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Agenda. Call To Order Mr. T. Middlesworth 2. Moment of Reflection Mr. B. Middlesworth 3. Pledge of Allegiance Mr. T. Middlesworth 4. Consideration of Minutes Mr. T. Middlesworth. 5. Personnel Report.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Agenda • Call To Order Mr. T. Middlesworth 2. Moment of Reflection Mr. B. Middlesworth 3. Pledge of Allegiance Mr. T. Middlesworth 4. Consideration of Minutes Mr. T. Middlesworth

  2. 5. Personnel Report Resignations • Rachel Young as Choral Music Teacher, Grades 5-12 • Tom Kingery as Vocational Agriculture Teacher, Grades 7-12 • Ellen Engelhardt as Instructional Assistant Appointment • Justin Grubbs as Junior High Math Teacher

  3. 7. New Business A. Consideration of Approval of 2006-07 Title I Grant Application • Title I is a Federally funded program to provide additional assistance to at-risk students. For 2006-07, the preliminary grant amount is $144,550, up $7,250 (5.2%) from last year. Congress reviews these allocations each year, and sometimes the amounts are up and sometimes they are down. Oak Hill’s total number of students in poverty has risen from 244 in 2004 to 267 in 2005, and that has an effect on the Title I grant amount. • Converse and Sweetser Elementary Schools are designated by this grant as recipients of these services. • In the past, most services to identified students and their families were from Instructional Assistants paid with these dollars • Recently, Title I has determined that all such services must be directly supervised by a certified teacher. • Earlier, this Board approved the creation of a half-time Title I teaching position to meet that requirement. • The grant recommended tonight will pay for that teacher and will continue to provide Instructional Assistants (but not as many hours) to assist at-risk students in Grades K-4.

  4. 7. New Business B. Consideration of Investment Resolution • At your last meeting, you approved an additional appropriation and created a Construction Fund in the amount of $4,400,000 to finance a portion of the improvements to Oak Hill Junior/Senior High School contained in the current project. • These dollars come from the proceeds of the bond sale in the name of the Oak Hill School Building Corporation, and they represent the amount paid by the building corporation for Oak Hill real estate “purchased” by that holding corporation. • Based on a schedule of payments, a great deal of the money in this fund can be invested in certificates of deposit, and Umbaugh and Associates, our financial advisors, are ready to take bids from financial institutions for those certificates of deposit. • In order to realize the greatest return on these investments, Umbaugh needs to be able to request bids from banks outside the Oak Hill district. • To do that, this resolution needs to be approved.

  5. 7. New Business B. Consideration of Investment Resolution • Whereas, the Oak Hill United School Corporation Board of School Trustees desires to allow banks outside its political subdivision to submit quotes on public funds certificates of deposit for the purpose of investing its operating and utility funds, • Therefore, pursuant to IC 5-13-9.5, the Board of School Trustees hereby authorizes the investing officer of the school corporation to invest in certificates of deposit of depositories that have not been designated by the local board of finance, but have been designated by the state board of finance as a depository for state deposits. • This resolution and the authority granted herein expire two (2) years after the adoption date.

  6. 7. New Business C. Consideration of Change Order Resolution • Whereas, the Oak Hill United School Corporation Board of School Trustees desires to consider any necessary change orders for the current project to provide renovations and additions to Oak Hill Junior High and High School, and • Whereas, there are sometimes issues regarding change orders that need immediate attention, • Therefore, it is agreed that any proposed change order that has a value of $10,000 or less may be approved by Toby Middlesworth in the name of the Board of School Trustees and after all preliminary processes have been completed. • This resolution and the authority granted herein expire at the conclusion of the specific project named above.

  7. 7. New Business D. Consideration of Resolution to Establish Additional Project Priorities • Whereas, the Oak Hill United School Corporation Board of School Trustees and the Oak Hill School Building Corporation are engaged in a project to renovate and provide additional facilities to Oak Hill Junior/Senior High School, and • Whereas, the budget for that project provides for a sum that is designated for contingencies, and • Whereas, that portion of the project budget may have unused money toward the end of the project, and • Whereas, The Board of School Trustees desires to make known some priorities for the use of those funds, if available, • Therefore, the Board of School Trustees hereby sets the following list as priorities for any unused construction funds toward the end of the current project:

  8. 7. New Business D. Consideration of Resolution to Establish Additional Project Priorities • Landscaping • Asphalt Sealing/Paving • Sound System in Lecture Area • Solutions for Baseball Area • Replacement of Home Football Bleachers/Pressbox • Sound System in Pool • Maintenance Area Upgrades • This resolution considered and approved by the Board of School Trustees of Oak Hill United School Corporation on June 27, 2006.

  9. Agenda 8. Claims Mr. Pearson • Announcements and Reports A. Building Project Update B. Presentation of Reviews of Secondary Mr. Perkins School Improvement Plans Mr. Martin • Celebrations Mr. T. Middlesworth 11. Adjournment to Board Workshop Mr. T. Middlesworth

  10. Work Soon To Be Started • Lecture Area • Walls removed • Floor sections removed • Media Center • Ramp installed • Additional Parking on The Hill • New Entrance from State Road 18 • Junior High Entrance • Weight and Fitness Addition • Administrative/Guidance Addition • Special Education Addition

  11. School Improvement Plans • According to both Indiana and Federal legislation, each school building must create a Three-Year School Improvement Plan. • The Building Principal is, by law, the Chair of the School Improvement Team, and other members come from the teaching and support staff, parents, area businesses, and the general community. • Last year, in 2004-05, new 3-year plans were written for all five of Oak Hill’s schools. • Each year in between the creation of new plans, a review and, if needed, revision of the current plan is to be conducted. • At your last meeting, you heard from Oak Hill’s three elementary schools regarding that annual review, and you will be hearing from the Junior High and High School tonight. • No action is necessary by the Board, but these presentations are being made to keep the Board and public informed.

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