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Human beings from all around the world discuss a connection, but can spiritual intelligence function ? Sometimes it is a continuous series of mind/body/spirit connections, others it may seem to be different, but it is always the same. You may take a healthy connection with God, and experience and develop the energy that connects us all.<br><br>It takes the form of a religious friendship, while the relationship that people develop could be in the kind of a spiritual communion or a prayer circle.
When we are connected with somebody through a religious leader, or God or teacher, we are spiritually grounded. This means that we feel comfortable, protected, safe, and free to behave in ways that allow us to work within our spirituality in the week. We experience a feeling of independence, peace, and balance in our everyday lives. Grounding is a crucial part of development. We frequently have trouble or find ourselves feeling trapped or worried about other things in our lives if we do not feel rested. While we might feel at a deeper state of harmony, and spiritually grounded, we don't always think within our religious development process. Spiritual connection allows us spiritual unity develop the capability and to explore deeper levels of their internal selves. We are able to experience other realms that we did not http://query.nytimes.com/search/sitesearch/?action=click&contentCollection®ion=TopBar&WT.nav=searchWidget&module=SearchSubmit&pgtype=Homepage#/spiritual previously know existed and draw from the past, present, and potential as we proceed on wisdom and become conscious of the insights that can happen in life. Most of us need time for self-reflection, but if we are not grounded in our religious life, we might find that we get so caught up in different facets of our human life which we do not have time. The basis for our spiritual connection gets stronger by connecting with God and it will be less difficult grow and to nurture the connection. The trick to developing a friendship that is spiritual is to find other people who share your experiences, that are also searching for God. We could be there for each other in times of need and difficulty by cultivating a sense of closeness and esteem. We could even encourage each other. Through this procedure we're able to strengthen our connection and deepen our spiritual connection with God. There are several ways to strengthen our relationship, but one way that men and women are finding to maintain their connection is through spiritual counselling. This is a superb way also to begin connecting with him/her as a friend and also to reconnect with God. Through developing profound inner wisdom, one can create a stronger connection with the Creator, which consequently contributes to understanding and wisdom. Spiritual intelligence is a concept that only comes with rising and training consciousness.