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Looking for tips to grow your business amidst the intensive competition? Implement strategies like landing page optimisation to bring in more leads.
LANDINGPAGE OPTIMISATION An Insight to Proper LandingPage Optimisation
Definition oflanding pageoptimisation Landing page optimisation can be defined as the process to increase conversions from audiences who visit the target pages. It can also be defined as the sub-set of CRO (Conversion Rate Optimisation)andconsistoftechniqueslikeA/Btesting.
01 HEADING ANDSUB-HEADING The objective behind headings is not only to sell itemsor services, insteadto establish a connection with the visitors and convince them to avail the same. Hence, your priority must always be to optimise them. Integrate a heading and sub-headings that are attractive enough for visitors to stay on your page and navigate theofferings.
02 COPY The second important thing for landing page optimisation is to keep draft copies that help to intrigue visitors. Note that the copies must be crisp and concise, and list them with bullet points. Following is an example of a website’s landing page having a superbcopy.
03 IMAGE Images play another vital role in making avisitor stayonapageforalongtime.Theycaneasily resonatewiththepicturesavailableonthe landingpage.Alwaysuseimagesthatdepict your brand, business orofferings.
04 CTA (CALL TOACTION) CTAs hold power to make a visitor buyyour product or avail services. Therefore, CTAs must always be crafted in a manner that it is attractive, impactful and at the same timecompelling.
05 FORMS If your website’s landing page contains a form, make surethat they are placed on the right position. Also, please keep it simple and straightforward, andput questions that are relevant. This enhances the chances of fillingthem.
06 • SOCIALPROOFING You can use social proofing in theform of infographics ortestimonials representing company names that are connected with your business. Like for instance, if your page is targeted to audiences who are students, it can be fruitful if you provide testimonials from individuals of similar agegroup.
07 ONLINECHAT Visitors prefer online chats and appreciatethe same when they find assistance then and there. This helps in not only building brand trust but also invoke a satisfactory feeling. Take a look at the image below how Intercom utilises online chat sessions to engage a visitor on the landingpage.
As landing pages are hugely responsible forreceiving a considerable number of new leads, they require attention. Hence, proper landing page optimisationis necessary for your brand or business to grow effectively. You can even take the assistance ofwell- knowncontentwritingservicesforthesame.
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