arts Links: