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OGGI!. - Parts of the Exam/Strategies - Sample Questions - Speaking - Listening - Reading - Writing - Dialogue Practice. PARTS OF THE EXAM. - Part I SPEAKING - 24 points
OGGI! - Parts of the Exam/Strategies - Sample Questions - Speaking - Listening - Reading - Writing - Dialogue Practice
PARTS OF THE EXAM - Part I SPEAKING - 24 points -Two 12 line dialogues(6 student utterances) 12 points each,(2 points per utterance). - Part II LISTENING - 30 points -Fifteen multiple choice questions 2 pts. each
PARTS OF THE EXAM - Part III READING - 30 points -Fifteen multiple choice questions 2 pts. each - Part IV WRITING - 16 points - Two out of three writing tasks - 8 points each. (each with a minimum of 100 words)
PART I - SPEAKING • Two communication tasks from 60 possible situations • You are always yourself/your teacher plays the assigned role. • Listen carefully to the situation you choose, and decide: • tu or Lei • what tense should you use (present, past, future etc)? • what is the teacher going to say and what would you say? • how can you get the conversation to go as you wish?
PART I - SPEAKING Two communication tasks from 60 possible situations Make sure your utterance is appropriate for Checkpoint B. - Use “però” “ma” or “perchè” to expand your statement. - Add a question to your response.
SPEAKING TIPS – “Don’ts” • DON’T: - answer simply yes or no - simply restate most of what your teacher says. - use socializing devices like “ciao” in isolation. “Ciao” and “Come stai?” are fine to start a conversation, but will not count as an utterance. - go directly to the main point of the conversation. Lead into the main point.
FRASI UTILI Mi sono divertito E’ stato molto divertente Ho un problema! I had fun It was a lot of fun I have a problem!
FRASI UTILI Ho bisogno di aiuto! Ho perduto la mia borsa. Non trovo…. I need help! I lost my purse! I can’t find…
Mi sono dimenticato….. Ho lasciato….. Non so dov’e’….! FRASI UTILI I forgot I left…. I don’t know where the …is!
FRASI UTILI Mi puoi prestare ……? Mi puoi dare una mano? C’e’ un errore! - Can you lend me…? - Can you lend me a hand…? - There’s a mistake!
Che ne pensi se….? Che ne dici se ….? Non va bene questo…. ALTRE FRASI UTILI - What do you think if? - What do you say if…? - This is not ok!
ALTRE FRASI UTILI Non voglio Che peccato! Mi dispiace che…! Non mi piace….. I don’t want What a shame! I’m sorry that…! I don’t like….
SITUAZIONE ORALE - ESEMPIO Student Initiates: I am a teacher in Italy. You are having problems with your host family. You come to me for advice. Your start the conversation. S:Ho un problema a casa. T: Mi dispiace. Non vai d’accordo con la tua famiglia? S: No, la famiglia e’ gentile, (ma il cibo e’ un problema.) T: Non ti piace il cibo italiano? S. La pasta si! (ma preparano molta carne).
PART II - LISTENING • 15 Listening situations. 15 passages with one question per passage. - Questions 1-9 : passages in Italian, questions in English. - Questions 10- 15 : passages and questions are in Italian. - The introductory paragraph to each passage is in English.
Listening Tips • Preview the question and four choices. • Do not read while the teacher is reading. • LISTEN! CONCENTRATE! DON’T DAYDREAM! • Listen to the entire reading! • Listen for key words.
Listening Tips • When you can, eliminate one or two answers after the first reading! • Base your answers on the information given! DON’T INFER INFORMATION! • Listen to both readings of each paragraph!
Esempio 1 • What is taking place in Milan? • 1 a fashion show of “ecologically friendly” clothing • a protest against designers who ignore environmental issues • 3 a program promoting young designers • a ceremony to honor Italian fashion designers
Che cosa ti dice ….? Di che cosa tratta? Che cosa suggerisce…? Che cosa spiega…? Qual’è lo scopo…? Che cosa offre…? Cosa ti chiede…? Perchèè utile…? Che consiglio ti da…? Secondo l’esperto.. What does it say? What does it deal with? What is suggested…? What is explained..? What is the purpose of ..? What does ….offer? What does ….ask you? Why is …..useful? What are you advised…? According to the expert… KEY QUESTION WORDS
Esempio 2 Che cosa spiega l’agente di viaggio? 1 dove ottenere informazioni turistiche 2 il prezzo di noleggiare un’automobile 3 come devono comportarsi I bambini 4 i vantaggi di un certo albergo
PART III - READING • I Long passage : 5 questions in Italian. • Read the passage for the main idea. • Read the questions, then reread the passage. • As you read: - Eliminate unnecessary information. - Underline words you feel show the answer. - Look for cognates and words you know to help you understand the meaning of the passage, and of words you don’t know. - Eliminate answers you feel are wrong.
PART III - MORE READING • II Short readings – 5 realia, one question each, in English – 10 points. - Read the entire ad, even the fine print. - Cite key words and look for cognates. - Eliminate unimportant information. BE CAREFUL: Pictures can help, but can also be misleading.
PART III - READING • Long reading passage with five questions and answers in English. 1. Read the passage for the main idea. 2. Read the questions and answers, then reread the passage As you read : - Eliminate unnecessary information. - Underline words you feel indicate the answer. - Look for cognates and words you know to help you understand the passage, and of words you don’t know. - Eliminate answers you feel are wrong.
PART IV - WRITING • Two of three tasks selected from: - Letter, note - Journal entry - Movie review, book review, etc. - Narrative (story) from a picture. • Each writing task must contain at least 100 words.
STRATEGIES • Identify the task. 1. Letter or note - accomplish the purpose. 2. Picture, you write a story, not a description Subtopics - guidelines. • Don’t try to be funny. • Don’t write dialogues. • Don’t panic if you don’t remember a word: say it another way!!!
WRITING - continued • Organize your work. You must: - have a beginning, middle, and ending. - connect your thoughts logically. - demonstrate a wide range of vocabulary. • 115 words, to be on the safe side! • PROOFREAD YOUR WORK!!!!!
APERTURE È da tempo che non ti scrivo! È da tempo che non ti sento! Ti scrivo per dirti che… Hai sentito che ….? Sai che….? BEGINNINGS I haven’t written you in a long time. I haven’t heard from you in a long time. I’m writing to tell you that... Did you hear that…? Do you know that…? NOTES AND LETTERS
Ti ringrazio per il tuo aiuto Telefonami presto Scrivimi presto Fammi sapere tue notizie Ci sentiamo presto Ti telefono domani Thanks for your help Call me soon Write me soon Let me hear from you Hear from you soon I’ll call you tomorrow FRIENDLY CLOSINGS
Scrivo per chiedere informazione Scrivo per sapere se… Vorrei sapere se… Ho bisogno d’informazione Mi può dire se… I’m writing you for information I’m writing to know if… I’d like to know I need information… Can you tell me if… FORMAL NOTES & LETTERSOpenings
Grazie per il Suo aiuto Aspetto una Sua risposta Spero leggerLa presto! Mi scriva presto! Mi telefoni presto! Il mio indirizzo è… Thanks for your help! I await your answer… Hope to hear from you soon. Write me soon! Call me soon! My address is …. FORMAL CLOSINGS
Picture Narrative Strategies • Identify a day , date, time, etc. for your story. • - E’ sabato mattina! Sono le dieci e mezzo! • - E’ venerdi, il 22 giugno. • - Talk about the day, weather, etc. • - E’ una bella giornata. Il sole brilla e fa caldo. • - Name your characters as you introduce the story. • - Marco e Francesca non vanno a scuola oggi.
Who? What? When? Where? How? Why? Which? How many? Chi? Che? Cosa? Che cosa? Quando? Dove? Come? Perchè? Quale? Che? Quanti? KEY QUESTION WORDS
Quanto? A che ora? Per chi? Con chi? A chi? Di chi è…? Di dove? How much? At what time? For whom? With whom? To whom? Whose is…? From where…? MORE QUESTION WORDS?