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Pathway to the Governance of HE Quality in China. Jinghuan Shi 史静寰 Institute of Education, 教育研究院 Tsinghua University 清华大学. 1. QA-QBB : Major issues at global, national (regional) and institutional (agency) perspectives. A global issue in a national context;
Pathway totheGovernanceofHE Quality in China Jinghuan Shi 史静寰 Institute of Education, 教育研究院 Tsinghua University 清华大学 1
QA-QBB: Major issues at global, national (regional) and institutional (agency) perspectives • A global issue in a national context; • A national issue in the global context; • A global issue in a national context with an institutional concern; I’ll put the quality issue of HE in a global context with a special concern of China and Tsinghua University will be used as a case on the bases of governing the quality.
Cent. G Government What’s the role of these agencies? How do they play the role? Local G Independent Agencies for Eva. or Accedi. Institutional Employer Academic Market Program Newspaper Triangle Model of the QA system
Changing Context Globally • Knowledge-based society and knowledge-driven” growth model; • world village and global citizen; • (higher) education becomes more crucial for any countries . • Three major trends of HE: massification, marketization, globalization • Three major themes in HE: equitability, excellence, efficiency China is strongly influenced by all the global trends and issues in higher education.
China’s changing role in the world • The explosive growth of the Chinese economy in the past 30 years has made China: • the second largest economic entity; • the second largest country in the field of international trades; • the second largest power in scientific and technology; • the second largest country in comprehensive competitiveness. China is trying to change from the largest "workshop of the world” to an innovation-driven platform.
China’s attitude and policy in global time • China's economic development has entered a new normal. The country is in a crucial period. • We need to develop twin engines to drive development: popular entrepreneurship and innovation, paired with increased supplies of public goods and services, achieving a better-quality, more efficient, upgraded economy. • China(NPC2015): Promoting the equitable development of education and improving its quality. Enabling people change their fate through education. -GovernmentWork Report2015-
HEexpansion:Students increasing in three countries:Sweden, France and China Sweden France China 1960: 35,000 1965: 70,000 1971:150,000 Tripled within 10 years on the bases of 10 thousand. 1998: 6,430,000; 2002: 16,000,000 2005: 23,000,000 Tripled within 8 years on the bases of 1 million. 1960: 200,000 1965: 400,000 1975: 800,000. Tripled within 15 years on the bases of 100 thousand. Big increase of student numbers
China’s higher education development • “China is building the fastest growing system–in quality as well as in quantity–in the world. China higher education is entering the time of investment, growth, experimentation, and internationalization”. • “To rise is not necessarily to lead”. The foremost global powers of the past all offered models in the realms of culture, ideas, and education. Are Chinese universities poised for global leadership? -William C. Kirby, Quantitative expansion of HE? Yes, has been achieved. Quality improvement of HE? No, a long way to go.
Students mobility internationally Open Door Report 2013 shows: • the total number of international students studying in the US. is 819,644, increased by 7 % over the prior year, at a record high. • 29% of international students come from China, India (12%) and Korea(9%). • the total number of American students studying abroad for academic credits is 283,332, grew by 3% over the prior year, also at the record high. • Leading destinations of US. Students are UK(12%), Italy(11%), Spain(9%). France(6%), China (5%).
Howe to identify quality of HE? Quality of education is a multi-level and dimensional concept. • quality as excellence: • quality as fitness for purposes: • quality as responsiveness: • quality as improvement or enhancement: • qualityassatisfaction: students The second round nation-wide evaluation of undergraduate education in China started in 2012 emphasized the items in red.
How to evaluate HE: major trends • International standard or benchmarks based on the “substantial equivalence” principal, like “Bologna Process”in Europe and “Washington Accord” in engineering. • Student learning centered: emphasizing student learning process and experience. • Evidence based and value added: based on the student’s performance and learning outcomes. • Improvement focused or : using assessment as a tool of improvement.
2012-16 2011 2003 2002 1999 1994-95 1990 Late 80s Brief review of HE evaluation in China 1980-2015 2nd round national evaluation of undergraduate edu. National outline of educational reform and development () Evaluation system of every five years Evaluation of teaching levels randomly Evaluation of overall levels of undergraduate education Evaluation of qualification and excellence Evaluation Starts in engineering MOE, Temporary regulation of evaluation in regular higher education institutions
Basic Structure of the Evaluation System in China Ministry of Education (MOE) Ministry of Education (MOE) Department of Higher Education, MOE HE Evaluation Center of MOE Department of HE, MOE National Expert Commission, Regular HEIs of MOE National Expert Panel National Expert Commission of Evaluation, Regular HEIs of MOE National Expert Panel of Evaluation Higher Education Institutions Higher Education Institutions
National Evaluation System in Chinawith Five Forms of Activities Institutions are the major actors for the QA and QI Third party evaluation is a crucial factors influencing the evaluation process. Integration Routine data and every day experience work in the evidence-based evaluation. Program accreditation based on international standards is a new element in building.
GENERAL APPROACH TARGETED APPROACH Context Expanding higher education opportunities Target All higher education institutions (HEIs) Actions Action Plan for Invigorating Education (1998-2002) New Action Plan for Invigorating Education (2003-2007) Quality-increasing Project in higher education1 (2005) Context Limited resources and high demand for quality Target Selected HEIs with better conditions and higher academic reputation Actions Key Construction Project (1985-1995) “211” Project (1993): 108 universities “985” Project (1998): 39 universities Main approaches in Improving HE quality in China
Three types of quality increasing strategies • State-led:withaclearnationalgoal,stronglysupportedbythestateanddirectlyunderthesupervisionofthegovernment. • University(institution)-led:directlytargetinstitutionalneeds,withmoreacademicautonomyanddeepercooperationwithintheuniversity. • Government/universitycooperation: integratethegoals ofbothstateandinstitutions,balancetheinterestsofthetwosides. With joint efforts from the governments, universities and other relevant forces, China is building a new quality governance system with the feature of student learning-centered, behavior evidence-based, process improvement-focused.
Tsinghua Global Vision Lectures Meeting with global leading figures “The world is globalising quickly -- exchanges have never been so rich, nor connections so deep.” — Ms. Irina Bokova at Tsinghua in June, 2014
Providing international programs: the International Master of Public Administration ( IMPA ) program in Tsinghua The International Master of Public Administration ( IMPA ) program is a one-year English degree program offered by Tsinghua University. It is designed for government officials from developing countries and focuses on enhancing cooperation and exchanges between those countries and China. 2008-2013, 199 students from 66 developing countries were trained in this program.
SchwarzmanCollege and Scholar Program In April 2013, Tsinghua launched the starting ceremony for the “Schwarzman ScholarProgram with donations of 300 million US dollars from S. Schwarzman and the worldtop 500 companies. Selection of 100 students from 9000 applicants in 2016. The Schwarzman College in Tsinghua campus, a master piece of culture mixture.
“Schwarzman Scholarhip”inTsinghua • Thetarget:select200bestundergraduates(45%fromtheUS,20%fromChinaandtherestsfromotherpartsoftheworld)annuallyfromtheworldtopuniversitiesfor1yearmasterdegreestudiesinTsinghuafocusingonthreeareas:internationalrelations,economyandpublicpolicies. • Thegoal:cultivatefutureleaderswitha globalvision,understandChinesecultureandsociety,geartopromotingtheworldpeaceandhumancivilizations. • Coursesandtrainingmethods:integratingglobalvisionwithChina’sperspective,havingabetterunderstandingoftheworldfuturethroughdeepinvestigationstothecomplexityoftheChinesesociety in a social transition.
the EstablishmentofGlobal Innovation Exchange Institute (GIX)intheUS With $40 million in foundational support from Microsoft, Tsinghua University and University of Washington create groundbreaking partnership with launch of the Global Innovation Exchange Institute (GIX)inOct. 18, 2015 in Seattle , providing master’s degree in technology innovation. GIX marks the first time a Chinese research university has established a physical presence in the US. Chinese President Xi Jinping Presents Gift to GIXinSep.24,2015.
“xuetangX.com”onlinecourses in Tsinghua University 《中国建筑史》 • xuetangX.com has over 500 online courses with 1.7 million registered students from 200 countries • Introducing MIT courses on entrepreneurship , improving education in innovation and entrepreneurship.
Geographicaldistributionofstudents on MOOC Young women Professor Xiao in Tsinghua University Taught on MOOC. 92,758 students from 201 countries took her class in 2014, with 4320 got certificates.
China College Student Survey(CCSS)in China • Adapted from the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) in US. in 2009 • Focuses on student learning and engagement in college • 115 HEIs participated and over 200,000 students have been sampled by 2015.
Comparison of students in “985” Project universities in China withRU/H in the US on the Five Benchmarks based on the data collected in 2011 • Chinese students perform as good as American students in SCE and EEE. • There is no big differences in ACE between the two countries. • Chinese students get much lower scores in LAC and SFI (>0.5)。
Governing the quality: a case in Tsinghua • Four programs in engineering in Tsinghua University had the ABET (Accreditation Board of Engineering and Technology ) accreditations and the external expert team did the evaluation last month. (internal/external quality assurance and accreditation system. ) • Tsinghua recently started a council on undergraduate and post-graduate education with members are volunteer or elected students. They will participate the policy making process in teaching and learning and represent students voices. (bottom-up and participatory method) • Student survey on learning engagement has been implemented in Tsinghua for 7 years, providing student’s experience for improving.
Governing the quality: a long journey • “Governance” and “quality” are wicked problems in higher education policy. They are almost impossible to resolve. • Student learning must be positioned as a core objective within institutional and system-level governance arrangements. Enhancing quality must be a key objective of governance reform. -Glen A. Jones :” Governing Quality: Positioning Student Learning as a Core Objective of Institutional and System-Level Governance”