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The Spanish & French Empires

The Spanish & French Empires. Ch2. Sec 1. The Spanish Arrive. Conquistador- Spanish “conquerors” of the Americas Motives - God (spread Catholicism ), Gold, & Glory Spanish want laborers for Cuba Looking for wealth in Mexico Leader of expedition is Hernan Cortes. The Invasion Begins.

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The Spanish & French Empires

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Spanish & French Empires Ch2. Sec 1

  2. The Spanish Arrive • Conquistador- Spanish “conquerors” of the Americas • Motives - God (spread Catholicism), Gold, & Glory • Spanish want laborers for Cuba • Looking for wealth in Mexico • Leader of expedition is Hernan Cortes

  3. The Invasion Begins • Cortes landed on the Yucatan Peninsula • Immediately attacked by natives • Spanish easily defeat natives • Shows technological advantage of Spanish

  4. The Invasion Begins • Cortes looks for allies among Native Americans (many hated the Aztecs) • Montezuma- leader of Aztecs • Thought Cortes might be Quetzalcoatl • Didn’t want to attack

  5. The Invasion Begins • Montezuma tried to negotiate • Didn’t work • Montezuma tried to ambush the Spanish • Cortes found out & attacked 1st • Montezuma thinks Cortes can’t be stopped • Allows Spanish to enter the capital (Tenochtitlan)

  6. Defeat of the Aztecs • Cortes takes Montezuma hostage • Cortes forces Montezuma to end human sacrifice • Aztec priest rebel and drive Spanish from the city • Montezuma killed in fighting • Spanish regroup with allies • Begin to build boats to attack city

  7. Defeat of the Aztecs • About the same time, small pox breaks out in Tenochtitlan • Aztecs are devastated • Cortes easily defeats them • Cortes destroys Tenochtitlan • Rebuilds it as Mexico City

  8. The Incas • Francisco Pizzaro- exploring Peru • Encountered the Incas • Captured Inca leader- Atahualpa • Rule with Atahualpa as hostage- then executes him

  9. Searching for Cities of Gold • Francisco Coronado- looking for 7 cities of gold • Wandered through southwestern US • Hernando de Soto- explored Southeast • Landed in Tampa, Fl • Moved North into GA, SC, NC, and TN • Entered AL

  10. Searching for Cities of Gold • de Soto raided villages for supplies and killed Native Americans • One Chief, Tuscaloosa, refused • large battle between Spanish & Native Americans at Mabila • de Soto wounded in battle • Spanish withdrew from AL and went west • de Soto died 2 years later, buried in Mississippi River • Men returned to Mexico

  11. Settling the Southwest • Spanish call Mexico New Spain • Area north of New Spain called New Mexico • Capital of New Mexico is Santa Fe

  12. Settling the Southwest • In California, Spanish build a series of missions on the Pacific coast • Follows the El Camino Real (Royal Highway) • Forced Native Americans to live in villages near the mission. • To control the area, Spanish build presidios • Used to spread Catholicism & control native Americans

  13. Encomienda System • Spanish give Native Americans control • They had to pay tribute • In return the Spanish protected them

  14. French Exloration • French search for the Northwest Passage • Norwest Passage- Water route through or around North America

  15. New France • French want a colony to support fur trade • Samuel de Champlain hired to found colonies (Acadia & Quebec) • Colony grows slowly • Most French are fur trappers (coureurs de bios) • Live in countryside, not colony

  16. Exploring the Mississippi • Marquette & Joliet- explore Mississippi south to Arkansas river • Lord La Salle- follows river to mouth • Claims for Fr • Called Louisiana

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