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TE EPC. Booster Energy Upgrade. Serge Pittet 26.03.2010. WG Mandate (1/2). TE EPC. The aim of the study is to evaluate the technical feasibility of an increase in beam energy of the CERN PS Booster from presently 1.4 GeV to about 2 GeV as proposed at the Chamonix 2010 workshop .
TE EPC Booster Energy Upgrade Serge Pittet 26.03.2010
WG Mandate (1/2) TE EPC The aim of the study is to evaluate the technical feasibility of an increase in beam energy of the CERN PS Booster from presently 1.4 GeV to about 2 GeV as proposed at the Chamonix 2010 workshop. The study comprises: • Confirm the potential gain in terms of intensity and brilliance for LHC-type beams as presented at the Chamonix 2010 workshop. • Confirm the technical feasibility. Identify accelerator components and equipment that need to be upgraded or exchanged. Identify potential showstoppers and point out solutions. Assign the responsible groups/units. Provide first rough time estimates for the various interventions needed. • Provide a first estimate of material and personnel resources needed to complete the upgrade. Draft a project break-down into work packages, in preparation for a project to be launched by the director of accelerators. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
WG Mandate (2/2) TE EPC • The issue of faster cycling is a separate issue and not within the mandate of this working group. We assume hence a cycle length of 1.2s. It is assumed that, wherever new equipment is designed, some margin is built in to anticipate future requests. However this should not be a strong constraint for this study. • The energy upgrade is to be put in place as soon as possible, if possible before Linac4 commissioning in 2015. This means that we have to study the upgrade with the 50MeV Linac2. • Action for B.Mikulec to provide descriptions for the different beams and magnetic cycles. A table of beams has been compiled and is in the appendix of the document in preparation. (http://indico.cern.ch/getFile.py/access?contribId=3&resId=0&materialId=0&confId=88072) The magnetic cycles are under study. • The scaling factor on the magnetic field from 1.4GeV to 2 GeV is 1.33. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
WG general TE EPC • CERN Task Force Leader K. Hanke • Scientific Secretary T. Hermanns • US LARP Representative E. Prebys • Time Lines as from 04/03/2010 1. Identify showstoppers: rapidly; 1-2 months from now 2. first approximate cost estimate (still with large error bars): end April / beginning of May 2010 by then inventory of equipment, ballpark estimate but no design yet 3. Enter in MTP in May 2010, in time for council meeting • The actual work will be constrained by the shutdowns. - LHC off 2012, possibly short run of the injectors - 2013 long LHC run - 2014/15 long LHC shutdown (connection of Linac4) TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Work-Package Responsible TE EPC 1. Beam Dynamics G. Rumolo BE/ABP 2. Magnets, Magnetic Measurements D. Tommasini, A. Newborough, M. Buzio TE/MCS 3. RF System A. Findlay, M. Paoluzzi BE/RF 4. Beam Intercepting Devices O. Aberle EN/STI 5. Power Converters S. Pittet TE/EPC 6. Vacuum System E. Mahner TE/VSC 7. Instrumentation J. Tan BE/BI 8. Commisssioning B. Mikulec BE/OP 9. Extraction, Transfer, PS Injection J. Borburgh TE/ABT 10. Controls L. Fernandez BE/CO 11. Electrical Systems P. Lelong, R. Necca EN/EL 12. Cooling and Ventilation M. Nonis EN/CV 13. RP and Safety T. Otto DGS/RP 14. Transport and Handling I. Ruehl EN/HE 15. Survey T.Dobers BE/ABP • Linkperson Consolidation D. Mcfarlane EN/MEF • Linkperson Drawing Office R.Folch EN/MME • Linkperson PS R.Steerenberg BE/OP TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Chamonix 2010 workshop TE EPC TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster layout TE EPC TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster Injection TE EPC • Booster Injection will be upgraded for Linac 4 connection. • No changes needed related the Booster 2GeV upgrade. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster MPS (1/3) TE EPC • The existing supply can not endorse the additional RMS current. • An increase of peak power, using traditional thyristor technology, would have a significant negative effect on power quality of the Meyrin network 18 kV, which would be inadmissible. • The solution will probably be a design similar to the new POPS for the PS, using DC capacitors to store the energy for the pulsating load (civil engineering work required). TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster MPS (2/3) TE EPC DIP Trim DIP Ring 1-4 % QF Trim QF Dipole magnetic length ≈ 1.63m MPS Reference magnet Courbes de magnétisation GND QD Trim QD Tm DIP Ring 2-3 Quadratic approximation: Inner ring: I=4676·B+14B2 Outer ring: I=4074·B+759B2 I [A] 193 magnets in series TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster MPS (3/3) TE EPC • Magnets thermal issues may be solved using a faster cycle. • Acceleration capability to be confirmed by magnets and RF groups. • Magnet string can be divided to avoid isolation problems. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Booster Ring (others) TE EPC • Dipoles correctors and multipoles are mainly used at low energy and have enough margin. They will be consolidated during the shutdown 2011-2012. • The Qstrips are only used at injection. Any upgrade would be part of the linac 4 project and not of the Booster energy upgrade. • BDLs are used at ejection but have enough margin. • The DBS are dedicated to destructive beam measurement and will probably not be used at 2GeV. • The shavers are only used at injection. Any upgrade would be part of the linac 4 project and not of the Booster energy upgrade. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
PSB Ejection TE EPC • BE.SMH: 2GeV setting is still within the converter rated current. The capacitor bank size will have to be adapted to provide the additional energy. • BE1 to 4.DHZ 11L1, BE1 to 4.DHZ 4L1, BE1 to 4.DVT 11L1 and BE1 to 4.DVT 4L1: Even approaching their rated limits, these converters will not need to be upgraded for 2GeV operation. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
BT and BTM transfer TE EPC • The BT and BTM transfer lines will have to provide PPM operation between 1GeV or 1.4GeV Isolde and 2GeV PS. • The natural discharge of the magnet is estimated by the current reached after 0.9s starting from 2GeV setting. • The capacitor bank size of ALG-1 model will have to be adapted to provide the additional energy. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
BTP transfer TE EPC • The BTP transfer is not used by Isolde. 2 GeV cycles only will go through. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
PS Injection & Ring TE EPC • PI.BSM40, PI.BSM42, PI.BSM43 and PI.BSM44: These converters have enough margin to provide the additional current. • PI.SMH42: A longer magnet will probably be used, keeping the present rating. The capacitor bank size will anyway needed to be adapted to provide the additional energy and a new capacitor charger has to be foreseen. • PR.DVT, DHZ, QFN, QDN, QSK (150 Power converter in total) will probably have to be upgraded. ACAPULCO control with SMILE output power stage can be used. Today operation of those converters is mainly limited by magnet thermal considerations. TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
To be decided NOW TE EPC • Is there any chance to get the upgrade completed for the 2013 machine startup? • Is it possible to get the upgrade completed for the 2015 machine startup? • Do we transfer Canada supplies upgrade to MPC? NO! YES YES TE-EPC - Serge Pittet
Project follow-up TE EPC • FPC, HPC, MPC, LPC: • Preliminary schedule for the needed upgrades. • Preliminary manpower plan. • Cost estimation. • FPC: • Description and study of capacitor bank upgrades. • Solution for minidiscap replacement. • Reviewed schedule, manpower plan and cost estimation. • HPC: • Proposition of civil engineering required for the MPS upgrade. • Trim, QD and QF powering strategy. • Reviewed schedule, manpower plan and cost estimation • MPC: • Analysis of Canada converters replacement. • Reviewed schedule, manpower plan and cost estimation • LPC: • Schedule, manpower plan and cost estimation for PS ring correctors • Due to WG by 25/03/2010 • (I know we are already late!) • Due to S.Myers by 13/04/2010 • (Still some time • but not so much!) TE-EPC - Serge Pittet