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Q1) रेलमंत्ऱीपीयूषगोयलनेदेशभरमेःरेलवेमेःचलरहेकामक ेबारेमेःलोगोःकोजानकारीमुहैयाकराने क ेललएनईददलॎलीमेःएकडैशबोडडलॉनॎचककयाजजसकानामहै? रेलखबर रेलदजटि रेलसूचना रेलबंधु Ans- रेलदजटि
Government launches Rail Drishti Dashboard to keep people informed about ongoing Railway works • Railway Minister Piyush Goyal launched Rail Drishti Dashboard in New Delhi to keep people informed about the work going on in the Railways across the country. • The Ministry of Railways will get suggestions and comments through the platform and will plan on future actions. • The information gathered by technology and other means can benefit if there is proper data analysis. • People will get useful information from Rail Drishti through Railway WiFi facilities that are continuously expanding in the country. लोगोःकोरेलवेक ेचलरहेकामोःक ेबारेमेःबतानेक ेललएसरकारनेरेलदजटिडैशबोडडलॉनॎचककया • रेलमंत्ऱीपीयूषगोयलनेलोगोःकोदेशभरमेःरेलवेमेःचलरहेकामक ेबारेमेःजानकारीदेनेक ेललएनई ददलॎलीमेःरेलदजटिडैशबोडडलॉनॎचककया। • रेलमंत्ऱालयपॎलेिफॉमडक ेमाधॎयमसेसुझावऔरदिपॎपणियांप्ऱापॎतकरेगाऔरभववटयक ेकायोःपर योजनाबनाएगा। • उचचतडेिाववशॎलेषिहोनेपरप्ऱौदॎयोचगकीऔरअनॎयमाधॎयमोःसेएकत्ऱत्ऱतजानकारीलाभाजनॎवतहो सकतीहै। • देशमेःलगातारववसॎतारकररहेरेलवेवाईफाईसुववधाओंक ेमाधॎयमसेलोगोःकोरेलDrishti से उपयोगीजानकारीलमलेगी।
Q2) क ेः द्ऱीयमंत्ऱीअजशॎवनीकुमारचौबेनेककसवायरलबीमारीकोखतॎमकरनेक ेललएराटरीयकायडक्ऱम कीशुरूआतकी? सॎवाइनफॎलू मंकीपॉकॎस हेपेिाइदिस चचकनगुननया Ans- हेपेिाइदिस Union Minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey launches National Programme to Eliminate Viral Hepatitis • Union minister Ashwini Kumar Choubey launched ‘National Action Plan - Viral Hepatitis’, a national programme aimed at eliminating viral hepatitis, recognized as an important public health problem. • The programme was launched in Mumbai in presence of Amitabh Bachchan, the goodwill ambassador for Hepatitis, WHO South-East Asia Region. • The programme is also in line with the country's global commitment towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3.3.
• The aim of the programme is to combat hepatitis and achieve countrywide elimination of Hepatitis C by 2030. • क ेः द्ऱीयमंत्ऱीअजशॎवनीकुमारचौबेनेएकमहतॎवपूिडसावडजननकसॎवासॎ्यसमसॎयाक ेरृपमेःपहचानेजाने वालेवायरलहेपेिाइदिसकोखतॎमकरनेक ेउद्धेशॎयसेएकराटरीयकायडक्ऱमVir नेशनलएकॎशनपॎलान- वायरलहेपेिाइदिस ’काशुभारंभककया। • यहकायडक्ऱममुंबईमेःअलमताभबचॎचन, हेपेिाइदिसक ेललएसद्मावनाराजदूत, डब्ळलॎयूएचओदक्सिि-पूवड एलशयािेत्ऱकीउपजसॎिनतमेःशुरृककयागयािा। • कायडक्ऱमसततववकासलक्षॎय (एसडीजी) 3.3प्ऱापॎतकरनेक ेललएदेशकीवैजशॎवकप्ऱनतबद्नताक ेअनुरृप भीहै। • कायडक्ऱमकाउद्धेशॎयहेपेिाइदिसकामुकाबलाकरनाऔर2030 तकहेपेिाइदिससीक ेदेशवॎयापी उनॎमूलनकोप्ऱापॎतकरनाहै। Q3) भारतक ेचुनावआयोगनेआगामीलोकसभाचुनावक ेललए, एकमोबाइलऐपववकलसतकीहै जजसकानामहै? सीववजजल
एनववजजल ईववजजल बीववजजल Ans- सीववजजल ECI developed cVIGIL for Lok Sabha election Election Commission of India has developed cVIGIL, a mobile app, for the upcoming Lok Sabha election. ‘cVIGIL’ stands for 'Vigilant Citizen’. It was launched in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Complaints regarding the model code of conduct and expenditure violations can be lodged in during election time. To lodge a complaint, a voter should download the app from Google Play Store. Photos and two-minute video clippings regarding the violation can be uploaded via the app. Complainants also have the option to remain anonymous. Within 100 minutes of filing the complaint, the complainant will receive feedback on the action taken.
भारतक ेचुनावआयोगनेआगामीलोकसभाचुनावक ेललए, एकमोबाइलऐपcVIGIL ववकलसतककया है। ‘CVIGIL’काअिड ‘सतक डनागररक’है।इसेनतरूवनंतपुरम, क े रलमेःलॉनॎचककयागयािा।चुनावक े समयमेःआदशडआचारसंदहताऔरवॎययक ेउलॎलंघनक ेबारेमेःलशकायतदजडकीजासकतीहै। लशकायतदजडकरनेक ेललए, एकमतदाताकोGoogle Play Store सेऐपडाउनलोडकरनाचादहए। उलॎलंघनक ेसंबंधमेःतसॎवीरेःऔरदोलमनिकीवीडडयोजकॎलवपंगऐपक ेमाधॎयमसेअपलोडकीजासकती है।लशकायतकताडओंक ेपासगुमनामरहनेकाववकलॎपभीहै।लशकायतदजडकरनेक े100 लमनिक े भीतर, लशकायतकताडकोकीगईकारडवाईपरप्ऱनतकक्ऱयाप्ऱापॎतहोगी। Q4) संयुकॎतराटरक ेललएनालमतककयेगएअमेररकीराजदूतकानामबताएं? क े नेिजसॎिर पॉलजोःस िेरीब्ऱैःडसॎिैड क े लीनाइिक्ऱाफॎि Ans- क े लीनाइिक्ऱाफॎि Trump nominates Canada envoy Kelly Knight Craft as US ambassador to the UN Donald Trump is nominating Kelly Knight Craft to be the United States’ ambassador to the United Nations. Knight is currently the US ambassador to Canada.
Q5) िी-20इंिरनेशनलमेःसबसेजॎयादासॎकोरबनाकरकौनसीिीमनेइनतहासरचा? ऑसॎरेललया आयरलैःड भारत अफ़ग़ाननसॎतान Ans- अफ़ग़ाननसॎतान Afghanistan seal series against Ireland after posting highest score in T20Is Afghanistan on February 24 took an unassailable 2-0 lead in the three-match Twenty20 International (T20I) series against Ireland after scoring the highest team total in the format -- 278 -- which helped them win by 84 runs.
- 278/3 is the highest team score in T20I cricket. The previous record was Australia's 263/6 against Sri Lanka in 2016. अफगाननसॎताननेशननवारकोिी-20 इंिरनेशनलकासबसेबडासॎकोरबनाया।उसनेआयरलैःडक े णखलाफतीनमैचकीसीरीजक ेदूसरेिी-20 मेःपहलेबलॎलेबाजीकरतेहुए20 ओवरमेः3 ववक े िपर278 रनबनाए।िी-20 इंिरनेशनलमेःइससेपहलेहाइएसॎिसॎकोरकाररकॉडडऑसॎरेललयाक ेनामिा।उसने 2016 मेःश्ऱीलंकाक ेणखलाफ20 ओवरमेः3 ववक े िपर263 रनबनाएिे।तबउसकीओरसेगॎलैन मैकॎसवेलने65 गेःदपर145 रनकीपारीखेलीिी।मैकॎसवेलनेअपनीपारीमेः14 चौक ेऔर9 छकॎक े लगाएिे। Q6) कौनसीक ं पनीनेअपनीवैजशॎवकपहल " वलॎडडकॎलास ’क ेशुभारंभकीघोषिाकीहैजजसकाउद्धेशॎय लशिाऔरकौशलववकासक ेमाधॎयमसे2030तक10लमललयनलडककयोःऔरमदहलाओंकासमिडन करनाहै? फ े सबुक माइक्ऱोसॉफॎि डेलॉयि
आईबीएम Ans- डेलॉयि Deloitte launches WorldClass Initiative in India... Deloitte on Saturday announced the launch of its global initiative ‘WorldClass’ in India, which aims to support 10 million girls and women by 2030 through education and skills development. For this purpose, it will also align with organisations such as Katha and Pratham. Globally, WorldClass initiative seeks to prepare 50 million people to be better equipped for the future of work, in-line with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), it said in a statement here. Across India, almost 40% of girls aged 15-18 years drop out of school and college, and only 26% of women are employed. Punit Renjen, Global CEO, Deloitte, said, “Our goal with WorldClass is to empower 50 million people globally by 2030, by providing them access to the education and skills required to find meaningful work in the new economy डेलॉयिनेशननवारकोभारतमेःअपनीवैजशॎवकपहलass वलॎडडकॎलास ’क ेशुभारंभकीघोषिाकी, जजसका उद्धेशॎयलशिाऔरकौशलववकासक ेमाधॎयमसे2030तक10लमललयनलडककयोःऔरमदहलाओंका समिडनकरनाहै।इसउद्धेशॎयक ेललए, यहकिाऔरप्ऱिमजैसेसंगठनोःक ेसािभीसंरेणखतकरेगा।
वैजशॎवकसॎतरपर, वलॎडडकॎलासपहल50लमललयनलोगोःकोकामक ेभववटयक ेललएबेहतरतरीक ेसेतैयार करनेकाप्ऱयासकरतीहै, संयुकॎतराटरक ेसततववकासलक्षॎयोः (एसडीजी) क ेसािलाइनमेः, यहएक बयानमेःकहा। भारतमेः, 15-18वषडकीआयुकीलगभग40%लडककयांसॎकूलऔरकॉलेजसेबाहरननकलतीहैः, और क े वल26%मदहलाएँकायडरतहैः। डेलॉयिक ेगॎलोबलसीईओ, पुनीतरेनजेननेकहा, “वलॎडडकॎलासक ेसािहमारालक्षॎय2030 तकदुननया भरमेः50 लमललयनलोगोःकोसशकॎतबनानाहै, उनॎहेःनईअिडवॎयवसॎिामेःसािडककामखोजनेक ेललए आवशॎयकलशिाऔरकौशलतकपहुंचप्ऱदानकरक े । Q7) ददलॎलीववधानसभामेःपेशआचिडकसवेििररपोिड2018-19 क ेअनुसारददलॎलीमेःववत्वषड2018- 19 क ेदौरानववकासदरककतनेप्ऱनतशतरही? 8 % 8.61 % 7.9% 8.2 % Ans- 8.61 % Delhi's per capita income three times the national average: Economic Survey Report
The economy of Delhi is estimated to have grown at 8.61 per cent in 2018-19, according to the Economic Survey Report tabled in the Assembly, here on Saturday he advance estimate of the gross state domestic product (GSDP) of Delhi at current prices during 2018-19 is likely to attain the level of Rs 7,79,652 crore, at the growth rate of 12.98 per cent over 2017-18. In real terms, the growth is estimated to 8.61 per cent during 2018-19," the report tabled by Delhi Finance Minister Manish Sisodia said. The gross state value added (GSVA) at current prices for 2018-19 shows the contribution of the tertiary sector at 84.12 per cent, followed by the secondary sector at 14 per cent and the primary sector at 1.88, it said. The average income of Delhiite is around three times more than the national income average. The report estimates the Delhi’s per capita income at Rs 3,65,529 against the national average of Rs 1,25,397.... ददलॎलीववधानसभामेःशननवारकोददलॎलीकाआचिडकसवेिि2018-19 पेशककयागया।सवेििमेः ददलॎलीसरकारकीजेबभरीहैवहींआमलोगोःकीआयमेःभीवृवद्नदशाडईगईहै। राटरीयसॎतरपरप्ऱनतवॎयजकॎतआयवतडमानमूलॎयोःपर1,25,397 रूपयेकीतुलनामेः3,65,529 रूपयेपर पहुंचनेकीसंभावनाहै।उपमुखॎयमंत्ऱीवववतॎतमंत्ऱीमनीषलससोददयाकीओरसेपेशसवेििमेःबताया गयाककददलॎलीवालोःकीआयदेशवालसयोःकीतुलनामेःतीनगुनाहोगईहै। प्ऱदेशपरकजडकाबोझभीलगातारघिरहाहै।करराजसॎवकीवावषडकवृवद्नदरभी2016-17 क ेमुकाबले 2017-18 मेः14.70 प्ऱनतशतबढीहै।सत्ऱ2018-19 क ेदौरानववकासदर8.61 प्ऱनतशतरहनेकाअनुमान है।
Q8)ककसराजॎयनेअपने11जजलोःकी91तहसीलोःएवंउप-तहसीलोःमेःवानरोःकोएकवषडकीअवचधक े ललएपीडकजनॎतु (वलमडन) घोवषतककयाहै? आंध्ऱप्ऱदेश उतॎतराखंड दहमाचलप्ऱदेश मधॎयप्ऱदेश Ans- दहमाचलप्ऱदेश MONKEY DECLARED VERMIN IN HIMACHAL PRADESH Monkeys have again been declared vermin for the next one year in 11 districts’ 91 tehsils and sub-tehsils of Himachal Pradesh. The state government had urged the centre to declare Monkeys as vermin because the animals have been adversely affecting crops and causing harm to humans. Declaring animals as vermin:
1.Wildlife laws divide species into ‘schedules’ ranked from I to V. Schedule I members are the best protected, in theory, with severe punishments meted out to those who hunt them. Wild boars, nilgai and rhesus monkeys are Schedule II and III members — also protected, but can be hunted under specific conditions. Crows and fruit bat fall in Schedule 5, the vermin category. 2.Section 11(1)a of the Wildlife Protection Act (WPA) authorizes chief wildlife warden to permit hunting of any problem wild animal only if it cannot be captured, tranquillized or translocated. 3.For wild animals in Schedule II, III or IV, chief wildlife warden or authorized officers can permit their huntingin a specified area if they have become dangerous to humans or property (including standing crops on any land). 4.Section 62 of Act empowers Centre to declare wild animals other than Schedule I & II to be vermin for specified area and period. दहमाचलकी91 तहसीलोःमेःबंदरवलमडनघोवषत दहमाचलप्ऱदेशक े11 जजलोःकी91 तहसीलोःएवंउप-तहसीलोःमेःवानरोःकोएकवषडकीअवचधक ेललए पीडकजनॎतु (वलमडन) घोवषतककयागयाहै।इससंदभडमेःक ेः द्ऱसरकारनेअचधसूचनाजारीकरदीहै।वन मंत्ऱीगोववनॎदलसंहठाकुरनेशननवारकोयहजानकारीदी।उनॎहोःनेकहाककमुखॎयमंत्ऱीजयरामठाकुरने यहमामलाबार-बारक े नॎद्ऱसरकारक ेसमिरखाऔरकहाककदहमाचलप्ऱदेशमेःवानरोःक ेकारिमनुटय एवंफसलोःकोिनतपहुँचरहीहैतिाइससमसॎयाक ेननपिारेक ेललएवानरोःकोपीडकजनॎतुघोवषत करनाआवशॎयकहै।गोववनॎदलसंहनेकहाककक े नॎद्ऱसरकारने14 फरवरी, 2019 कोअचधसूचनाजारीकर वानरोःको91 तहसीलोःएवंउप-तहसीलोःमेःपीडकजनॎतुघोवषतकरददयाहै, जजसकाप्ऱकाशनभारतक े राजपत्ऱमेः21 फरवरी, 2019 कोककयागया।यहअचधसूचनाएकवषडकीअवचधतकलागूरहेगी।
Q9)ककसराजॎयनेसुजलामसुफलामजलसंचयअलभयानकादूसरासंसॎकरिशुरृककया? गुजरात राजसॎिान ओडडशा त्ऱबहार Ans- गुजरात Gujarat Launches Second Edition of Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan... The government of Gujarat has launched the second edition of the water conservation scheme Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan. About Sujalam Sufalam Jal Sanchay Abhiyan: The scheme aims to deepen water bodies in the state before monsoon to increase storage of rainwater to be used during times of scarcity.
It involves cleaning and desilting of riverfronts, sprucing up of Irrigation canals. Background: During the first edition against its anticipated target of 16,616 works of deepening of ponds and lakes across the state, 18,220 works were accomplished. The first edition witnessed an increase in the water storage capacity of more than 11,000 lakh cubic feet rainwater through different sources like ponds, reservoirs, check dams, bori bandh and other. गुजरातसरकारनेजलसंरिियोजनासुजलमसुफलामजलसंचयअलभयानकादूसरासंसॎकरिशुरृ ककयाहै। सुजलामसुफलामजलसंचयअलभयानक ेबारेमेः: • इसयोजनाकाउद्धेशॎयमानसूनसेपहलेराजॎयमेःजलस्ऱोतोःकोगहराकरनाहैताकककमीक ेसमय उपयोगककएजानेवालेवषाडजलक ेभंडारिकोबढायाजासक े । • इसमेःररवरफ्ऱ ं िकीसफाईऔरडडलसजलॎिंग, लसंचाईनहरोःकानछडकावशालमलहै। पृटठभूलम:
राजॎयभरमेःतालाबोःऔरझीलोःक ेगहरीकरिक े16,616कायोःक ेअपनेप्ऱतॎयालशतलक्षॎयक ेणखलाफ पहलेसंसॎकरिक ेदौरान, 18,220कायोःकोपूराककयागया। पहलेसंसॎकरिमेःववलभनॎनस्ऱोतोःजैसेतालाबोः, जलाशयोः, चेकडैम, बोरीबंधऔरअनॎयक ेमाधॎयमसे 11,000 लाखकॎयूत्ऱबकफीिवषाडजलकीजलसंग्ऱहििमतामेःवृवद्नदेखीगई। Q10)अफ्ऱीकीचीतापुनसॎिापनाक ेतहतभारतमेःककसदेशसेचीतोःकोसॎिानांतररतककयाजाएगा औरमधॎयप्ऱदेशमेःनौरादेहीवनॎयजीवअभयारणॎयमेःरखाजाएगा? अंगोला नाजबबया ज़ाजबबया लीत्ऱबया Ans- नाजबबया Cheetahs from Namibia to be kept at Nauradehi sanctuary
The National Tiger Conservation Authority (NTCA) recently told a bench of the Supreme Court that African cheetahs would be translocated in India from Namibia and would be kept at Nauradehi wildlife sanctuary in Madhya Pradesh. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has given a ‘no objection’ for the translocation. The Wildlife Institute of India at Dehradun had prepared a ₹260-crore cheetah re- introduction project six years ago. It was estimated that an amount of ₹25 crore to ₹30 crore would be needed to build an enclosure in an area of 150 sq km for the cheetahs in Nauradehi. The proposal was to put the felines in the enclosure with huge boundary walls before being released in the wild, he said. नेशनलिाइगरक ं ज़वेशनअिॉररिी (NTCA) नेहालहीमेःसुप्ऱीमकोिडकीएकबेःचकोबतायाकक नामीत्ऱबयासेभारतमेःअफ्ऱीकीचीतोःकाअनुवादककयाजाएगाऔरउनॎहेःमधॎयप्ऱदेशक ेनौरादेही वनॎयजीवअभयारणॎयमेःरखाजाएगा। इंिरनेशनलयूननयनफॉरक ं जवेशनऑफनेचर (IUCN) नेरांसलेशनक ेललएob नोऑब्ळजेकॎशन ’ददया है। देहरादूनमेःभारतीयवनॎयजीवसंसॎिाननेछहसालपहलेcrore 260करोडकीचीतापुन: पररचय पररयोजनातैयारकीिी।
यहअनुमानलगायागयािाककनौरादेहीमेःचीताक ेललए150वगडककलोमीिरक ेिेत्ऱमेःबाडेबनानेक े ललएcrore 25करोडसेamount 30करोडकीआवशॎयकताहोगी। प्ऱसॎतावमेःकहागयािाककजंगलीमेःछोडेजानेसेपहलेबडीसीमाकीदीवारोःक ेसािबाडेमेःजाललयां लगाईजाएं। Q11) ककसदेशनेभारतकोननयाडतक ेललएईरानक ेचाबहारक ेरासॎतेकोनयारृिखोलददया? ओमान इराक अफ़ग़ाननसॎतान क़तर Ans- अफ़ग़ाननसॎतान Afghanistan opens new export route to India through Iran’s Chabahar port
Context: Afghanistan recently began exports to India through Chabahar port in Iran. Afghanistan, a landlocked, war-torn nation is turning to overseas markets to improve its economy. Chabahar port is the result of healthy cooperation between India, Iran and Afghanistan this will ensure economic growth. The Iranian port provides easy access to the sea to Afghanistan and India has helped developed this route to allow both countries to engage in trade bypassing Pakistan. अफगाननसॎताननेभारतकोननयाडतक ेललएईरानक ेचाबहारक ेरासॎतेरवववारकोनयारृिखोलददया। दरअसलचारोःतरफजमीनसेनघरायुद्नग्ऱसॎतदेशअफगाननसॎतानअपनीअिडवॎयवसॎिाकोसुधारनेक े ललएववदेशीबाजारोःतकपहुंचबनारहाहै।अचधकाररयोःनेबतायाककरवववारको57 िनसूखेमेवे, िेकॎसिाइल, कालीनऔरखननजपदािडलेकर23 रकोःकोपजशॎचमीअफगानशहरजारांजसेईरानक े चाबहारपोिडरवानाककयागया। Q12) राटरक ेशहीदोःकोसमवपडत "राटरीययुद्नसॎमारक" कोप्ऱधानमंत्ऱीनरेःद्ऱमोदीनेराटरकोसमवपडत करतेहुएइसकाउदॎघािनकहाँककया? अहमदाबाद नईददलॎली
पुिे लखनऊ Ans- नईददलॎली PM Modi dedicates National War Memorial to the nation Prime Minister Narendra Modi dedicated to the nation the National War Memorial near India Gate in New Delhi on Monday evening. He lighted the eternal flame at the central obelisk in the war memorial complex. The memorial honours about 26 thousand soldiers, who have laid down their lives in the service of the nation since Independence. The National War Memorial commemorates the soldiers who participated and made the supreme sacrifice in Peace Keeping Missions and Counter Insurgency Operations. The complex includes a central obelisk, an eternal flame and six bronze murals depicting famous battles fought by Indian Army, Air Force and Navy. Busts of the 21 awardees of Param Veer Chakra have been installed at Param Yoddha Sthal. प्ऱधानमंत्ऱीनरेःद्ऱमोदीनेसोमवारशामनईददलॎलीमेःइंडडयागेिक ेपासराटरीययुद्नसॎमारककोराटरको समवपडतककया।
उनॎहोःनेयुद्नसॎमारकपररसरमेःक ेः द्ऱीयओत्ऱबललसॎकमेःअननॎतलौकोजलाया। सॎमारकलगभग26हजारसैननकोःकासबमानकरताहै, जजनॎहोःनेआजादीक ेबादसेदेशकीसेवामेः अपनाजीवनलगाददयाहै। नेशनलवॉरमेमोररयलनेउनसैननकोःकोयादककयाजजनॎहोःनेभागललयािाऔरपीसकीवपंगलमशन औरकाउंिरइंसजेःसीऑपरेशंसमेःसवोचॎचबललदानददयािा। इसपररसरमेःएकक ेः द्ऱीयओत्ऱबललसॎक, एकअननॎतलौऔरभारतीयसेना, वायुसेनाऔरनौसेनादॎवारा लडीगईप्ऱलसद्नलडाइयोःकोदशाडतीछहकांसॎयलभजतॎतचचत्ऱशालमलहैः।परमवीरचक्ऱक े21पुरस््कारोःक े बस््तेपरमयोध््यस््िलमेःस््िावपतककएगएहैः। Q13) चौिीगॎलोबलडडजजिलहेलॎिपािडनरलशपसबमलेनकहाँआयोजजतककयागया? बेःगलुरू हैदराबाद ददलॎली जयपुर
Ans- ददलॎली Health Minister inaugurates 4th Global Digital Health Partnership Summit Health Minister JP Nadda inaugurated the 4th Global Digital Health Partnership Summit in New Delhi on Monday. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Nadda said, the government is committed to secure Universal Health Coverage for the underprivileged and deprived section of the society. He also said, nearly 13 lakh poor people have availed the benefits of Ayushman Bharat scheme. The Minister said, the scheme is primarily dependent on maximising the use of digital tools for effective implementation and monitoring. सॎवासॎ्यमंत्ऱीजेपीनडॎडानेसोमवारकोनईददलॎलीमेः4वेःवैजशॎवकडडजजिलसॎवासॎ्यभागीदारीलशखर सबमेलनकाउदॎघािनककया। इसअवसरपरबोलतेहुए, श्ऱीनडॎडानेकहा, सरकारसमाजक ेवंचचतऔरवंचचतवगडक ेललए सावडभौलमकसॎवासॎ्यकवरेजकोसुरक्सितकरनेक ेललएप्ऱनतबद्नहै।
उनॎहोःनेयहभीकहा, लगभग13लाखगरीबलोगोःनेआयुटमानभारतयोजनाकालाभउठायाहै। मंत्ऱीनेकहा, यहयोजनामुखॎयरृपसेप्ऱभावीकायाडनॎवयनऔरननगरानीक ेललएडडजजिलउपकरिोःक े उपयोगकोअचधकतमकरनेपरननभडरहै। Q14)कानॎसइंिरनेशनलओपनचैसकाणिताबककसनेजीता? लुइगीबासो अलभजीतगुपॎता मागॎनुसकालडसन ववशॎवनािआनंद Ans- अलभजीतगुपॎता Abhijeet Gupta wins Cannes International Open Chess Title Grandmaster Abhijeet Gupta won the Cannes International Open after taking an easy draw with Pier Luigi Basso of Italy in the ninth and final round that concluded in Cannes on Monday. Having been tied for the top spot in the previous edition, Abhijeet did one better winning the tournament with 7.5 points, a clear point lead over nearest rivals Nikita
Maiorov of Belarus, Nasuta Grzegorz of Poland and Yuri Solodovnichecko of Ukraine. भारतीयग्ऱैःडमासॎिरअलभजीतगुपॎतानेनौवेःऔरअंनतमदौरमेःइिलीकीवपयरलुइगीबासोक ेसाि आसानड्ऱाखेलकरसोमवारकोयहांकानअंतरराटरीयशतरंजओपनकाणखताबजीता।अलभजीत वपछलीबारसंयुकॎतरृपसेशीषडपररहेिेलेककनइसबारउनॎहोःनेइससेबेहतरप्ऱदशडनककयाऔर7.5 अंकबनाकरअपनेननकितमप्ऱनतदॎवंदॎववयोःबेलारृसक ेननककतामायोरोव, पोलैःडक ेनासुताग्ऱेगोजडऔर उक्ऱ े नक ेयूरीसोलोडोवननचेकोपरपूरेएकअंककीबढतबनायी।अलभजीतइससालक ेशुरृमेःददलॎली अंतरराटरीयओपनमेःसंयुकॎतरृपसेशीषडपररहेिे। Q15)यूरोपीयसंघ (ईयू) नेहालहीमेःराटरोःसेककसदेशमेःककसीभीसैनॎयहसॎतिेपसेबचनेका आग्ऱहककया? सीररया पलेसॎिाइन इराक वेनेजुएला Ans : वेनेजुएला
EU urges nations to avoid any military intervention in Venezuela The European Union (EU) on Monday urged nations to avoid any military intervention in Venezuela. Maja Kocijancic, spokeswoman for diplomatic Chief of EU told reporters that there is need for a peaceful political and democratic and Venezuelan-owned resolution of the crisis. Yesterday, Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borell had said, EU has warned quite clearly that it will not support and firmly condemn any foreign military intervention. Q16) प्ऱोवॉलीबाललीग (पीवीएल) क ेपहलेसंसॎकरिकाणखताबककसनेजीता? चेनॎनईसॎपािडनॎस कालीकिहीरोज अहमदाबादडडफ ेः डसड कोजचॎचब्ळलूसॎपाइकसड Ans- चेनॎनईसॎपािडनॎस
Chennai Spartans won Pro Volleyball League title Chennai Spartans won the inaugural edition of the Pro Volleyball League(PVL) by defeating Calicut Heroesby 3-0 in Nehru Indoor Stadium, Chennai i. League’s top scorer and best spiker Rudy Verhoeff, scored 13 points (11 spikes and 2 blocks) for the Chennai Spartans while Ajith Lal was the highest scorer with nine points (9 spikes) for the Calicut Heroes. ii. With this win, Chennai Spartans have qualified for this year’s Fédération Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) Asian Men’s Club Volleyball Championship, where they will represent India. चेनॎनईसॎपािडनॎसनेकालीकिहीरोजक ेअजेयअलभयानपररोकलगाकरशुक्ऱवारकोफाइनलमेः3-0 से जीतदजडकरक ेपहलीप्ऱोवॉलीबाललीग (पीवीएल) काणखताबजीता चेनॎनईनेयहमैच15-11, 15-12, 16-14 सेजीता।लीगमेःसवाडचधकसॎकोरबनानेवालेऔरसवडश्ऱेटठ सॎपाइकररृडीवरहोफनेचेनॎनईक ेललए13 अंकबनाए। Q17) जनताकीलशकायतोःक ेतॎवररतननवारिक ेललएककसराजॎयने1905हेलॎपलाइननंबरशुरृककया है?
दहमाचलप्ऱदेश उतॎतराखंड आंध्ऱप्ऱदेश तलमलनाडु Ans- उतॎतराखंड Uttarakhand CM launches helpline for quick redressal of public complaints a helpline for quick redressal of public complaints was launched by Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat at the IT Park in Dehradun. i. The helpline number for lodging complaints is 1905. To deal with the redressal issues, call centres shall be open from 8am to 10pm. उतॎतराखंडक ेमुखॎयमंत्ऱीनेजनताकीलशकायतोःक ेतॎवररतननवारिक ेललएहेलॎपलाइनशुरृकी: i.23 फरवरी2019 को, उतॎतराखंडक ेमुखॎयमंत्ऱीत्ऱत्ऱवेःद्ऱलसंहरावतदॎवारादेहरादूनक ेआईिीपाक डमेःजनता कीलशकायतोःक ेतॎवररतननवारिक ेललएएकहेलॎपलाइनशुरृकीगई। ii.लशकायतेःदजडकरनेक ेललएहेलॎपलाइननंबर1905 है।ननवारिमुद्धोःसेननपिनेक ेललए, कॉलसेःिर सुबह8 सेरात10 बजेतकखुलेरहेःगे। iii.सरकारीववभागोःक ेतॎवररतकामकाजकोसुननजशॎचतकरनेऔरउनक ेकाममेःपारदलशडतालानेक ेललए इसकदमक ेतहतनागररकककसीभीववभागसेसंपक डकरसकतेहैः।
Q18) अंतराडटरीयववज्टापनसंघका44वांगॎलोबलसबमलेनकहाँआयोजजतककयागया? बेःगलुरू कोचॎची पुिे अमरावती Ans- कोचॎची 44th Global Summit of International Advertising Association held in Kochi The 44th IAA World Congress was organised in Kochi International Advertising Association (IAA),Kerala from 20th– 22nd February 2019. i. The conference lasted for 3 days. It involved sessions from a wide variety of speakers-ranging from a spiritual guru, industrial leaders to technology experts and so on. The highlight of the event was a robot trying to answer theme-based question- “Brand Dharma, What’s coming next?” ii. Brand Dharma incorporates concepts like environmental impacts of products, their source of raw materials, how many people are involved in the process etc.
कोजचॎचमेःआयोजजतअंतराडटरीयववज्टापनसंघका44 वांगॎलोबलसलमि: i.कोजचॎचमेः44 वेःआईएएवलॎडडकांग्ऱेसकाआयोजन20- 22 फरवरी2019 तकककयागयािा। ii.सबमेलन3 ददनोःतकचलाइसमेःआधॎयाजतॎमकगुरू, औदॎयोचगकनेताओंसेलेकरप्ऱौदॎयोचगकीववशेषज्टोः औरकईसारेवकॎताओंक ेसत्ऱशालमलिे।इसइवेःिकामुखॎयआकषडिएकरोबोििाजो ‘ब्ऱांडधमाड, आगे कॎयाहोरहाहै?’िीम-आधाररतप्ऱशॎनक ेउतॎतरदेनेकीकोलशशकररहािा। iii.ब्ऱांडधमाडमेःउतॎपादोःक ेपयाडवरिीयप्ऱभावोः, उनक ेकचॎचेमालक ेस्ऱोत, प्ऱकक्ऱयामेःककतनेलोगशालमल हैःआददजैसीअवधारिाएंशालमलहैः। Q19) हालहीमेककतनेश्ऱीलंकाईछात्ऱोःकोमहातॎमागांधीछात्ऱवृजतॎतसेसबमाननतककयागया? 100 50 150 110 Ans- 150 150 Sri Lankan students awarded Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship 150 (Advanced Level) AL students from all 25 districts of Sri Lanka were awarded the Mahatma Gandhi Scholarship for Study in India by Sri Lankan Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam and Indian High Commissioner Taranjit Singh Sandhu at a special ceremony in Colombo.
i. This was the 12th year in continuum that India has provided the scholarship to Sri Lankan students. ii.This year’s awardees received Rs. 30,000 annually during their two years of Advanced Level studies. Related Point India recently launched a new Portal titled “Study in India” and more than 25,000 seats are earmarked in Indian Institutions for foreign students. 150 श्ऱीलंकाईछात्ऱोःकोमहातॎमागांधीछात्ऱवृजतॎतसेसबमाननतककयागया: i.150 (उनॎनतसॎतर) श्ऱीलंकाक ेसभी25 जजलोःक ेएएलछात्ऱोःकोकोलंबोमेःएकववशेषसमारोहमेः श्ऱीलंकाक ेलशिामंत्ऱीअककलाववराजकररयावसमऔरभारतीयउचॎचायुकॎततरनजीतलसंहसंधूदॎवारा महातॎमागांधीछात्ऱवृजतॎतसेभारतमेःअधॎययनक ेललएसबमाननतककयागया। ii.यहलगातार12 वांवषडिाजबभारतनेश्ऱीलंकाक ेछात्ऱोःकोछात्ऱवृजतॎतप्ऱदानकी। संबंचधतत्ऱबंदु: भारतनेहालहीमेः ‘सॎिडीइनइंडडया’शीषडकसेएकनयापोिडललॉनॎचककयाऔर25,000 सेअचधकसीिेः ववदेशीसंसॎिानोःक ेललएरखीगईहैः Q20) आरबीआईनेककसबैःकक ेसाि75त्ऱबललयनअमरीकीडालरक ेसॎवैपसमझौतेकोऔपचाररक रृपददया? बैःकऑफ़ईरान बैःकऑफ़जापान
बैःकऑफ़अमेररका बैःकऑफ़ऑसॎरेललया Ans- बैःकऑफ़जापान RBI formalised USD 75-billion swap pact with Bank of Japan The Reserve Bank of India (RBI)and the Bank of Japan formalised the USD 75- billion swap agreement, which would act as a cushion against any sharp swings in the local currency whenever the international financial markets turn volatile. i. It will enable the availability of USD 75-billion in foreign capital for use as and when the need arises, bringing greater stability to the foreign exchange and capital markets in India and serve as a second line of defence as India has about USD 398 billion foreign exchange reserves to cushion sudden dollar outflows. ii. The proposal for entering into an agreement for the bilateral swap arrangement was approved by the Union Cabinet in January 2019. आरबीआईनेबैःकऑफजापानक ेसाि75 त्ऱबललयनअमरीकीडालरक ेसॎवैपसमझौतेकोऔपचाररकरृप ददया: i.भारतीयररजवडबैःक (आरबीआई) औरबैःकऑफजापानने75- त्ऱबललयनडॉलरक ेसॎवैपसमझौतेको औपचाररकरृपददया, जोककअंतरराटरीयववतॎतीयबाजारोःक ेअजसॎिरहोनेपरसॎिानीयमुद्ऱामेःककसीभी तेजपररवतडनक ेणखलाफएकउपायक ेरृपमेःकायडकरेगा। ii.यहववदेशीपूंजीमेःअमरीकीडालर75 त्ऱबललयनकीउपलब्ळधताकोसिमकरेगाऔरजबआवशॎयकता होगी, भारतमेःववदेशीमुद्ऱाऔरपूंजीबाजारमेःअचधकजसॎिरतालाएगाऔररिाकीदूसरीपंजकॎतक ेरृप मेःकामकरेगा, कॎयोःककभारतमेःलगभग398 त्ऱबललयनअमरीकीडालरअचानकडॉलरक ेबदहवाडहउपाय
क ेललएआरक्सितहै। iii.जनवरी2019 मेःक ेः द्ऱीयमंत्ऱत्ऱमंडलदॎवारादॎववपिीयसॎवैपवॎयवसॎिाक ेललएएकसमझौतेमेःप्ऱवेश करनेक ेप्ऱसॎतावकोमंजूरीदीगईिी। Q21) काकोरीषडयंत्ऱकांडककसवषडहुआिा? 1925 1924 1926 1927 Ans-1925 The Kakori Conspiracy (or Kakori train robbery or Kakori Case) was a train robbery that took place between Kakori and, near Lucknow, on 9 August 1925 during the Indian Independence Movement against the British Indian Government. In which year did the Kakori conspiracy case take place? (A) 1925 (B) 1924 (C) 1926 (D) 1927 Q22) ताजमहलको'संगमरमरमेःएकसपना' कहाजाताहै।ककससॎमारकको'पतॎिरमेःसपना' कहाजाताहै? रंगमहल पंचमहल
लालककला बहाईमंददर Ans- पंचमहल Panch Mahal is a palace in Fatehpur Sikri, Uttar Pradesh, India. It is also called "THE DREAM OF STONES" The Taj Mahal is called 'a dream in marble'. Which monument is called as 'a dream in stone'? (A) The Rang Mahal (B) The Panch Mahal (C) The Red Fort (D) The Bahai temple Q23) ननबनललणखतमेःसेकौनसारेचगसॎतानसोनेक ेभंडारसेसमृद्नहै? अरेत्ऱबयन िार मंगोललयाई अिाकामा Ans- अिाकामा Which of the following deserts is rich in gold reserves? (A) Arabian (B) Thar (C) Mongolian (D) Atacama It is the driest non-polar desert in the world. The Atacama Desert is rich in metallic mineral resources such as copper, gold, silver and iron as well as non metallic minerals including important deposits of boron, lithium, sodium nitrate and potassium salts.S Q24) कोबरागोलॎड, दुननयाकासबसेबडाबहुराटरीयसैनॎयअभॎयासककसदेशमेःआयोजजतककयागया? अमेररका रृस िाईलैःड
लसंगापुर Ans- िाईलैःड Cobra Gold, one of world’s largest multinational military exercises, held in Thailand Thailand and the United States hosted the annual Cobra Gold military exercise, the biggest activity of its type in the Asia-Pacific region with 29 nations taking part as participants or observers. Apart from the 2 countries, 7 countries who participated in the exercise were India,Singapore, Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia and South Korea. ii. The Indian Army participated in the military training exercise with a 14-member contingent कोबरागोलॎड, दुननयाकासबसेबडाबहुराटरीयसैनॎयअभॎयासिाईलैःडमेःआयोजजतककयागया: िाईलैःडऔरसंयुकॎतराजॎयअमेररकानेवावषडककोबरागोलॎडसैनॎयअभॎयासकीमेजबानीकी, एलशया-प्ऱशांतिेत्ऱमेःअपने प्ऱकारकीसबसेबडीगनतववचधजजसमेः29 राटरभागीदारयापयडवेिकक ेरृपमेःभागलेतेहैः। ii.2 देशोःक ेअलावा, अभॎयासमेःभागलेनेवाले7 देशोःमेःभारत, लसंगापुर, जापान, चीन, इंडोनेलशया, मलेलशयाऔरदक्सिि कोररयाशालमलिे। iii.भारतीयसेनाने14 सदसॎयीयदलक ेसािसैनॎयप्ऱलशििअभॎयासमेःभागललया। iv.िाईचीफऑफडडफ ेः सफोसेज, जनरलपोनडवपपेिबेनॎयासरीऔरयू.एस. इंडो-पैलसकफककमांडकाप्ऱनतननचधतॎवकरनेवाले अमेररकीसेनाकीपहलीसेनाक ेकमांडरलेजफॎिनेःिजनरलगैरीजेवोलॎसॎकीनेउदॎघािनसमारोहमेःभागललया। Q25) ऑसॎकर2019मेःसवडश्ऱेटठमूवीकाअवाडडककसनेजीता? रोमा ग्ऱीनबुक जंगलबुक फ्ऱीसोलो Ans- ग्ऱीनबुक Oscars 2019: 91st Academy Awards
Best Picture: Green Book. Best Actress: Olivia Colman (The Favourite as Anne, Queen of Great Britain). Best Actor: Rami Malek (Bohemian Rhapsody as Freddie Mercury). Best Director: Alfonso Cuaron (Roma). Best Supporting Actress: Regina King (If Beale Street Could Talk as Sharon Rivers). Best Supporting Actor: Mahershala Ali (Green Book as Don Shirley). Best Original Screenplay: Green Book – Written by Nick Vallelonga, Brian Currie & Peter Farrelly. Best Adapted Screenplay: BlacKkKlansman. Best Animated Feature Film: Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. Best Foreign Language Film: Roma (Mexico-Spanish language). Best Documentary-Feature: Free Solo. Best Documentary – Short Subject: Period. End of Sentence. Best Live Action Short Film: Skin. Best Animated Short Film: Bao. Best Original Score: Black Panther Best Original Song: "Shallow" from A Star Is Born. Best Sound Editing: Bohemian Rhapsody. Best Sound Mixing: Bohemian Rhapsody Best Production Design: Black Panther Best Cinematography: Roma Best Makeup and Hairstyling: Vice Best Costume Design: Black Panther Best Film Editing: Bohemian Rhapsody Best Visual Effects: First Man. Period. End of Sentence It is India-based shortfilm that has won Oscar for Best Documentary Short Subject. It is directed by 25-year-old Iranian-American filmmaker Rayka Zehtabchi and co-produced by Guneet Monga, who is known for producing films like 'Masaan' and 'The Lunchbox'. This documentary is set in village outside Delhi and talks about stigma of menstruation.
Oscars 2019: अक ै डमीअवॉडॎडसक ेववनसडकीपूरीललसॎि बेसॎिवपकॎचर: ग्ऱीनबुक सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठनिर्धेशक: अलॎफोःसोकॎरॎारोि, रोमा सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठअभििेत्ऱी: ओभिवरॎयाकॉिमैि, र्धफ े रॎरेट सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठअभििेता: रामीमािेक, बोहेभमयिरैपॎसोडी सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठसहायकअभििेत्ऱी: रेजििाककिःग, इफबीिेस्टॎरीटटॉक सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठसहायकअभििेता: महवषवअिी, ग्ऱीिबुक सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठवरॎर्धेशीकफलॎम: रोमा (मेजकॎसको) सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठएनिमेटेडफीचरकफलॎम: स्टॎपाइडर-मैि: स्टॎपाइडर-रॎसवमेः सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठओररिििस ्क्ऱीिप ्िे: ग्ऱीिबुक सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठएडेपॎटेडस्टॎक्ऱीिपॎिे: BlacKkKlansman सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठओररिििस्टॎकोर: बॎिैकपैःथर बेस्टॎटओररजिििसॉनॎग: एस्टॎटारइिबॉिवसेशॉिो बेस्टॎटडॉकॎयूमेःरीफीचर: फ्ऱीसोिो बेस ्टडॉकॎयूमेःरीशॉटव: पीररयड. इिःडऑफसेःटेि ्स बेस्टॎटिाइरॎएकॎशिशॉटव: जस्टॎकि सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठएनिमेटेडशॉटव: बाओ बेस्टॎटभसिेमटॉग्ऱफी : रोमाक ेभिएअलॎफािःसोकॎयूरोि सरॎवश्ऱेषॎठप्ऱोडक ्टशिडडिाइि: बॎिैकपैःथर बेस्टॎटकॉस्टॎ्यूमडडजाइि: बॎिैकपैःथर