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vipangoyal13 1. What is the phenomenon which established the transverse nature of light वहकौनसीघटनाहैजिसनेप्रकाशकीअनुप्रस्थप्रकृजिकोस्थाजििककया a. Reflection/प्रजिबबिंब b. Interference/ववववववव c. Diffraction/जववितन d. Polarisation/ध्रुवीकरण 2. What is the name of memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential? स्िीडअिंिरकोसमायोजििकरनेकेजिएउियोगककएिानेवािेमेमोरीबफरकाक्यानामहै? a. Cache/कैश b. Stack Pointer/स्टेकसूचक c. Accumulator/जबििीसिंचयकयिंत्र d. DISC/जडस्क 3. What is contained in Chlorophyll? क्िोरोकफिमेंक्याजनजहिहै? a. Sodium/सोजडयम b. Potassium/िोटैजशयम c. Magnesium/मैगनीजशयम d. manganese/मैंगनीि 4. Epigraphy is the study of which of the following? एजिग्राफीजनम्नजिजििमेंसेककसकाअध्ययनहै? a. Coins/जसक्के b.Temples/ ववववव c. Inscriptions/जशिािेि d. Birds/िक्षी 5. In which field is B.C. Roy Award given? ककसक्षेत्रमेंबी.सी. रॉयअवाडतकियागया? a. Music/सिंगीि b. Journalism/ित्रकाररिा c. Medicine/िवा d. Environment/वािावरण 6. What is Damodar Valley Corporation? िामोिरघाटीजनगमक्याहै? a. Statutory body/सािंजवजिकजनकाय b. Municipal Corporation looking after Damodar Valley/िामोिरघाटीकीिेिभािकरिेनगरजनगम c. A private enterprise located in Bihar/जबहारमेंजस्थिएकजनिीउद्यम d. A non government organisation/एकगैरसरकारीसिंगठन 7. Which is the highest gallantry Award in India? भारिकासवोच्चवीरिािुरस्कारकौनसाहै? | vipangoyal13 | vipangoyal13
a. Vir Chakra/वीरचक्र b. Param Vishist Seva Medal/िरमजवजशष्ठसेवामेडि c. Kirti Chakra/कीर्ितचक्र d. Param Vir Chakra/िरमवीरचक्र 8. In which field is Pulitzer Prize awarded for outstanding work? उत्कृष्टकायतकेजिएिुजित्िरिुरस्कारककसक्षेत्रमेंकियािािाहै? a. Environment Study/ियातवरणअध्ययन b. Science and Technology/जवज्ञानऔरिकनीक c. Interanational Understanding /अिंिरातष्ट्रीयसमझ d. Literature and Jornalism/साजहत्यऔरित्रकाररिा 9. Why is Carbon Monoxide a pollutant? काबतनमोनोऑक्साइडएकप्रिूषकक्योंहै? a. Reacts with haemoglobin/हीमोग्िोजबनकेसाथप्रजिकक्रयाकरिाहै b. Makes nervous system inactive/ििंजत्रकाििंत्रकोजनजरक्रयबनािेिाहै c. it reacts with Oxygen/यहऑक्सीिनकेसाथप्रजिकक्रयाकरिाहै d. It inhibits glycolysis/यहग्िाइकोिाइजससकोरोकिाहै 10. Why is Rann of Kutch of India famous for? कच्छकारणभारिकेजिएक्योंप्रजसद्धहै? a. Tidal and flats/ज्वारीयऔरफ्िैट b. Fertile soil/उििाऊजमट्टी c. Dense Vegetation/घनेवनस्िजि d. All the correct/सबसही 11. Commercial bank lend to which of the following Priority sectors? वाजणजज्यकबैंकजनम्नजिजििमेंसेककसप्राथजमकिाक्षेत्रकोउिारिेिाहै? a. Heavy Industries/भारीउद्योग b. Agriculture, Small scale Industries/कृजष, िघुउद्योग c. Foreign Companies/जविेशीकिंिेजनयॉं d. State government in emergency situation/आिािकािीनजस्थजिमेंराज्यसरकार 12. What is the accounting year of the Reserve Bank of India? भारिीयररिवतबैंककािेिावषतक्याहै? a. April-March/अप्रैि-माचत b. July-June/िुिाईसेिून c. October-September/अक्टूबर-जसििंबर d. January-December/िनवरी-किसिंबर 13.What is the position of the Earth when it is at the greatest distance from the sun? सूयतसेसबसेबडीिूरीिरहोनेिरिृथ्वीकीजस्थजिक्याहै? a. Aphelion/ऐिहेजियन b. Antipode/एिंटीिोड c. Perihelion/िररहेजियन d.Aldiatc/एजडडएट
14. The biogas used for cooking is mixture of which of the following? िानािकानेकेजिएइस्िेमािककयािानेवािाबायोगैसजनम्नजिजििमेंसेककसकाजमश्रणहै? a. Carbon dioxide & oxygen/काबतनडाइऑक्साइडऔरऑक्सीिन b. Isobutane & propane/आइसोबूटेनऔरप्रोिेन c. Methane & Carbon monoxide/मीथेनऔरकाबतनमोनोऑक्साइड d. Methane & Carbon dioxide/मीथेनऔरकाबतनडाइऑक्साइड 15. From the following, who was the first woment speaker of Lok Sabha जनम्नजिजििमेंसे, िोकसभाकेिहिेअध्यक्षकौनथे a. Sushma Swaraj/सुषमास्वराि b. Margret Alva/मागेटअडवा b. Meera Kumar/मीराकुमार d. Sarojini Naidu/सरोजिनीनायडू 16. Which of the following wind is blowing from the Mediterranean sea to the North Western भूमध्यसागरसेउत्तरिजिमीिकजनम्नमेंसेकौनसीहवाबहरहीहै a. Western disturbances/िजिमीजवक्षोभ b. Norwesters/नॉवेस्टसत c. Loo/अस्िर d. Mango showers/आमकीबौछार 17. Azolla increases soil fertility for एिोिाजमट्टीकीउवतरिाबढािाहै a. maize cultivation/मक्काकीिेिी b. wheat cultivation/गेहिंकीिेिी c. barley cultivation/िौकीिेिी d. rice cultivation/चाविकीिेिी 18. Which of the following is not provided in the constitution? सिंजविानमेंजनम्नजिजििमेंसेक्याप्रिाननहींककयागयाहै? a. Election Commission/चुनावआयोग b. Finance Commission/जवत्तआयोग c. Public Service Commission/िोकसेवाआयोग d. Planning Commission/योिनाआयोग 19. What is the popular name of Monolithic rock shrines at Mahabalipuram? महाबिीिुरममेंअििंडित्थरकेमिंकिरोंकािोकजप्रयनामक्याहै? a. Rathas/राठस b. Prasadas/प्रसािास c. Mathika/माजथका d. Gandhakuti/गिंिकुटी 20. What is the name of the device used to convert alternating current into direct current? प्रत्याविीिाराकोप्रत्याविीिारामेंबििनेकेजिएप्रयुक्तउिकरणकाक्यानामहै? a. Ammeter/एजममटर b. Galvanometer/गिवानोमेटेर c. Rectifer/रेजक्टकफएर
d. Transformer/ट्ािंसफामतर 21. Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt quickly? चूरामेंिमीबफतिडिीक्योंनहींजिघििी? a. Sawdust does not allow the air to touch the ice चूराहवाकोबफतकोछूनेकीअनुमजिनहींिेिाहै b. The water is aborbed by sawdust िानीचूराद्वाराअवशोजषिककयािािाहै c. Sawdust is bad conductor of heat चूरागमीकाबुरासिंवाहकहै d. Sawdust is good conductor of head चूराजसरकाअच्छाकिंडक्टरहै 22. Which layer of the earth's atmosphere contains the ozone layer? िृथ्वीकेवायुमिंडिकीककसिरिमेंओिोनिरिहोिीहै? a. Troposphere/ट्ोिोस्फीयर b. Mesosphere/मेसोस्फीयर c. Ionosphere/िोनोस्फीयर d. Stratosphere/स्ट्ेटोस्फीयर 23. Where is the Great Barrier Reef located? ग्रेटबैररयररीफकहााँजस्थिहै? a. Pacific Ocean/प्रशािंिमहासागर b. Atlantic Ocean/अटिािंरटकमहासागर c. Arctic Ocean/आकतरटकमहासागर d. Arctic Ocean/आकतरटकमहासागर For explanation click on the link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeUzUtl2Tj8&t=730s vipangoyal13 | vipangoyal13 | vipangoyal13