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Typical errors in scientific writing. wrong Figure 1 shows the development of DOC over time. DOC was increasing since 1990. correct DOC was increasing since 1990 (Fig. 1). w rong It must be stated that DOC was increasing . right DOC was increasing . w rong
wrong Figure 1 showsthedevelopmentof DOC over time. DOC was increasingsince 1990. correct DOC was increasingsince 1990 (Fig. 1).
wrong It must bestatedthat DOC was increasing. right DOC was increasing.
wrong The DOC concentration was 12.3 in lake A, 13.2 in lake B and 123 in lake C (Tab.1). right The DOC concentration was about 13 in lakes A and B whileit was oneorderofmagnitudehigher in lake C (Tab.1). Avoidredundancy
wrong The DOC changeover time was not different fromzero. right DOC did not change. or DOC was constant. write not toocomplicated.
wrong Lakesareimportantforlocalclimate (Wetzel 1992, Stasik 2014, zu Guttenberg 2008). right Lakesareimportantforlocalclimate (Wetzel 1992). Onlyonereference (the original one) for a statement
wrong Lakescontainwater (Wetzel 1992). right Lakescontainwater. Noreferencefortextbookknowledge
wrong The degradabilityofthe DOC was high. right The DOC was highlydegradable. Useactivevoice