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Islamic Justice: Principles, Punishments & Forgiveness

Explore Islamic teachings on justice, crime, punishment, and forgiveness, including the importance of forgiveness in Islam and the reasons behind various punishments. Understand the significance of being forgiven by the community, purposes of capital punishment, and key organizations working to prevent crime. Learn how Muslims view torture, Hadd punishments under Shari’ah law, and the role of punishment in building a fair society. Discover the connection between suffering, justice, and the teachings of Islam in this comprehensive quiz.

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Islamic Justice: Principles, Punishments & Forgiveness

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  1. Crime & Punishment Quiz

  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 7 12 9 10 11

  3. 1. State three reasons why justice is important for Muslims. Justice is a key idea promoted within the Qur’an Shari’ah Law has strict rules about justice and acting fairly. The Five Pillars support ideas of justice (e.g.Zakah) Muslims believe that justice is important to Allah and this is what he intended for his creation. Muslims will be judged in the afterlife on how they treated others. back

  4. 2. Name two teachings about crime. • Allah orders justice • Crime is a distraction from Allah • The Ummah is important so Muslims need to support and help others involved in crime. • Muhammad taught Muslims how to live a good life and not commit crime. • All humans are equal and should be treated fairly. back

  5. 3. Why do Muslims suffer? Suffering is part of Allah’s plan Suffering is a test of faith and character Suffering is a reminder of sin and revelation of Allah Some suffering is due to human action Good can come from suffering back

  6. 4. Give three reasons why punishment is important to Muslims? • Builds a peaceful society as Allah intended • Creates a stable society and prevents further crimes. • Gives offenders the chance to change their behavior. • Makes some amends for the crime committed. back

  7. 5. What are the four aims of punishment? Protection Retribution Deterrance Reformation back

  8. 6. Why is forgiveness important in Islam? Allah is compassionate and merciful and forgives Muslims so people should too. If a person truly repents, then they should be forgiven. People should try to forgive those who have wronged, as Muhammad taught. Islam is a religion of peace. A killer may be forgiven if they pay compensation to the family. On the Day of Judgement those that have been repentant will be forgiven. back

  9. 7. What do Muslims believe about the use of torture? To inflict pain is wrong. Criminals are still human beings and deserve fair and respectful treatment. All humans were created by Allah and thus should be treated respectfully. Some Muslims believe it is fine to use torture if a person is keeping a secret which would spare the innocent. back

  10. 8. State three purposes of capital punishment. *Offer punishment for the most severe crimes committed. *To act as a deterrent for other criminals. *Make victims feel as though punishment has been given and to offer closure to the family. *To make sure the offender cannot repeat the offence. *To give the offender a chance to repent by facing up to what they have done. back

  11. 9. Why is being forgiven by a community important for offenders? So they can be reintegrated into society. Gain skills and education from the punishment. Carry out community work to make amends. Protects the Ummah. Ease tension between the community as victims can see justice being served. back

  12. 10. Give three examples of Hadd punishments which could be used under Shari’ah law. Death Penalty Death by Stoning Lashes of set numbers Amputation back

  13. 11. Name two Muslim organisations that try to stop crime. Muslim Chaplains’ Association – Supports chaplains working in prisons Works towards resettling prisoners Provides mentoring in and out of prison for offenders Mosaic Supports people from all backgrounds in deprived communities. Young offenders program linking young people with role models to support them. back

  14. 12. Why punishment needed in society? Maintain law and order Set expected behaviour fair society Give a chance for offenders to change Make victims feel safe Chance for offenders to reflect on the impact of their crimes. back

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