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6TH COSMO GENERAL MEETING 20 – 23 September 2005 Zurich Suggested Projects for the Next Years

6TH COSMO GENERAL MEETING 20 – 23 September 2005 Zurich Suggested Projects for the Next Years Tiziana Paccagnella ARPA-SIM 22 September 2005. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005. STC defines COSMO strategy

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6TH COSMO GENERAL MEETING 20 – 23 September 2005 Zurich Suggested Projects for the Next Years

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  1. 6TH COSMO GENERAL MEETING 20 – 23 September 2005 Zurich Suggested Projects for the Next Years Tiziana Paccagnella ARPA-SIM 22 September 2005 Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  2. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  3. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  4. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  5. Work plans will be structured: Priority Projects • tasks • activities Activities Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  6. Comments about this • Projects have been thought: • To better concentrate joint COSMO efforts • To optimize the use of COSMO human resources • To facilitate management related to goals which are Considered to be prioritary • Burocracy must be kept at the minimum level Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  7. Comments about this • This is not a competition ! • Activities not included in projects can be anyway of extreme importance for COSMO • If a project is not selected scientists involved in this project must not feel …FRUSTRATED!!!! Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  8. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • Assimilation of profiles derived from satellite with 1_D VAR technique for LM • Assimilation of radar data These projects will be better defined during the assimilation workshopin Zurich WG1 • SIR: • defining norm • resampling • Retrieval techniques: continue 1dVar for satellite radiances as a pilot project Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  9. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • LM_Z development • Improvement of LM efficiency by implicit methods • Conservation properties of RK scheme WG2 • LM_Z: Improvement of physics interface; and further evaluation; High order LM_Z • Implicit time integration: save computer time by a factor of 2 • Further development of RK: conservation properties; further evaluation of advantages Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  10. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • General moist turbulence scheme • Soil moisture initialization • Investigation of main problems in LM as regards precipitation forecasting WG3 Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  11. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • Short Range LM ensemble with own perturbations • Grid points statistics and connections with hydrological models. WG4 • Short range ensemble with own perturbations (connexions with WG1, ensemble assimilation) • Interpretation, grid point statistics, input to forecast matrix, input to hydrological models Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  12. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • A common and unified verification “library” including conditional verification. This library will be included in the COSMO SW. The development of the Conditional Verification will be the first priority of this project. WG5 Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  13. Research and Development Priority Projects2005-2006as proposed by SAC on 1-2 Sept. meeting • Management of Support WG6 Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  14. Info requested in the Project Outline • Outcomes of the projects. • Technical description. • How many people at minimum per year? • How many people are already able to contribute. • A Rough estimate of total human resources. Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  15. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  16. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  17. Template of Top Priority Project Plan Project: Project leader: General description: Aim of the project and general description Scientific background: Possible criticity: Description of project tasks T1 Technical and scientific description Table to describe details of the tasks: … T n Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  18. Template of Top Priority Project Plan Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

  19. 14th STC meeting DWD, 13 June 2005 • STC defines COSMO strategy • SAC (WP Coordinators + SPM) defines a preliminary list of projects fitting COSMO strategy • General Meeting parallel sessions: collection of proposals and fine- tuning of projects • SAC defines a priority list to be submitted to the decisions of STC • STC selects a limited (one-digit) numbers of “top priority projects” • WP coordinators identify Project Leaders • Project Leaders prepare a detailed Project description and a clear project plan (project activities, human resources, milestones) • STC gives the final approval of the projects • STC members assigns human resources to the projects Tiziana Paccagnella COSMO Gen. Meeting 2005 Zurich

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