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"Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely." - Vint Cerf, Internet pioneer

"Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely." - Vint Cerf, Internet pioneer. "My belief is that PowerPoint doesn't kill meetings. People kill meetings." - Peter Norvig.

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"Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely." - Vint Cerf, Internet pioneer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. "Power corrupts and PowerPoint corrupts absolutely."- Vint Cerf, Internet pioneer

  2. "My belief is that PowerPoint doesn't kill meetings. People kill meetings." - Peter Norvig

  3. "One of the criticisms that's been raised about PowerPoint is that it can give the illusion of coherence and content when there really isn't very much coherence or content." --Edward Miller

  4. "PowerPoint presentations too often resemble a school play - very loud, very slow, and very simple." - Edward Tufte

  5. “PowerPoint presentations damage your brain. If you look at too many, you become immoral.” --Didi Varti

  6. "My plan for improving the quality of presentations used to be two-fold: DESTROY EVERY COPY OF POWERPOINT in existence, and GIVE OFFENDERS REMEDIAL "HOW TO TALK" CLASSES.”- John S. Jacobs Anderson

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